Science and education

Shanghai High School "Four Famous Schools" Volleyball Tournament to Determine the Strongest and Gain Friendship, Cultivate Team Spirit School Competition | Volleyball | Four Major Schools
Shanghai High School "Four Famous Schools" Volleyball Tournament to Determine the Strongest and Gain Friendship, Cultivate Team Spirit School Competition | Volleyball | Four Major Schools

On June 24, the 2023 Shanghai Fifth Senior high school "Four Famous Universities" Volleyball Competition came to an end in the Jiangwan Campus Gymnasium of Fudan University. The pouring rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participating teams. The students from Fudan High School, Jiaotong University High School, China Normal University Second High School and Shanghai Middle School gave a wonderful showdown. Cultivate unity and gain friendship in the competition. On the 24th, eight volleyball teams from the "Four Famous Schools" of Shanghai Senior high school launched a wonderful competition on the Fudan campus. The intensity of the game was beyond the expectations of the audience, cheers and shouts one after another, so that the heavy rain off the field can only be willing to play a supporting role. After 12 games, Fudan High School defended its men's championship, while Shanghai High School defended its women's championship. For these "high achiever" who usually focus on learning, Lien Chan plays three games in one day

How to have a fulfilling summer vacation? Minhang Wujing School District's Cultural and Ideological and Political Research, Leading Children from Small Classrooms to Large Classrooms in Society | Theme | Ideological and Political Education
How to have a fulfilling summer vacation? Minhang Wujing School District's Cultural and Ideological and Political Research, Leading Children from Small Classrooms to Large Classrooms in Society | Theme | Ideological and Political Education

Summer vacation is approaching, how to make children's summer vacation more meaningful? Today, the "Little Eyes Looking at the Big Society" Wujing School District's Political and Ideological Research Project Platform was released. This study route brings together the unique red heritage, purple technology, and green ecology of rivers, lakes, people, and scenery in Wujing Town. It integrates the ideological and political education resources of Wujing Town, allowing children to explore and perceive the most vivid, vivid, and convincing changes around them. Through study, children continuously enrich their growth experiences and improve their comprehensive literacy. Under the leadership of the Wujing Town Education Committee and the Wujing Town School District Office, led by Xue Qiong, the special principal of Wujing Experimental Primary School, we have integrated multiple resources and educational team forces to design a research and learning route and plan that is characteristic of the times, interesting and profound, and to build collaborative sharing

Good news for lymphoma patients! CAR-T Cell Therapy Product Second Line Indications Approved for Market in Lymphoma | Cells | CAR
Good news for lymphoma patients! CAR-T Cell Therapy Product Second Line Indications Approved for Market in Lymphoma | Cells | CAR

The reporter learned from Fosun Pharmaceuticals today that its joint venture company, Fosun Kate, has developed Aquilense Injection for the treatment of adult B-cell lymphoma that is ineffective in first-line immunochemotherapy or relapses within 12 months after first-line immunochemotherapy. The registration application has been conditionally approved by the National Medical Products Administration, marking the launch of this CAR-T cell therapy product as a second-line indication. Adult large B-cell lymphoma is a common malignant lymphoma, accounting for 30% -40% of non Hodgkin's lymphoma. It has the characteristics of few treatment plans, rapid disease progress, high mortality, and short survival period. In recent years, the incidence of incidence rate in China has shown a rapid growth trend. In June 2021, Aquilense Injection became the first CAR-T cell therapy product approved for marketing in China, used to treat relapses or refractory conditions after receiving second-line or above systemic treatment in the past

Original new drugs generated by artificial intelligence systems entering phase II clinical trials | drugs | new drugs
Original new drugs generated by artificial intelligence systems entering phase II clinical trials | drugs | new drugs

