Digitalization empowers "intelligent consolidation" to accelerate the "flight" of Chinese packages to the world

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:59 PM

The interconnection of the transportation infrastructure of the "the Belt and Road" has made the logistics transportation between countries more convenient. In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, allowing people to buy global good goods without leaving their homes. With the empowerment of digitization and the establishment of a smart supply chain system, overseas consumers who are thousands of miles away can receive Chinese packages faster without having to spend extra shipping costs. How was this achieved?

In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a warehouse of over 20000 square meters is filled with small commodities that are about to be shipped to overseas markets, and sorting machines are operating at high speed day and night. This is currently the largest cross-border consolidation warehouse in East China, which coincides with the promotion season of major e-commerce platforms in recent days. On average, it processes up to 1 million cross-border packages per day and will be shipped to more than ten countries and regions around the world.

In the vast warehouse, various types of goods are scattered in over 800 compartments. When and where to pick up the goods? The constantly flashing green light guides the staff in the direction.

Logistics Group East China consolidation warehouse staff Chen Xing: The green light is on, indicating that all the packages in this compartment have been collected. All of the packages from one customer are destined for the United States. Some are sent from Hangzhou, some are sent from Kunshan, and they are sent to our warehouse at different times and locations. They are packaged into "whole family buckets" and sent to customers.

Digitalization empowers "intelligent consolidation" to accelerate the "flight" of Chinese packages to the world

Intelligent consolidation

Unified shipping saves money and is efficient

Combining small packages purchased by the same customer in different cities into a large package and shipping it out together is known as "intelligent consolidation" in the industry.

Li Mengzhi, the head of intelligent consolidation technology at the logistics group: We will calculate which packages can be consolidated based on big data such as flights and distances. Generally, for packages that take about 1 to 3 days, we will provide consolidation upgrade services.

Digitalization empowers "intelligent consolidation" to accelerate the "flight" of Chinese packages to the world

After intelligent consolidation, packages are delivered from storage centers across the country, sorted by machines, and stored in different compartments. Once all other consolidated packages are received, they can be packaged into a large package and shipped together. If the value of the goods reaches a certain standard, they can be upgraded from regular mail to air express. Consumers don't have to pay extra shipping fees and can receive packages faster. At present, this business has covered more than 50 countries and regions worldwide.

Smart data not only enables cross-border packages to arrive faster. It is also possible to analyze which goods should be prepared and how to improve efficiency. In the large integrated overseas warehouse of Bremen, Germany, sorting robots are running back and forth, and their accuracy can reach 99.99%. This independent distribution line can pre sort packages.

Smart Supply Chain Management System

International express delivery achieves "digital visualization"

Digitalization empowers "intelligent consolidation" to accelerate the "flight" of Chinese packages to the world

Based on a smart supply chain management system, some international express deliveries have achieved "digital visualization". Goods are shipped from domestic warehouses to consumers, and not only can consumers check at any time, but merchants can also view logistics progress through real-time backend.

Ekweh Semie, the outbound team leader of the logistics group's Bremen warehouse in Germany: This system can help us manage the warehouse. How many orders do we have today? Here, we can display how many orders have been issued on that day and how much remains to be processed.

Since the beginning of this year, China's express delivery industry has integrated various transportation resources by sea, land, air, and rail, accelerated the construction of overseas channels, and put into operation smart logistics hubs in Jakarta, Indonesia, as well as distribution centers in Dallas and Chicago, USA. This has further enhanced the logistics radiation capacity in Southeast Asia and North America.

The express delivery business volume in the first seven months increased by 15.5% year-on-year to 70.3 billion pieces

Digitalization empowers "intelligent consolidation" to accelerate the "flight" of Chinese packages to the world

In the first seven months of this year, China's postal industry completed a total of 87.37 billion postal services, a year-on-year increase of 12.8%. Among them, the cumulative volume of express delivery business completed 70.3 billion items, a year-on-year increase of 15.5%. The cumulative volume of international/Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan express delivery services has reached 1.61 billion, a year-on-year increase of 57.2%.

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