Dreaming of being searched and flipping through "Duke Zhou's Dream", a director from Sichuan fell off guard! After receiving 1 million, celebrate by drinking alone

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:46 PM

On September 6th, Lianjie Sichuan released a document revealing the corruption case of Bu Xizhi, former Party Secretary and Director of the Grain Bureau in Junlian County, Yibin City.

Bu Xizhi, male, born in October 1968, from Junlian, Sichuan. He joined the work in July 1988 and joined the CPC in January 1995. He once served as the Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the former Grain Bureau of Junlian County. In April 2022, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Junlian County.

In July 2022, Bu Xizhi was expelled from the Party and held public office due to serious violations of Party discipline, constituting illegal duties and suspected of committing crimes; In November 2022, he was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment and fined 410000 yuan in accordance with the law for committing the crime of bribery.

Bu Xizhi, Party Secretary and Director of the former Grain Bureau in Junlian County, Yibin City

"A big mistake has been made, and there is no medicine for regret in life. Now, thinking about it, if I had not collected that money in the past, everything would have been so good. The credit was placed there, and the Party and the people would remember it. But after receiving the money, everything has changed. What credit is there to talk about? Life will always be branded with shame." Bu Xizhi, who was left indoors, felt heartbroken, but it was already of no use.

Forgetting the original intention

Psychological imbalance trapped in a situation

When I was a child, my family was very poor and I lived a very difficult life. The platform provided by the organization helped me achieve the first half of my life. In my work, I dared to struggle and face challenges, and achieved some success. Before being transferred to the grain system, Bu Xizhi had worked in disciplinary inspection and supervision, and was well aware of the harm of greed. However, after the job change, he did not stick to his original intention, and "corruption" quietly emerged.

At the end of 2007, Bu Xizhi was transferred to the position of former director of the Grain Bureau in Yunlian County. There were many things that required his signature and approval, and the entertainment at the liquor bureau naturally increased. Seeing the bosses eating big meals and drinking good wine, Bu Xizhi felt envious and envious, believing that "a life with taste and taste is worth living", gradually evolving from shallow "tasting" to immersing himself in the "bureau".

"How much benefit can this boss give me? How does this unit have power, what kind of power does it have? How can I 'make good use of' my power, and how can I balance power and money?" has become the most thought-provoking question for Bu Xizhi, who is trapped in the "situation".

Be bold and act recklessly

Use the project as a "cash cow"

During a county-level grain reserve procurement, Bu Xizhi received a 50000 yuan "thank you fee" from a grain supplier. He was pleasantly surprised to find that "as long as there is a project, someone will come to you, and someone will come to give you money.".

Dreaming of being searched and flipping through "Duke Zhou's Dream", a director from Sichuan fell off guard! After receiving 1 million, celebrate by drinking alone

Realizing this "way of making money", Bu Xizhi began to find ways to "research" the project and put in a lot of effort to "optimize" the plan. Under the guise of "ensuring food security in the county", he successfully won the development of the Chengbei Grain Station and the construction of a new grain depot project. How can this "money tree" better "bloom and bear fruit"? Bu Xizhi began to organize bidding with great enthusiasm, and at this moment, the construction contractor Hu entered Bu Xizhi's sight.

In order to compete for the main engineering project of Haiying Grain and Oil Industrial Park in Yunlian County and the low-temperature grain depot project of Haiying Grain and Oil Industrial Park, Hu found someone to lead the way and recommended himself to Bu Xizhi. After learning about Hu's "attitude" and "sincerity," the two of them colluded and colluded. Bu Xizhi promises to provide assistance to Hu in project construction, fund allocation, project acceptance, and other aspects. From 2014 to 2016, Hu tacitly visited Bu Xizhi six times, and within two years, Bu Xizhi received a total of 1.84 million yuan in gratitude from Hu. At the end of 2016, Bu Xizhi received a one-time cash gift of 1 million yuan from Hu.

"At that time, the madness was unimaginable, and the scene of receiving one million yuan is still vivid in my memory. I couldn't wait to take it home. That night, I watched it many times and felt that 'life is full of joy', and this kind of thing cannot be shared with others. So, I opened a bottle of wine in the storage room alone to celebrate, watching the two money bags open and drink, and drinking him until he was drunk. While drinking, I thought to myself, thinking that I was too poor when I was young, and now I see how powerful and capable Old Bu is..." In his confession, Bu Xizhi wrote.

In order to maximize the realization of his power, Bu Xizhi will also take the opportunity to "pluck hair" in areas that are not under his jurisdiction. From 2015 to 2017, one can see Bu Xizhi's hardworking figure in the procurement of grain from China Grain Reserves and County Grain Reserves, the development of grain station plots, the leasing of grain station dams, as well as investment attraction and asset acquisition.

After investigation, from 2014 to 2021, Bu Xizhi received bribes totaling over 2.3 million yuan.

Devotion of faith

Do not believe in Marxism, believe in ghosts and gods

What's even more ridiculous is that as a party member and leading cadre, Bu Xizhi tied his political future and destiny to feudal superstition, and his party spirit principles, political beliefs, and moral defenses have long been lost and collapsed. Faced with the organizational investigation, Bu Xizhi sought guidance from a fortune teller while holding the idea that "is it certain that something will happen to me?" He comforted himself and felt lucky, attempting to avoid the "disaster.".

According to Bu Xizhi's description, "I used my power to 'earn' my first one million yuan in life, and I was very excited. That night, I dreamed that I was investigated by the discipline inspection commission, and I was shocked to break out in a cold sweat. After waking up, I immediately went to read 'Duke Zhou's Dream Interpretation', and after reading it, I felt that there was no problem, so I went to work with peace of mind." Bu Xizhi, who had taken the 'peace of mind pill', did not know that the life-saving straw of 'ghosts and gods' was not' saving lives'. A smooth career was not achieved through 'Duke Zhou's Dream Interpretation', but through his down-to-earth work.

With the strong promotion of the special rectification in the grain field, Bu Xizhi, who had a "ghost" in his heart, relied on alcohol to numb himself all day. After several fortune tellers asked him to predict whether he would be imprisoned, after repeated psychological struggles, Bu Xizhi, who was sitting like a needle felt, finally couldn't sit still

"On the night I surrendered to the organization, I had a good night's sleep, which was the most secure night I have slept in recent times." Bu Xizhi felt relieved in the detention room.

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