The reporter learned from Yingsi Intelligence yesterday that the candidate drug "INS018:055" developed by a foreign-funded enterprise in Shanghai for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has completed the first patient administration in phase II clinical trials, marking the first candidate drug to be discovered and designed by generative artificial intelligence for new targets has advanced to the phase II clinical trials. Professor Xu Zuojun, Chief Physician of Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Lead Researcher of INS018:055 Phase II Clinical Trials in China, introduced that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic scarring lung disease characterized by progressive and irreversible decline in lung function, affecting the lives and health of approximately 5 million people worldwide. Due to the hidden onset and progression of the disease, most patients are diagnosed with a condition that has progressed to the middle and late stages, with a median survival period of 3 years after diagnosis. Given the existing

This school district is exploring the creation of a scientific education community, attempting to cultivate students' scientific literacy through a one-stop approach from elementary school to high school
This school district is exploring the creation of a scientific education community, attempting to cultivate students' scientific literacy through a one-stop approach from elementary school to high school

Received 28 first prizes and 18 second prizes in Shanghai and national youth science and technology innovation practice activities; Four students participated in the International Science and Engineering Competition and won three second prizes and one third prize. Two students were awarded the honor of naming asteroids by the International Space Organization; Four students won the second prize of "Tomorrow's Little Scientist" nationwide, and 16 students were awarded the title of "Shanghai Tomorrow's Science and Technology Star"... This is the "Honorary Book" of science education at Luwan Senior High School in Shanghai. Starting 22 years of science education, Luwan High School will radiate the exploration of science education to other schools within the Luwan School District. On June 26th, at the "Inheritance, Innovation, and Transcendence - Luwan School District Promoting Science Education Forum", the "Luwan School District Promoting the Integration of Science Education Implementation Plan" was officially released, which is committed to promoting the integration of science education

Jointly built by Fudan University and Alibaba Cloud, the largest cloud based intelligent computing platform in Chinese universities has launched Jinsi | No.1 | Intelligent Computing
Jointly built by Fudan University and Alibaba Cloud, the largest cloud based intelligent computing platform in Chinese universities has launched Jinsi | No.1 | Intelligent Computing

Today, the largest cloud based intelligent computing platform in domestic universities, Fudan University's intelligent computing platforms CFFF "Qiewen No.1" and "Jinsi No.1", have officially launched. This scientific research "supercomputer" was jointly built by Fudan University, Alibaba Cloud, and China Telecom, supporting large-scale model training with billions of parameters, surpassing the Australian supercomputer Setonix and ranking in the top 15 globally. This is the first among domestic universities and also ahead of internationally renowned universities such as Stanford University. In recent years, scientific intelligence has gradually become a new frontier in the development of global artificial intelligence. From predicting weather changes to predicting protein structures, and then to simulating galaxy collisions, the important role of AI in solving scientific research problems is constantly emerging. Fudan University has closely followed cutting-edge trends and deployed the construction of this

The graduation season of Tongji University is filled with a sense of ceremony, as well as a graduation camping party where I ate Southern Airlines crayfish in Tongji
The graduation season of Tongji University is filled with a sense of ceremony, as well as a graduation camping party where I ate Southern Airlines crayfish in Tongji

The summer campus rings the bell of farewell, and the footsteps of graduation are getting closer and closer. Not long ago, Tongji University built large-scale camping facilities on the outdoor grasslands of the Siping Road and Jiading campuses, inviting graduate supervisors, graduates, and classmates to gather under the canopy, in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, to reminisce about the friendship between teachers and students, and talk about their life ideals. This is the first time many teams have experienced camping together, and the mentor and classmates were so excited that they started preparing materials several days in advance. The night slowly descended on the lush green lawn. Under each canopy, more than 10 teachers and students sit together and chat comfortably. Memories of the compact and fulfilling graduate life, gratitude for all the encounters in Tongji, and boundless imagination for the future. Wu Guangming, Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee, and Gu Xianglin, Vice President, represent the school to serve as mentors in the field of education

How to enhance "dullness" by improving "music quotient"? Beyond IQ and EQ, Yang Xiong: Under Pressure and Anxiety, Society | Adolescents | Sensibility
How to enhance "dullness" by improving "music quotient"? Beyond IQ and EQ, Yang Xiong: Under Pressure and Anxiety, Society | Adolescents | Sensibility

