Antony Blinken's sudden visit to Kiev

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:47 PM

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, the Ukrainian Independent News Agency reported on September 6 that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had arrived in Kiev and began his visit to Ukraine.

According to reports, the Ukrainian National Network stated that transportation in the city center of Kiev has been temporarily closed.

Russia's Sputnik News Agency previously reported that Vedant Patel, the chief deputy spokesman of the US State Department, refused to comment on the reports of Ukrainian media on Antony Blinken's planned visit to Ukraine on the 5th.

When asked about related issues, Patel told reporters that he has no new information about the travel plans of US State Department staff.

It was reported that earlier on the 5th, Ukrainian media quoted diplomatic sources as saying that Antony Blinken would visit Kiev on the 6th. Ukrainian media reports did not disclose further details about the visit.

The report points out that Antony Blinken's last visit to Kiev was in September 2022, and that visit was not announced in advance.

Russia responds to Antony Blinken's surprise visit to Kiev: it will not affect Russia's special military action against Ukraine

According to RIA Novosti on the 6th local time, regarding the surprise visit to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the 6th, Russian President's press secretary Peskov said that Russia believes that the United States intends to spare no effort to support Ukraine, but this will not affect the process of Russia's special military action against Ukraine.

Peskov said, "We have heard this statement multiple times: as long as it is necessary, they plan to continue supporting Kiev. In other words, they will spare no financial cost to continue supporting Ukraine, which is actually in a state of war, and push for war until the last Ukrainian. We think so, and we know this."

At the same time, he stated that this will not affect the progress of Russia's special military action against Ukraine.

According to Ukrainian media reports earlier, Antony Blinken arrived in Kiev on the 6th local time for an official visit, and Antony Blinken will stay in Ukraine for two days. The US hopes to discuss Ukraine's offensive and evaluate measures to improve the country's energy security.

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