A pigeon with broken wings was placed on the roof of the car, and the disciplinary inspection staff came out of the investigation site late at night

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 16:01 PM

On September 6th, the Chinese Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision published an article titled "Implementing the Integration of Political Supervision in a Practical and Fine Way to Promote the" Three Nos of Corruption "- A Record of Wang Encheng, Deputy Director of the 15th Review and Investigation Office of the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.".

It is reported that in recent years, Wang Encheng has led his comrades to directly investigate and punish 42 department level cadres. These people's illegal and criminal methods are secretive and complex, with political and economic issues intertwined. The problem of "two faced people" is prominent, and most of them are difficult to crack "hard bones". However, Wang Encheng is always good at dispelling the complex fog of cases, searching for hidden political issues, taking cases as the starting point, conducting targeted political examinations and accurate portraits.

Yushu City in Jilin Province ranks first among the top ten grain producing counties in China, with abundant black soil resources, fertile soil, and simple folk customs. However, this place was once polluted by Liu's criminal organization, and many officials served as its platform to help it achieve success. This black and evil organization is rampant in using high interest loans and loan schemes, oppressing and extorting entrepreneurs who come to invest, seriously damaging the local business and social security environment, and seriously polluting the local political ecology.

After Liu and members of his criminal gang were arrested, he refused to explain the issue of the "protective umbrella" behind it. In order to break through the case as soon as possible, Wang Encheng pondered and planned carefully to find Liu's psychological weakness. After more than 20 days of conversation and confrontation, Liu finally confessed to bribing 46 people during the process of establishing a strong position. Among them, 12 people, including the former Executive Vice Mayor of Yushu City and the former Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, were identified as "protective umbrellas". Through in-depth investigation, a group of cadres including the former Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, former Deputy Mayor and Director of the Public Security Bureau of Yushu City have been filed for review and investigation.

In May 2017, while investigating a disciplinary and illegal case involving Song, former director of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Changchun Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Wang Encheng's mouth was filled with bubbles due to getting caught in a fire.

Song has been working in the procuratorial and disciplinary inspection systems for more than 20 years, and has been engaged in investigating job-related crimes, with extremely strong anti investigation abilities. Facing former colleagues and skilled investigators, the difficulty and resistance involved can be imagined.

Since the beginning of the nuclear war, Song has been exerting pressure on Wang Encheng, repeatedly attempting to persuade him with money, repeatedly pressuring and bribing him, and even becoming unscrupulous after unsuccessful attempts. One late night, Wang Encheng came out of the investigation site and found a pigeon with broken wings on the roof of the car.

Faced with a cunning and dangerous opponent, Wang Encheng did not back down. He conducted a detailed study of Song's personality traits, analyzed his illegal methods, accurately sorted out important contacts, and formulated a review and investigation plan from embezzlement to supply, starting from the periphery and then internally. Important contacts of Song were broken through one by one, and even the stolen funds carefully hidden by him were tracked and found by the special task force. After several rounds of competition, Song said, "When you say that everyone around me has come in, I feel like a thunderbolt. These important connections have all been controlled by you, and I know I'm done." After several rounds of competition, Song's psychological defense gradually crumbled and he confessed to the illegal and criminal activities of bribery and bribery.

On the first day of reporting to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in July 2022, Wang Encheng received an important political task: to undertake the serious disciplinary and illegal case of Lu, a senior executive of China Development Bank designated by the National Supervisory Commission.

Corruption in the financial system can easily trigger systemic risks, directly affecting national political security, economic security, and social stability. It has been a key area in which the Party Central Committee has deployed disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies to crack down heavily in recent years.

"Lu deviated from the major decision and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to establish a large fund to support the national integrated circuit field, deviated from his main responsibility and business, misappropriated and abused national industrial funds, and sought huge personal benefits. To handle this case, it is necessary to raise his political stance and thoroughly investigate the political issues behind corruption. After in-depth analysis and judgment, Wang Encheng and colleagues in the special task force reached a consensus.".

At that time, Lu had already resigned. Faced with the organization's investigation, he had a strong sense of opposition and did not cooperate with the investigation.

When flipping through Lu's application to join the Communist Party, Wang Encheng found that his application was full of clich é s, with almost no language of his own. His motivation for joining the Party was impure, and he had never been loyal or honest to the Party. In view of this, Wang Encheng led the task force to decide to first investigate the issue of Lu from traditional illegal crimes, and then advance towards the field of new crimes.

"When cadres encounter problems, it often stems from the word 'greed', and you are no exception. However, in addition to pursuing wealth and lust, you also pursue a false business dream, attempting to build your own business empire with the help of major national special funds. Ultimately, it will be a dream." Wang Encheng caught a word of 'greed' while talking to Lu, who was stunned at the time. He didn't expect his ambition to be exposed by Wang Encheng. By carrying out ideological and political work on Lu, dismantling complex business processes, screening a large amount of information such as policy documents, bank statements, and company accounts, gradually identifying his illegal and criminal facts.

In the end, Wang Encheng collaborated with colleagues from the task force to investigate and resolve the case in just six months, bringing to justice the two senior financial "worms" of the state-owned enterprises, and promptly recovering the stolen goods and damages.

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