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years, teenagers have become more "homey" and accustomed to virtual socializing. "The acceleration of social transformation has led to an increase in the anxiety of young people. In addition to the impact of online public opinion and multiple information, the social emotions and psychology of young people have formed contradictions and conflicts." Yang Xiong, director of the Shanghai Children's Development Research Center, said on the 27th that, on the contrary, young people still lack effective social support, their pressure bearing ability is declining, and their dependence on mobile phones and the Internet is growing habitually. The researcher from the Institute of Sociology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, revealed at East China Normal University that his team's research results on the current social mentality and mental health status of adolescents and countermeasures have shown that the social and emotional abilities of contemporary adolescent groups are characterized by narrow social circles, emotional management, and communication skills

Disruptive technologies used in national strategies | Entrepreneurship stories in incubators, scientists successfully "mine" technology | Enterprises | Technology
Disruptive technologies used in national strategies | Entrepreneurship stories in incubators, scientists successfully "mine" technology | Enterprises | Technology

Editor's note The incubator is an important bridge connecting R & D and industrialization, and is in an important stage of accelerating technological innovation. The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee's Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee pointed out: It is necessary to concentrate high-quality resources, strengthen the supply of talents, link industrial parks, provide full-coverage financial support, accelerate the construction of a number of representative high-quality incubators, and strive to improve the energy level of incubation services. Cultivate a group of leading technology enterprises. Recently, a reporter from Jiefang Daily Shangguan News visited a number of incubators and their incubated enterprises, listened to the heads of incubators and entrepreneurs telling "entrepreneurial stories in incubators", recorded their experiences and experiences on the road of "co-creation", and understood their ideas and suggestions on how to cultivate high-quality incubators and improve the incubation service level of science and technology enterprises. Have you ever heard of superconducting electromagnetic detection technology

Guiding parents to carefully choose extracurricular training, Ministry of Education: Strictly crack down on hidden variations in subject training, summer is approaching training institutions | training | variation
Guiding parents to carefully choose extracurricular training, Ministry of Education: Strictly crack down on hidden variations in subject training, summer is approaching training institutions | training | variation

The summer of 2023 is approaching. In order to help primary and secondary school students spend a healthy, safe, fulfilling and meaningful summer, the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice, deploying education administrative departments in various regions to conscientiously carry out the management of off campus training during the summer. The implementation of the "double reduction" policy is currently in a crucial stage of connecting the past and the future, and positive progress has been made in the governance of off campus training. However, problems such as hidden variations in disciplinary training and insufficient collaborative supervision of non disciplinary training still exist. Each region should fully leverage the role of the specialized coordination mechanism for the "double reduction" work, and hold special meetings, make systematic deployments, carefully formulate plans, and clarify task measures to promote the effective, orderly, and effective implementation of various work during the summer "double reduction" work. The notice requires all regions to maintain a high-pressure situation, crack down severely on hidden mutations, and deepen the promotion of grid governance

Collaborating with science and education to cultivate science teachers in primary and secondary schools, visiting high-tech parks and innovation centers, academicians and experts teaching teachers | science | centers
Collaborating with science and education to cultivate science teachers in primary and secondary schools, visiting high-tech parks and innovation centers, academicians and experts teaching teachers | science | centers

Domestic scientists were invited to give lectures to science teachers in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai. Science teachers in primary and secondary schools visited the comprehensive exhibition hall of artificial total synthetic crystalline bovine insulin in the Molecular Cell Science Innovation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and walked into Zhangjiang High tech Park and Shanghai Chemical Industry Park... Recently, the 2023 summer special training for teachers of science related disciplines in primary and secondary schools started, and more than 300 science teachers were trained for five days. In this 6-year science teacher training model that Shanghai has adhered to, many good practices have also provided reference for national science teacher training. Since 2018, the Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Association for Science and Technology have jointly held a series of training sessions for basic education science teachers on "Walking with Masters and Advancing with Frontiers" every year. Academicians and professors stepped onto the podium one after another to teach science teachers in primary and secondary schools

