91 year old Professor Zhao Dexin fined 50 million yuan on CNKI

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:42 PM

On the evening of September 6th, upon hearing the news that CNKI was fined 50 million yuan for violating the law, 91 year old Professor Zhao Dexin from Central South University of Economics and Law told Changjiang Daily over the phone that retired professor Zhao Dexin from Central South University of Economics and Law. Changjiang Daily Information Chart

On June 23 last year, the Cybersecurity Review Office interviewed the person in charge of Tongfang CNKI Technology Co., Ltd. and announced the launch of a cybersecurity review of CNKI.

After investigation, it was found that there are three companies with CNKI as the main operating entity. These companies operate 14 apps such as mobile CNKI and CNKI Reading, which violate the principle of necessary collection of personal information, collect personal information without consent, do not disclose or express collection and use rules, do not provide account cancellation function, and do not delete user personal information in a timely manner after the user cancels the account.

China Netcom announced on the 6th that the State Internet Information Office has made a decision on administrative penalties related to network security review according to laws and regulations, ordered HowNet to stop illegal handling of personal information and imposed a fine of 50 million yuan.

Professor Zhao Dexin, known as the "first person to leverage CNKI," has attracted public attention to CNKI's suspected industry monopoly issue due to his lawsuit against CNKI. The Yangtze River Daily has published more than 100 reports to follow up. During this period, a reporter from Changjiang Daily left four messages to the State Administration for Market Regulation, reporting that CNKI was suspected of industry monopoly and received a response.

According to an investigation filed by the State Administration for Market Regulation, since 2014, CNKI has abused its dominant position to engage in monopolistic behavior. On December 26, last year, the State Administration for Market Regulation made an administrative penalty decision in accordance with the law, ordering CNKI to stop illegal activities and imposing a fine of 5% of its 2021 domestic sales revenue of 1.752 billion yuan, totaling 87.6 million yuan.

During the same period, CNKI announced 15 rectification measures, such as focusing on solving the incomplete and non-standard authorization chain between CNKI and copyright owners, as well as between journals, universities, and other entities, and obtaining authorization from copyright owners in accordance with the law and regulations. However, the papers previously taken down by Professor Zhao Dexin cannot be retrieved on CNKI to this day.

How is the rectification situation of CNKI? On August 18th, the Anti Monopoly Law Enforcement Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation stated in response to a message from a reporter from Changjiang Daily, "CNKI is currently actively promoting relevant rectification work. We will continue to pay attention to the market competition situation in relevant fields, urge CNKI to complete the rectification work with high quality, and maintain the order of relevant market competition."

Zhao Dexin: Now we insist on seeking some benefits for the author as well

Changjiang Daily: Previously, you expressed to CNKI about your article being taken down from CNKI, hoping to resume listing as soon as possible. Has there been any progress on this matter?

Zhao Dexin: There has been progress in this matter. I insist that if they use my work to make money, they must give me a fee.

They came to my house with three people and asked me to sign. If they agreed, it would be restored immediately, but I didn't agree.

The principle I adhere to is the socialist market economy principle: if you use my labor products, you should give me a reward, and if others use your things, you can also charge a fee. There can be a price difference in between, which is the cost plus reasonable profit. I expressed this very clearly to them.

The recent situation is like this: they said that things from 7 years ago are free of charge, and I agree to restore them. They promised to restore my works from 7 years ago and put them on the shelves. We are still in negotiations regarding the listing of my works in the past 7 years, and they have agreed to pay. Now it is a matter of how much to pay.

Changjiang Daily: When was the last time CNKI contacted you?

91 year old Professor Zhao Dexin fined 50 million yuan on CNKI

Zhao Dexin: Just last week.

Changjiang Daily: Has CNKI mentioned when they will list your works from 7 years ago?

Zhao Dexin: They promised to resume listing recently for free use by everyone, but there is no specific date.

Changjiang Daily: How did the two sides discuss the listing of your works in the past 7 years?

Zhao Dexin: A principle has been established, which is not only to promise me, but also to promise all authors.

Changjiang Daily: Has the specific standards been determined?

Zhao Dexin: No. I originally raised a standard, I wanted it to be lower, so the fees paid by users would also be lower. I proposed a 10% standard, but they haven't provided a specific response yet.

Changjiang Daily: What does this 10% specifically refer to?

Zhao Dexin: It's 10% of their selling price. For example, if someone downloads my article from them and gives me 100 yuan, they will give me 10 yuan.

Changjiang Daily: Is this too high or too low for CNKI?

Zhao Dexin: They are still discussing. I now insist on seeking some benefits for the author as well, and I have already gained a lot of benefits for the users.

Changjiang Daily: Professor Zhao has already benefited many users, which is a remarkable contribution.

Zhao Dexin: We must adhere to the principles of socialist market economy, and they have basically accepted my ideas. After the new team of CNKI took office, three people were sent. At that time, I did not immediately agree to restore my article to the shelves, with the aim of seeking some benefits for the author as well.

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