2023 Service Trade Fair | Green Service Trade Smart Creation for the Future - From the 2023 Service Trade Fair to See New Trends in Green Development | Green | New Trends in Services

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:03 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 5th (Xinhua) - Green Service Trade and Smart Future Creation - Looking at the New Trends of Green Development from the 2023 Service Trade Fair

Xinhua News Agency reporters Yu Qiongyuan, Ni Yuanjin, and Wei Mengjia

As an important engine of global economic growth, the global service industry and service trade are accelerating the process of greening and intelligence. At the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services, from the first use of the National Stadium as the main venue for environmental services exhibitions in the National Convention Center area, to multiple forums with green and low-carbon themes, and the cutting-edge achievements brought by global exhibitors in green services, technology, business models, etc., all reflect the new trend of green development in the service industry and service trade.

In the comprehensive exhibition area of the National Convention Center, Panasonic Group, which participated offline for the first time, showcased the "Future Smart City" sand table under the theme of "Green Intelligence Creating the Future", attracting a large number of visitors to stop; JD Logistics has built a 5G carbon neutral intelligent logistics park sand table, showcasing the industry's first 5G carbon neutral intelligent logistics park solution. It is reported that the plan has gradually been implemented in JD Logistics Asia No.1 Beijing Daxing Intelligent Industrial Park

At the zero carbon service trade interactive zone of China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. booth, participants can participate in the "Zero Carbon Service Trade for Everyone to Share" personal carbon neutrality activity through the carbon inclusive platform, obtain the exclusive carbon neutrality honor certificate of the Service Trade Fair, and help build zero carbon service trade.

According to Yang Xiaojing, a staff member of the exhibition area, in order to effectively achieve the goal of "zero carbon service trade", China Taiping Property and Casualty Insurance has introduced a "carbon neutrality" project for the 2023 Service Trade Fair, promising to neutralize the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the 2023 Service Trade Fair and achieve "zero carbon service trade" through innovative solutions such as carbon asset and carbon credit purchases and carbon neutrality insurance.

At the International Bamboo and Vine Organization booth, bamboo bicycles, furniture, storage boxes, decorations, tableware, tissues, and other products attract many consumers to visit. The exhibition area manager Wang Xudong introduced that the International Bamboo and Vine Organization has launched the "Bamboo for Plastic" initiative in 2022, aiming to concentrate global resources to jointly address plastic pollution and climate change. This is the third time that the International Bamboo and Vine Organization has participated in the Service Trade Fair. The booth theme is "Replacing Plastic with Bamboo to Reduce Plastic and Carbon", showcasing bamboo products from more than ten enterprises, covering various aspects of people's lives.

Similarly, in the environmental service exhibition area, Qiu Yueyang from the Chongqing Production Base of China Railway 18th Bureau Group Environmental Protection Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. is explaining the process of bamboo wrapped composite pipes to the audience.

"Bamboo wrapped composite materials can replace traditional industrial materials such as steel, cement, and plastic. Not only are the raw materials renewable and carbon fixing, but the processing process can also achieve energy conservation, carbon reduction, biodegradability, and lower usage costs." Qiu Yueyang said that currently, bamboo wrapped composite materials have been used in urban comprehensive pipe galleries, irrigation projects, high-speed railway tunnels, high-pressure air ducts, and rice and shrimp aquaculture water diversion pipelines in more than 20 provinces and cities in China.

Solid waste power generation, mine restoration, green buildings... Green environmental services are applied in all aspects of production and life. Wang Jun, the booth interpreter of Guogangtong Digital Technology Co., Ltd., introduced the company's microbial kitchen waste treatment machine to the reporter on site. It can absorb and degrade organic substances such as kitchen waste and leftovers before and after meals, produce crude organic fertilizer, and realize the transformation of waste into treasure.

The textile industry has a close relationship with humanity, and new materials can not only help enhance human ability to cope with climate change, but also contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction.

At this year's clothing trade fair, Beijing Zhongke Haishi Technology Co., Ltd., which redefines the new concept of winter clothing and advocates light clothing, spring clothing and winter clothing, released the independently developed "SYCORE-TEX 毸毸毸毸毸毸毸毸毸毸毸" new material. Using the new technology of topological soft gel, multi-component polymer materials can be modified into three-dimensional multi-level porous topological network skeleton structure, supplemented by advanced textile manufacturing technology, to form ultra-thin fabric topological soft gel new material, which has strong wind resistance and warmth retention, and is expected to be gradually put into the market.

In recent years, the green process of service trade has accelerated, making significant contributions to global climate governance and sustainable human development. At this year's Service Trade Fair, the Global Service Trade Alliance released the "Global Service Trade Green Development Trend Report 2023", PwC released the "Innovative Development and Beijing Practice Research Report on Green Service Trade", and the International Green Economy Association specifically hosted six global green development and carbon neutrality themed series conferences... These reports show that all parties around the world are actively working to inject green energy into the development of service trade.

Former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Changsha Zukang, said that we should continuously strengthen new forms and models of green development in service trade, integrate green elements into various fields of service trade such as construction engineering, transportation services, cultural and tourism services, financial services, and digital technology services, and promote the construction of a new development pattern and high-quality international economic and trade development.

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