Co branded marketing brings both fame and fortune to enterprises?, Morning Reading | "Sauce flavored Latte" Big Fire

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:20 PM

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, on the 22nd day of the seventh lunar month, Shanghai will be cloudy to cloudy with scattered short-term showers or thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 26 to 32 ℃

Focus on Today

"Sauce flavored latte" is on the rise, and joint marketing is bringing both fame and fortune to enterprises?

※ On September 4, the new product "Maotai Latte", jointly named by Ruixing Coffee and Kweichow Moutai, was punched out by young people. The reporter searched for this product yesterday and found that many Ruixingmen stores in the urban area of Shanghai have already sold out.

The clerk of Ruixing Coffee Shanghai International Group Building told the reporter that their main raw material, Baijiu flavored thick milk, had been used up the day before yesterday, so this "sauce flavored latte" has always been sold out. At noon, he borrowed a batch of raw materials from a distant store, which could make dozens of cups, but it was sold out in just ten minutes after being put on the shelves.

According to the reporter's calculation, if the alcohol concentration per cup is around 0.2 to 0.3 degrees, then one bottle of Feitian Maotai can make about 221 "sauce flavored lattes". According to Luckin's announcement of 5.42 million first day sales, Luckin will use nearly 25000 bottles of Maotai on the first day. Under the explosive situation, there are still doubts about whether the supply of raw materials for subsequent products is guaranteed.

However, regardless of the situation, Luckin's launch of the "Sauce flavored Latte" has achieved "effective collaboration" in terms of both recognition and sales. From the shattered dreams of Wall Street, to making a comeback with over 10000 stores, and then to breaking through marketing circles, what did Luckin do right?

Please refer to the focus of today's Liberation Daily 5th edition>>

※ Extended Reading

How many more days can sauce flavored lattes sell? Understanding the Secret of Maotai Coffee in One Picture | See>>

How will the release of national standards for alcohol testing affect drunk driving testing? | For details, please refer to>>

§ Reading newspapers

Writing a New Chapter of "Fengqiao Experience" with the Method of Governance and Thinking

In Shanghai, a modern metropolis, a large number of contradictions and disputes contain complex economic and legal relationships. Only by using the law can problems be fundamentally solved. In recent years, under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Hongkou Public Security Sub bureau has continuously explored and improved the "three linkage" mechanism, integrated multiple forces, listened to the demands of the masses, and provided legal services, striving to eliminate conflicts and disputes at the source and resolve them at the grassroots level, and using governance thinking to write a new chapter of the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era.

See today's Liberation Daily 1st edition for details

The Yangtze River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, originates from the roof of the world, passes through high mountains and canyons, and flows into the sea, nourishing the long-standing Chinese civilization and nurturing hardworking and brave Chinese children.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 3rd edition>>

Why are there fewer and fewer metal balls on rural rooftops in Zhejiang

Every once in a while, there will be lamentations about the beauty of rural areas in Jiangnan on the internet. To become a beautiful countryside, money is not everything. To build beautiful farmhouses, it is necessary to coordinate with the overall appearance of the village and be practical. This task is not so simple

See today's Liberation Daily 9th edition for details


Placing firm ideals, beliefs, and purposes in a prominent position

Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

For details, please refer to>>

Shanghai's private enterprises saw a 15% increase in imports and exports in the first seven months

In the first seven months of this year, there were 52000 foreign trade enterprises in Shanghai with import and export performance, of which private enterprises accounted for 30.1%, with an import and export amount of 753.18 billion yuan, a growth rate of 15.2%, and have become the accelerator of Shanghai's foreign trade growth

See today's Liberation Daily 1st edition for details

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open at the end of the year

Shanghai Disney Resort has unveiled the world's first "Zootopia" theme park, which is also the eighth largest theme park of Shanghai Disneyland. The main attraction of the new park is called "Zootopia: Heat Tracking", and the theme park is planned to open by the end of this year.

For details, please refer to>>

※ Shencheng SMS

The policy of comprehensive industrial land use was first implemented in Zhangjiang | See details>>

Co branded marketing brings both fame and fortune to enterprises?, Morning Reading | "Sauce flavored Latte" Big Fire

2023 FIFA Esports Intercontinental Cup settled in Shanghai

The Seventh Hospital of the City has opened up the "last mile" of maritime rescue | See details>>


Scientifically planning and meticulously organizing the second batch of thematic education

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 3rd edition>>

Ten Stable Growth Plans for Key Industrial Industries Introduced

Steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, machinery, automobiles, power equipment, light industry, and electronic information manufacturing together account for about 70% of the above scale industries, all of which have the characteristics of long industrial chains and high correlation. In the first seven months of this year, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 3.8% year-on-year, and overall maintained a recovery and positive development trend. Industrial fixed assets investment increased by 8.5% year on year, maintaining steady expansion.

Deepen market integration and business development cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta region

On September 5th, under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce, the commercial authorities of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui jointly signed the "Cooperation Agreement on Deepening the Integration of Market and Business Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region" in Beijing.

※ Domestic SMS

The State Council issued the "Three Year Action Plan for Improving the Quality of Administrative Law Enforcement"

China Meteorological Administration: Typhoon intensity in China is relatively strong as it makes landfall this year

Personal income tax deferred pension insurance will be linked to personal pension

One arrow, four stars! The first successful sea launch of Ceres 1

Chen Jiadong, former director of the Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal People's Congress, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance


Zelensky used Crimeans to steer the Ministry of Defense

Analysts believe that Zelensky's change of leadership is mainly due to the pressure of the situation - the Ministry of Defense is deeply embroiled in a corruption scandal and the progress of the frontline counterattack is not smooth. The intention is to showcase the new image of the Ministry of Defense, enhance internal cohesion, and open up a new situation on the battlefield. However, this move may only have an indirect impact on the development of the war situation, and will not have a turning or even decisive impact.

