Attracting "special forces watching dramas" to pursue dramas across provinces, and continuing to land high-quality dramas from the Yangtze River Delta in Pudong

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:43 PM

On September 3rd, Xiaozhu, a kindergarten teacher from Wuxi, and her mother took the 17:12 high-speed train and arrived at Shanghai Station an hour later. They then took the subway to the East Theater of the Pudong New Area Cultural and Art Guidance Center located at 2769 Jinxiu Road, and caught up with the large-scale acrobatic drama "Battle of Shanghai" that started at 19:30. After the performance, Xiaozhu and her daughter took the train back to Wuxi that night.

This is the second time that Xiao Zhu and her mother have been chasing a drama across provinces - on April 8 this year, she took her mother along the same route to Pudong to watch the play "Spring Wind Can't" by Happy Fried Dough Twists. Xiao Zhu, who was jokingly referred to as a "special forces soldier" by his friends, exclaimed "It's worth it": "Although he arrived home late, it didn't delay the next day's work. Moreover, most of the performances at the Pudong Cultural and Art Guidance Center are public welfare free. As long as it costs less than 100 yuan for round-trip travel, compared to the market ticket prices of these popular dramas, it's really worth it!"

The 2023 Yangtze River Delta region boutique drama exhibition season, planned and organized by the Pudong Cultural and Art Guidance Center, attracted Xiao Zhu to pursue dramas across provinces twice. This event brings together more than 20 excellent plays from 12 performing arts groups from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui, as well as Russia. All of them are performed in the form of free public welfare performances in the East Theater and more than ten theaters in Pudong Street and Town Cultural Center and schools. This has attracted many viewers from the Yangtze River Delta to "cross province pursue dramas". More than 70 public welfare performances and art guides have made the audience addicted to the show.

As the opening work of the autumn performance of the 2023 Yangtze River Delta region boutique drama exhibition season, "Battle of Shanghai" performed that evening was jointly created and arranged by the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe and the Shanghai Circus School. It was nominated for the 17th Wenhua Awards and won the Excellent Work Award of the 16th "Five One Projects" for spiritual civilization construction organized by the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. The 20 high-quality programs gathered in the drama cover various performance styles such as acrobatics, magic, comedy, and bird taming, accompanied by comprehensive artistic applications such as "sound, light, electricity, shadow, and scenery". With the unique thrilling and tense body language of acrobatics, they present the heroic scenes and grand war scenes during battles from multiple dimensions and dimensions. This drama came to Pudong as a public welfare event, allowing more audiences to enjoy a cultural feast.

According to the person in charge of the Cultural and Art Guidance Center in Pudong New Area, following the launch of multiple popular dramas in the spring of this year, this autumn, the exhibition season of high-quality dramas in the Yangtze River Delta region will continue to showcase multiple excellent dramas in the form of public welfare performances at the East Theater, including the large-scale classic traditional costume drama "Dream of the Red Chamber", which won the "Red Valley Drama · 7th National Drama Excellent Drama Exhibition" in 2023. The ancient costume light comedy drama "New Longmen Inn", as well as the comedy drama "Oh Daddy" and the Russian puppet drama "Light" will also be presented to the audience.

Attracting "special forces watching dramas" to pursue dramas across provinces, and continuing to land high-quality dramas from the Yangtze River Delta in Pudong

At the same time, various streets and towns in Pudong have also relied on the platform of this exhibition season to purchase and introduce more than 30 performances, enriching the public welfare performance stage in Pudong, forming a centralized distribution of high-quality resources in the Yangtze River Delta and directly benefiting the people, expanding the depth and breadth of cultural and artistic benefits for the people.

In addition to live performances, the Pudong New Area Cultural and Art Guidance Center fully considers the needs of audiences of all ages and professions. In this exhibition season, cultural and artistic guides will also be offered in office buildings such as the Oriental Financial Building in Lujiazui. Starting from 2021, the Pudong New Area Cultural and Art Guidance Center has opened a social branch of the Pudong Mass Culture and Art Museum in these buildings, and continuous artistic activities such as art guidance are warmly welcomed by young white-collar workers.

Since its completion in February 2022, the new building of the Pudong New Area Cultural and Art Guidance Center has relied on new venues such as the East Theater, Experimental Theater, and Art Exhibition Hall to deeply grasp the needs and hotspots of the people of the Yangtze River Delta and people of all ages. Through continuous innovation, it has planned and implemented numerous festival activities, civic art universities, and cultural competition performances covering all age groups. In the future, it will further leverage the advantages and characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta region's geographical proximity, cultural connections, and close relationships, actively connect with the national development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta integration, seize the new development opportunities of cultural exchange and cultural tourism integration in the Yangtze River Delta region, and use more forms of rich cultural performances and activities to help the audience of the "dual city" cultural life in the Yangtze River Delta. Dreams come true.

*Reprinted from official WeChat account released by Pudong

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