Difficult to prove the safety of discharging into the sea, Japanese politicians are busy showing off

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:44 PM

To prove the so-called "safety" of nuclear contaminated water, Japanese politicians engage in various activities such as food broadcasting and Fukushima surfing, but the public is not convinced.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association, on the 6th, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who was attending the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia, explained and sought understanding on the "safety" of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea. Kishida reiterated that the discharge into the sea meets scientific standards and stated that relevant information will continue to be released in an open and transparent manner in the future.

Japanese politician Fukushima surfer criticized for "stupid political propaganda"

Recently, Japanese politicians led by Kishida have been promoting the so-called "safety" of nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea through various channels. It can be said to be a complete renovation and brain teaser.

Difficult to prove the safety of discharging into the sea, Japanese politicians are busy showing off

Former Japanese Environment Minister and former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's son, Shinjiro Koizumi, went surfing on the coast of Fukushima Prefecture three days ago, and then tasted halibut sashimi in front of the camera.

Japanese politicians take turns performing "food broadcasting" and are being questioned for "showing off". Some Japanese netizens pointed out that "it won't immediately become apparent, so it's not convincing to just say 'safe'." Some people also sarcastically said, "These behaviors are typical foolish political propaganda.". Someone questioned, "Do these people think that eating fish and surfing to promote 'safety' can make the people feel at ease? Are they serious? Is this contemptuous of the current situation in Fukushima?"

Fukushima group will officially sue! Request to stop the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea

According to Jiji Press recently, Fukushima citizen groups are preparing to sue the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company to stop the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The plaintiff's legal team stated that the formal lawsuit is scheduled for September 8th, and the number of plaintiffs is expected to exceed 100, including fishing related personnel and victims of nuclear power plant accidents.

Difficult to prove the safety of discharging into the sea, Japanese politicians are busy showing off

The Japanese Self Defense Force is required to prioritize the digestion of Fukushima aquatic products

According to Nikkei News, in order to expand domestic demand and compensate for export losses, the Japanese government has requested the Japanese Ministry of Defense and Self Defense Force to prioritize purchasing aquatic products from areas such as Fukushima. The highest commander and chief of maritime staff of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, Ryo Sakai, stated that he hopes to contribute to the expansion of consumption of Japanese aquatic products and will expand the promotion of menus containing Japanese aquatic products through social media in the future. In response, some Japanese netizens commented that the Japanese government's expansion of procurement by the Ministry of Defense and the Self Defense Force, without ensuring the safety of Fukushima seafood, has the suspicion of treating the Self Defense Forces as experimental subjects.

US lawmakers from both parties form a group to try Fukushima food as a Japanese platform

Not only that, Japan also has American lawmakers on its platform. According to Kyodo News Agency, US Ambassador to Japan Emmanuel visited the Fukushima Prefectural Museum in Nihonbashi, Tokyo on the 4th with a delegation of US House of Representatives visiting Japan to try fish cake made from Fukushima ingredients. The US House of Representatives delegation visiting Japan this time is composed of more than ten members from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Kyodo News specifically mentioned that Emmanuel claimed that "mandatory measures cannot be accepted" regarding China's comprehensive suspension of imports of Japanese aquatic products.

Difficult to prove the safety of discharging into the sea, Japanese politicians are busy showing off

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been exposed for applying for a huge "public relations fee" to deal with negative news of sea discharge

The Japan Broadcasting Association disclosed at the end of August that in response to negative information about Fukushima nuclear contaminated water on social media and other platforms, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has formulated a strengthened response policy and applied for a "public relations budget" of over 70 billion yen. This move has been criticized by netizens: they are very calculating in dealing with nuclear contaminated water, but are willing to spend money on image public relations.

Japan submits written documents to the WTO, and China responds

The Japanese government submitted a written document to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on September 4th, arguing that "it is completely unacceptable to suspend imports and demands immediate revocation.". On September 5th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning reiterated China's solemn stance on the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea.

Difficult to prove the safety of discharging into the sea, Japanese politicians are busy showing off

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning

The Japanese side has forcibly discharged nuclear contaminated water into the ocean, which has been unprecedented since the peaceful use of nuclear energy by humans, and there is no recognized standard for disposal. The international community is generally concerned about the risks that Japan's actions pose to the marine environment and public safety, and has taken preventive measures. China's relevant measures are completely legitimate, reasonable, and necessary.

New Media of China Central Television's Mandarin Global Program Center

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