Equipment Upgrade Promotes Rapid Development of China's Tourism Industry Tourism | China | Equipment

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 07:30 AM

Tianjin, September 3 (Xinhua) - Panoramic windows, intelligent control devices... Walking into the tourism equipment section of the 13th China Tourism Industry Expo, a 38 square meter "space cabin" with a strong sense of technology has attracted many viewers.

"Flexibility, naturalness, and greenness are the key words for small houses." Li Jianli, the general manager of Tianjin Lvchuan Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of "spacecraft small houses," said that small houses do not require complicated foundation construction and do not have high requirements for setting up locations, allowing passengers to have "zero distance contact" with the beautiful scenery. In addition, the cabin is made of materials such as space aluminum panels, and the overall structural service life can reach over 50 years, which can also be recycled and reused.

"With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more tourists are pursuing personalized, experiential, and comfortable travel." Li Jianli said that the company provides services for scenic spots, resorts, hotels, camping bases, etc., and has been applied in many scenic spots such as Jizhou District and Dongdaihe in Tianjin.

The audience boarded a RV to experience the 13th China Tourism Industry Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Fanyue

In recent years, China's tourism equipment has accelerated innovation, promoting the rapid development of the tourism industry. According to data from the Mafengwo platform, since March this year, the popularity of "camping" has increased by 115% year-on-year, with the popularity of "camping gameplay" increasing by 230%. According to data from Qichacha, as of now, there are 113900 camping related enterprises in China, and since 2023, a total of 30300 new camping related enterprises have been added.

The rich tourism gameplay has accelerated the innovation speed of tourism equipment. The new variety and quality of personal light tourism equipment such as camping, ice and snow, water and underwater, and mountain tourism are constantly increasing.

Supporting lounge chairs, lotus tents... Xiamen Feiyue Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., which is attending the Tianjin conference for the first time, brought many flagship products.

Equipment Upgrade Promotes Rapid Development of China's Tourism Industry Tourism | China | Equipment

"In the past, many tourists were accustomed to the 'check-in style travel' of 'getting on the car to sleep and taking photos at the station', but now people hope to experience life, get close to nature, and have more diverse travel styles and methods." Zhang Tianyi, the marketing department specialist of the company, said that many camping sites also hope to cooperate with the company to create differentiated and personalized travel scenes.

Some tents are equipped with transparent star windows on the top, allowing you to "look up at the starry sky" while lying indoors; Some tents have a diameter of up to 6 meters and can accommodate 5 beds at the same time... Zhang Tianyi said that in order to better meet the needs of tourists, the company has not only designed and developed various products, but also provided "one-stop" tourism services.

"At present, in addition to our main tent products, we can also create supporting camping equipment such as stoves and lounge chairs, making it easier and more convenient for tourists to travel." Zhang Tianyi said that since its establishment in 2009, the company's business has spread worldwide and has also established three branches both domestically and internationally.

With the continuous emergence of new materials, new processes, and new technologies, technological progress is also driving the development and innovation of tourism equipment.

Viewers check in at a landscape wall at the 13th China Tourism Industry Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Fanyue

In recent years, water sports enthusiasts have been increasing, and the consumer space for underwater tourism equipment has become even broader. To this end, Tianjin Hi Wave Technology Co., Ltd., which focuses on "Internet of Things+Underwater New Life," has designed and developed a "hydrophilic treasure box" that integrates intelligent recognition, charging control, and digital network technology, which has attracted the attention of many customers at the exhibition.

Various hydrophilic "trendy" products such as water flying boards, underwater flying machines, and underwater motorcycles can be hidden in boxes, serving tourist groups such as seaside vacations, swimming and fitness, diving experiences, and water parks.

Equipment Upgrade Promotes Rapid Development of China's Tourism Industry Tourism | China | Equipment

"On the one hand, technological innovation has responded to people's exploration of new underwater needs, further tapping into consumer potential; on the other hand, we have also continuously achieved technological breakthroughs and won the respect and recognition of customers with our 'hard power'." Chen Chunchao, Regional Business Director of Tianjin Helang Technology Co., Ltd., said that as of March this year, the company's direct sharing business has entered 34 cities in China, with more than 100 customers. ".

According to data released by the World Tourism Organization, for every 1 yuan in revenue from the tourism industry, it can drive an increase of 4.3 yuan in revenue for related industries, which can affect, drive, and promote the development of 110 related industries. Recently, Chinese tourism equipment manufacturing enterprises, as well as investment in tourist attractions and new construction and renovation projects of tourist destinations, have become more active.

Since the beginning of this year, the supply chain of China's tourism industry has rapidly improved, with abundant supply of tourism products and services, continuous deepening of innovation in cultural and tourism integration formats, and continuous expansion of "tourism+" and "+tourism" application scenarios.

Yao Jun, President of China Amusement Park Association and Chairman of China Tourism Scenic Area Association, said that continuous innovation in tourism equipment, consumption scenarios, cultural and tourism integration, and technological empowerment will become an important engine to promote the high-quality development of China and even the world's tourism industry in the future.

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