For details, please refer to>>

Biden's campaign promotes economic issues, but people don't buy it

In recent months, Biden and his cabinet officials have been traveling to various parts of the United States, preaching "Biden economics.". However, a poll released by The Wall Street Journal on the 4th showed that "Biden Economics" did not convince voters, with 59% of voters not supporting Biden's economic policies, while the proportion of supporters was only 37%; 63% of voters do not support Biden's measures to address inflation and soaring costs of living, with only 34% of supporters.

The 43rd ASEAN Summit focuses on regional economic growth

The 43rd ASEAN Summit opened on the 5th in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Indonesian President Joko calls on member countries to build ASEAN into a cornerstone of cooperation, prosperity, peace, and stability.

※ International SMS

The new Thai cabinet is sworn in

The main line of the Sarajevo tram renovation project undertaken by a Chinese enterprise is connected

Saudi Arabia announces voluntary reduction of 1 million barrels of oil production until the end of December

Israel's new research utilizes "meta synergy" artificial intelligence tools to treat cancer

Multiple water bodies in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan are suspected to be contaminated by the Self Defense Forces

Guangming Current Review: Continuing to give prominence to the construction of ecological civilization | Ecology | Current Review
Guangming Current Review: Continuing to give prominence to the construction of ecological civilization | Ecology | Current Review

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Chen Ding June 5th is World Environment Day, and China has also legislated to designate June 5th as Environment Day every year. This year's theme is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature.".The ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development.

Strengthening Reform Investigation and Research (Commentator Observation) Department | Question | Commentator
Strengthening Reform Investigation and Research (Commentator Observation) Department | Question | Commentator

Investigation and research help to grasp the rapidly changing reality, fundamentally enhance the scientific, targeted, and effective nature of reform measures, adhere to problem orientation, enhance problem awareness, and focus more on areas and departments where contradictions and problems are concentrated. Truly understanding the situation, identifying problems accurately, and implementing countermeasures can achieve twice the result with half the effort in promoting reform and development. Overcoming risks and challenges can give us more confidence. Through visits, discussions, and interviews, we can understand the actual situation of grassroots reform and development; Focus on the key areas of reform, identify bottlenecks and difficulties, and carry out in-depth problem sorting and investigation;

Trinity New Technology Helps Grain Planting, Cost saving and Efficiency Improving Transplantation | Machine | New Technology Helps
Trinity New Technology Helps Grain Planting, Cost saving and Efficiency Improving Transplantation | Machine | New Technology Helps

CCTV News: In recent days, the planting and transplanting work of Jiangxi Zhongdao is fully underway. In Ji'an City, some areas have adopted a new technology of "three in one" for rice planting this year, which means that a machine can simultaneously complete transplanting, fertilization, and spraying, which can effectively save costs and increase efficiency. This is a rice field in Aocheng Town, Ji'an County, Ji'an City, where several agricultural machines are working in the field. These machines look the same as regular rice transplanters from the appearance, but the agricultural machinery operator told reporters that two new parts have been installed on the machine - a side deep fertilization and spraying device, which can complete rice transplants, fertilization, and spraying in one go. Not only does it save labor costs, but it can also fertilize seedlings more accurately. The side deep fertilization device can apply fertilizer to the soil at a depth of 3-5 centimeters on the side of seedlings, so that fertilization will not cause excessive fertility and problems such as root rot. Local grain grower king

Grasp these points | Gaokao gas station, exercise to relieve stress and welcome the Gaokao milestone. In addition, sports and gas stations
Grasp these points | Gaokao gas station, exercise to relieve stress and welcome the Gaokao milestone. In addition, sports and gas stations

The college entrance examination is a crucial milestone for every candidate and their family. During the pre exam period, candidates bear a great deal of mental pressure. Many candidates and parents are concerned that sports will not only squeeze their review time, but also pose certain risks. In case of muscle and bone injuries, it will also affect the exam. In fact, choosing a suitable exercise plan before the exam can not only improve the body's immune system and enhance disease resistance, but also regulate the candidate's tension, improve their physiological and psychological state, and be beneficial for pre exam review and exam performance. Here are some suggestions for exercising before exams, hoping to be helpful to everyone. The selection of suitable exercise methods before the exam varies from person to person, and each candidate's actual situation is different. The selected exercise items, amount of exercise, and exercise methods should also be different

Why is it selling well in the United States?, Painkillers that kill 560000 people | Medicine | Family | Saxony | Doctors | America | Purdue | Condin
Why is it selling well in the United States?, Painkillers that kill 560000 people | Medicine | Family | Saxony | Doctors | America | Purdue | Condin

Author: Mao Yufei In 1985, at the luxurious villa of the Sackler family, family members held an important meeting. Richard Sackler stood against the light, his face half bright and half dark. Richard is responsible for product development and marketing at the family founded Purdue Pharmaceutical Company, and is a pending successor. The patent for Mesconazole, which once generated 25% of sales for Purdue, is about to expire. Richard has proposed a heavyweight plan to his family's predecessors: to develop a new opioid drug specifically designed to alleviate moderate pain. For this plan, several seniors frowned and said, "Opioid drugs are easily addictive and cannot be used repeatedly." Richard's uncle Arthur Sackler nodded and then waved at Richard, saying, "Don't get your mind too stuck. The market needs to find ways to create it yourself.". In 2015, in a battle against