Brave sacrifice!, Police Station Director Ke Jiayong

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:59 PM

Influenced by the superposition of typhoon "Sura" and "Sea Anemone", Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, was hit by the worst rainstorm in a century.

On the early morning of September 5th, after receiving an emergency report on a flood stricken mountain road, Ke Jiayong, the director of the Tangqian Police Station of Yongtai County Public Security Bureau, and 8 firefighters rushed to rescue the people. Despite encountering sudden flash floods and road collapses, they bravely advanced despite the danger. Due to the fierce water, Comrade Ke Jiayong and 9 other rescue personnel, including people and vehicles, were swept away. On that day, six firefighters were rescued and survived, while two firefighters made heroic sacrifices.

After multiple efforts to search and rescue, at around 12:00 am on the 6th, Comrade Ke Jiayong was found to have heroically sacrificed himself in the downstream water area more than 60 kilometers away from the incident site.

Salute to the hero!

Why does "sea anemone" cause such extreme rainfall in Fujian?

After Typhoon "Haikui" made landfall, its impact did not end. On the night of September 5, rainstorm continued to screen, and rainstorm red warning continued to take effect. Fuzhou Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters launched a Level II emergency response for rainstorm prevention, and issued an emergency document late at night to urge citizens not to go out or drive on the road unless necessary.

After a night of heavy rainfall, many areas in Fuzhou suffered from severe flooding and power outages, with subways and high-speed trains suspended, multiple cars submerged in water, and electric vehicles and shared bicycles washed over by the water flow.

On September 5, rainstorm to heavy rainstorm occurred in many places in eastern Fujian, and extremely heavy rainstorm fell in Ningde, Fuzhou, Putian and Quanzhou; Among them, the rainfall in Fuzhou is the most severe.

According to the Meteorological Detection Center of the China Meteorological Administration, from 6:00 on September 5th to 6:00 on September 6th, the maximum accumulated 24-hour precipitation was 551.1 millimeters, which occurred in Gaishan, Fuzhou, Fujian. The intensity of rainfall is very frightening.

In addition, the short-term convective rainfall characteristics caused by the "sea anemone" to Fujian are very prominent. From 23:00 to 24:00 yesterday, Fuzhou experienced hourly precipitation exceeding 80 millimeters for two consecutive hours, not to mention the super heavy rainfall of 148.9 millimeters in one hour at the Fuzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to @ Fuzhou Meteorology, the precipitation brought by "Sea Anemone" to Fuzhou has broken the record of the super typhoon "Dragon King" on the 19th of 2005.

Brave sacrifice!, Police Station Director Ke Jiayong

From the perspective of intensity and size, "Haikui" is not a major typhoon. After landfall, its strength quickly weakened to a tropical depression. However, why can it still cause such extreme rainfall in Fujian?

Hu Xiao, Chief Meteorological Analyst of China Weather Network, explained that this is a typical "small typhoon with a big impact", and the extreme rainfall caused by multiple factors is jointly created.

1、 The subtropical high pressure system confronts on the east and west of the "sea anemone", forming the Pommeled Horse field. At the same time, the high pressure system blocks the "sea anemone" in the north. The "sea anemone" is sandwiched in the lack of guiding air flow, resulting in slow movement, which is a prerequisite for the continuous rainfall for several days and large rainfall accumulation.

2、 To the south of "Sea Anemone", there is a continuous supply of water vapor from the southwest monsoon and the South China Sea monsoon. At the same time, there is weak cold air moving southward in the high altitude trough to the north, forming a cold and warm confrontation in the coastal area of "Sea Anemone", which is the eastern part of Fujian. So last night, the coastal areas of Fujian formed a rain train effect, with continuous heavy rainfall. Due to the participation of cold air, the convective characteristics were obvious, and the hourly rainfall intensity was extremely strong.

3、 The heavy rainfall in Fujian mainly occurred in coastal areas, which is also related to the thermal differences between land and sea, further increasing the intensity of single point convective rainfall.

Hu Xiao said that multiple "coincidental" factors have jointly contributed to the extreme precipitation in Fujian. For Fuzhou and other places, the significant impact caused by such a small typhoon is also rare.

As the residual circulation after the weakening of the "sea anemone" continues to travel westward, the rainfall in Fujian will continue tomorrow, and Guangdong and Guangxi will usher in heavy rainfall, of which there will be heavy rainstorm in the southeast of Fujian, coastal areas and northern areas of southeast Guangdong, and southern Jiangxi. However, with the adjustment of weather conditions, the strongest period of precipitation in Fujian has passed, and the extreme rainfall in Guangdong and Guangxi will not be as strong as in Fujian in the future.

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