The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission has released 36 summer safety tips for primary and secondary school students in 2023, stating that summer vacation is approaching
The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission has released 36 summer safety tips for primary and secondary school students in 2023, stating that summer vacation is approaching

The summer vacation of 2023 is approaching. In order to prevent various student injury accidents and enable primary and secondary school students to have a safe, healthy, and happy summer vacation, today, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission issued the 2023 Summer Safety Reminder for Primary and Secondary School Students. 1、 Prevent drowning incidents: 1. Do not play in areas such as rivers, waterfront platforms, and ponds. 2. Do not pick up items that fall into rivers or other water bodies. 3. Do not wash things or fish shrimp by the riverside. 4. Do not go swimming in rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. 5. Do not play or play in the swimming pool. 6. If a drowning person is found, immediately seek adult help. At the same time, you can throw a life buoy, foam board, lifeline, etc. to the drowning person, but do not blindly rescue. 2、 Pay attention to traffic safety. 7. Consciously abide by traffic regulations and do not violate various prohibition signs. 8. Do not ride bicycles under the age of 12

The founder chose this place for both startups | The Entrepreneurship Story in the Incubator, dedicated to building a platform based chip enterprise Liberation Daily · Upview | Incubator | Entrepreneurship
The founder chose this place for both startups | The Entrepreneurship Story in the Incubator, dedicated to building a platform based chip enterprise Liberation Daily · Upview | Incubator | Entrepreneurship

Currently, ambient lighting is increasingly favored by the automotive community, but most of its chips come from abroad. Shanghai Taisi Microelectronics Co., Ltd. recently launched a dedicated chip for ambient lighting, which fills the gap in domestic small package automotive ambient lighting chips and is about to be mass-produced. Established less than 4 years ago, Taisi Micro has independently developed over a dozen chips and is committed to becoming a platform based chip company. Interestingly, its founder Xiong Haifeng started two businesses in the same office of the Xiangchuang Entrepreneurship Incubator. "This not only provides a warm space for us to work with peace of mind, but more importantly, it allows the enterprise to focus on products and business while more efficiently handling other affairs that it is not so good at." [Starting a business again in the age of 40, "because there is still greater ambition."] At the Xiangchuang Entrepreneurship Incubator in Zhangjiang

Directly following the 100% employment rate of graduate students in the same class, 30% work at the school gate, and the graduation class signs contracts with the same age group in the Lingang New Area | Mechanism | Lingang
Directly following the 100% employment rate of graduate students in the same class, 30% work at the school gate, and the graduation class signs contracts with the same age group in the Lingang New Area | Mechanism | Lingang

In August 2019, the Lingang New Area of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone in China was unveiled on the banks of Dishui Lake; In the following month of the same year, at Shanghai Ocean University in Lingang University City, 2019 undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Engineering. Among them, the "19 Mechanism 2 Class" of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation was officially formed. Now, at the end of the academic year, this graduating class of the same age as the Lingang New Area has reached the deadline for submission. Among the 25 students in the class, 10 students passed the postgraduate entrance examination and were admitted to domestic and foreign universities; 13 students were successfully employed and signed contracts with leading companies in the industry; Two students are actively implementing their graduation plans, and some companies have offered them olive branches. In terms of employment rate, the "19 Mechanism 2 Class" has reached 92%, directly catching up with the 100% employment rate of the same major's 2023 graduate students. Wu Haoyu [30% of the class]

Investment+Services Drive Anti Cancer Drugs into Clinical Practice | Entrepreneurial Stories in Incubators, Second Entrepreneurial Biology for CEOs of Listed Companies | Incubators | Clinical | Incubators
Investment+Services Drive Anti Cancer Drugs into Clinical Practice | Entrepreneurial Stories in Incubators, Second Entrepreneurial Biology for CEOs of Listed Companies | Incubators | Clinical | Incubators

