Becoming a Chaser of Glory on the Road of Building a Strong Country and Promoting Agriculture Farming | Agricultural Products | Promoting Agriculture

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:46 AM


Author: Wang Yitong

Crossing the long river of time and looking back at thousands of years of agricultural civilization, our ancestors worked hard on the land, using their hands and wisdom to compose magnificent poems. However, in the long historical evolution, agricultural development has always faced many challenges such as natural disasters and insufficient resources. Until now, with the continuous progress of technology, facility agriculture has gradually emerged and been promoted, opening up a new path for agricultural development.

A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only by strengthening agriculture can the country be strong. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to the work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Standing at the height of coordinating the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, it has led the development of the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in the new era. Agricultural power is the foundation of socialist modernization, and promoting agricultural modernization is an inevitable requirement for achieving high-quality development. In the process of agricultural modernization construction, facility agriculture has great potential. The continuous innovation of advanced technology has gradually freed traditional agriculture from the constraints of natural conditions, provided strong guarantees for food security, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural industry. In this process, young talents have played a crucial role, tracing their roots and pursuing glory. With a love for land, they have devoted themselves to the construction and development of facility agriculture. Generation after generation of young people have integrated their personal ideals into the theme of the times, contributing their youthful wisdom to safeguarding China's food security and promoting agricultural modernization.

Modern facility agriculture transforms traditional agriculture's passive acceptance of the natural environment into active management of the natural environment, making agricultural production more stable and efficient. Advanced technologies such as greenhouse, water-saving irrigation, and soilless cultivation are gradually becoming popular, breaking the dependence of traditional agriculture on the natural environment and making agricultural production more stable. At the same time, the application of modern technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence has enabled precise management of agricultural production, greatly improving the yield and quality of agricultural products. The technological innovation of modern facility agriculture not only improves the efficiency of agricultural production, but also brings tangible benefits to farmers. Through the application of technological means, agricultural production costs are reduced, the added value of agricultural products is increased, and farmers' income is also increased.

With the vigorous development of technology and agriculture, modern new rural areas are shining brightly, and modern intelligent greenhouses are giving birth under the sunshine... A picture of rural revitalization with strong agriculture, beautiful countryside, and rich farmers is slowly unfolding.

Young agricultural science and technology workers inject new momentum into the development of modern facility agriculture. In recent research on practitioners in facility agriculture, we have seen a group of young people who are closely focused on the forefront of technology and have been committed to the research and promotion of facility agriculture for a long time. They continuously gather and integrate research and innovation resources in facility agriculture, guard and manage the "granary of a great country", and spare no effort to take firm steps towards the path of high-level agricultural technology self-reliance and self-improvement.

Zheng Jianfeng, a post-90s postdoctoral fellow, was born in Zhoukou, a major grain producing city in Henan province. When I was young, the local food production and agricultural operations were basically in a fully manual state, facing the yellow soil and facing the sky. Not only was the labor intensity high, but the production efficiency was also low. His childhood education was to "study hard and strive to stop farming in the future.". But now his idea is to "study modern facility agriculture technology well and strive to make farming less difficult". To this end, he and his team actively develop and practice innovative technologies for intelligent plant factories, promoting the large-scale and efficient production of fresh vegetables based on plant factory technology, and providing guarantees for the "vegetable basket" in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.

Shi Yan, a new farmer, is not only a highly educated and technologically savvy postdoctoral fellow, but also a down-to-earth and knowledgeable landowner. The "Sharing Harvest" farm she founded not only continuously exports various organic agricultural products to the market and provides job opportunities for "old farmers" in surrounding villages, but also cultivates many "new farmers" from all over the country. In Shi Yan's view, "farming is not just about climbing Mount Everest and achieving success with just one ascent, it's more like practicing every day.". On the farm, we can feel the energy of technology in the details of facility agriculture, and also feel the love for agriculture and the courage to explore and innovate in the actions of young people.

As a "new farmer", Xu Dan witnessed advanced facility agriculture technology during his studies and work in the Netherlands. He brought his accumulated skills and network back to his country and led the construction of a glass greenhouse covering an area of about 30000 square meters in Miyun, Beijing. The application of a complete set of technology and equipment for glass greenhouses has almost eliminated the use of pesticides in crops in the base. The water consumption per unit area is less than one tenth of traditional agriculture, and the yield is more than 10 times that of traditional agriculture. Now, Xu Dan has been growing tomatoes in the greenhouse for nine years. He departs from his home in the city at 7:40 am every morning and drives over 100 kilometers to the suburban planting base.

In these young researchers, we feel that the light of ideals always shines, and the attitude of struggle has never changed. I believe that those who are pursuing light on the path of facility agriculture development will eventually become light.

Young agricultural science and technology workers are born at the right time, with heavy responsibilities on their shoulders and great potential. With the progress of the times, agriculture is no longer about slash and burn farming and relying on nature for a living, but is closely integrated with modern technology. Therefore, achieving agricultural modernization depends not only on technological innovation, but also on the continuous emergence and progress of young talents.

In recent years, we have made significant breakthroughs in areas such as smart agriculture and facility agriculture, driven by technological innovation. We achieve mechanization, precision, and standardization of agricultural production through innovative breakthroughs in modern technology, effectively improving land productivity, labor productivity, and total factor productivity of agriculture, thereby effectively promoting agricultural modernization construction.

In this process, the ability and role of young scientific and technological talents to support high-quality agricultural development and promote agricultural modernization construction have significantly improved, and they have become an important force in the cause of building a strong agricultural country. On the stage of agricultural modernization, it is these talented young scientific and technological elites who shoulder the responsibility of the times, use science and technology to overcome many difficulties in agricultural development, and demand output, benefits, and competitiveness from science and technology, in order to ensure the stable and far-reaching path of agricultural modernization construction.

Time is in its youth, and the road to agricultural technology is long. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let us firmly grasp the important historical opportunity of promoting scientific and technological innovation, and actively engage in the construction of agricultural modernization; Let us cultivate a strong love for agriculture, cultivate the ability to promote agriculture, and contribute our youth to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country through technological innovation. Driven by technological innovation, Chinese agriculture will surely write a more brilliant new chapter, contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to the development of world agriculture.

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