Recently, with the approval of the National Medical Products Administration, the Class 1 innovative drug CC312 developed by Huihe Biotechnology has initiated phase I clinical trials for the treatment of recurrent/refractory CD19 positive B-cell malignant hematological tumors. This is the first domestically and the third globally approved triple specific antibody drug based on CD28 co stimulatory signals to enter clinical practice. When it comes to the development history of this new triple antibody drug, Dr. Zhu Huaxing, the founder of Huihe Biotechnology, still remembers vividly: "Before 2019, there was no triple antibody drug approved for clinical use globally, and some investors couldn't understand CC312. During a critical period of company development, Nokai Xinkang Fund invested 30 million yuan to help us complete Series A financing." Nokai Xinkang is a venture capital fund initiated by Xinze Entrepreneurship Incubator. This incubation company, which has been deeply cultivated in Zhangjiang Science City for many years

Create a good atmosphere for drug prevention and anti drug propaganda in a way that teenagers are willing to see and understand, with the theme of "Let Me Tell the Anti Drug Story" | Anti Drug | Anti Drug
Create a good atmosphere for drug prevention and anti drug propaganda in a way that teenagers are willing to see and understand, with the theme of "Let Me Tell the Anti Drug Story" | Anti Drug | Anti Drug

Today, the first Shanghai Anti Drug Instructor Competition was launched. The "Joyful Reading of Law - Anti Drug Special Issue" jointly launched by the Municipal High People's Court and the Municipal Education Commission, with the participation of the Municipal Anti Drug Science Popularization Education Museum, will be released. Subsequent publications will be distributed to relevant primary and secondary schools throughout the city to expand the coverage of anti drug propaganda. Today, the 2023 International Drug Control Day themed event, jointly guided by the Municipal Drug Control Office, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and Municipal Youth League Committee, was held at the Municipal Youth Activity Center. Initiated by the Municipal Drug Control Office, the Shanghai Anti Drug Science Popularization Education Base Alliance was established. The Municipal Drug Control Office serves as the guiding unit of the alliance, and the Municipal Drug Control Science Popularization Education Museum serves as the convener of the alliance. After the establishment of the alliance, it will fully leverage its organizational advantages and promote the co construction and sharing of resources for drug control science popularization education throughout the city. Members of the Shanghai Anti Drug Science Popularization Education Base Alliance include youth prohibition in Xuhui District

The impact factor of the Chinese journal Molecular Plants has risen to 27.5, ranking first in the world in plant science journals
The impact factor of the Chinese journal Molecular Plants has risen to 27.5, ranking first in the world in plant science journals

The 2022 Annual Journal Citation Report released today shows that the journal Molecular Plants, co sponsored by the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Molecular Plant Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Society of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, has an SCI impact factor of 27.5, ranking first in the world among 238 SCI journals in the field of plant science, and is one of the few English scientific and technological journals ranking first in China. This indicates that the publication of Molecular Plants has made significant breakthroughs and has become a top journal in the field of plant science and a world-class scientific and technological journal. Cover of Molecular Plants. The interviewee provided that since its establishment in 2008, Molecular Plants has always adhered to the principle of high-level publication and the concept of international publication, gradually establishing a publishing model, quality control system, and distribution channels for first-class scientific and technological journals

Not just performances, these kindergarten art festivals bid farewell. Senior Class | Art | Kindergarten
Not just performances, these kindergarten art festivals bid farewell. Senior Class | Art | Kindergarten

At the end of the semester, many kindergartens are bidding farewell to this semester in the form of art festivals. This is not just a performance, but also a vivid practice of integrating curriculum and art. Art feasts will become a part of children's childhood memories. Recently, the 18th International Art Festival of Soong Ching ling Kindergarten was held at the Shanghai Grand Theatre, with 730 children using the theme of "Children's Tales - Commemorating the 130th Anniversary of Soong Ching ling's Birthday" to tell Chinese stories and experience Chinese culture. When the art festival kicked off, hundreds of children who participated in the performance stood on stage and sang "Guardian of Love" together. When choreographing the dance, the teachers designed an opportunity for each child to stand in front of the stage and make an appearance, which is a way for children to experience artistic charm

This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals
This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals

In the notebook of Cheng Hehong, the principal of Pengpu Junior High School, there are dense handwriting every day. In her more than 20 years of school level management positions, she always records her daily routine in the form of management logs. Every week, she sorts out work priorities and records the key points of next week's work. If she has any confusion, doubts or inspirations, she also takes note in a timely manner. Years of educational practice have been continuously summarized and refined, with an annual principal management log of over 100000 words recording her thoughts and ideas. Pengpu Junior High School is a public junior high school located at her doorstep. In her opinion, the school's gold and silver cups are not as good as the reputation of the people. "Education without discrimination, benefiting the people, making the school a home for teachers and students to grow together, and making everyone a better version of themselves" is her unchanging educational philosophy. Xiao Jin is an introverted child who hands over difficult students to her,

Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake
Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake

Here, from a scattered small tributary and Duantou River, it has become the artificial lake with the best water quality, longest duration, and most stable water ecological purification system in Shanghai. Today, the "fish of Shanghai" in Fengxian New City is increasingly clear and visible against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds. The so-called Yi person is on the side of the water. Since the thematic demonstration on water eutrophication in 2010, Professor Wang Liqing's team has formed a 13 year "fish water relationship" with this "big fish". As the chief designer of the aquatic ecology of this area, and as the head of the newly established Shanghai Ocean University Water Ecological Research Institute - Shanghai Fish Demonstration and Exhibition Base, she and her team have revitalized Jinhai Lake with a grass, a fish, and a pond of water, bringing vitality to Fengxian City and happiness to the hearts of the people. Professor Wang Liqing led a team to fish by the water in Shanghai with the lowest score

Helping to understand the origin of the universe, the key evidence for the existence of gravitational waves detected by the Chinese celestial eye is the universe | mass | gravitational waves
Helping to understand the origin of the universe, the key evidence for the existence of gravitational waves detected by the Chinese celestial eye is the universe | mass | gravitational waves

In 1916, Einstein made a prediction that there were gravitational waves in the universe, which were ripples caused by accelerating objects disturbing the surrounding spacetime. However, due to the fact that gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light and gravitational interactions are extremely weak, Einstein himself stated that humans may not be able to detect gravitational waves. 100 years later, the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory in the United States announced the detection of gravitational waves generated by the merger of stellar mass double black holes in the 100Hz frequency band, and thus won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. Due to its extremely low frequency and period of several years, the detection of nanohertz gravitational waves can reach wavelengths of several light years, making it even more challenging. Recently, the Chinese pulsar time array research team, which is composed of researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units, used the Chinese Celestial Eye Telescope to explore

Fudan President Jin Li Talks on "How to Cultivate Students in the Era of Artificial Intelligence", a Popular Press Conference on Intelligence | Fudan University | President
Fudan President Jin Li Talks on "How to Cultivate Students in the Era of Artificial Intelligence", a Popular Press Conference on Intelligence | Fudan University | President

The newly launched Fudan University intelligent computing platform completed training in just one day for a large model of medium - and short-term weather forecasting with 4.5 billion parameters, which is difficult for traditional computing platforms to achieve. The latest release of this "largest cloud based intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities" on the 27th has attracted much attention. In the meantime, Jin Li, an academician of the CAS Member and president of Fudan University, thought about how to train students in the era of artificial intelligence and how to build the "first Fudan", as well as the concept of "two-way empowerment of schools and enterprises" reflected in this conference, also deserves attention. One important way to get rid of the "sinkhole" is through the integration of industry and education. Currently, the "sinkhole" profession has sparked heated discussions. Jin Li believes that "one important way for schools to overcome this is through the integration of industry and education, which involves close interaction with enterprises in innovation and talent cultivation."

How important is it? The first "Tianwen Cup" Student Good Questions Competition has been launched, which will ask questions about science | teenagers | students
How important is it? The first "Tianwen Cup" Student Good Questions Competition has been launched, which will ask questions about science | teenagers | students

Curiosity is a natural instinct of children and a driving force for learning and creation. In order to stimulate students' curiosity and scientific exploration and practice, cultivate innovative talents for the future, promote cross-cultural communication and cooperation among young people, and build a community with a shared future for mankind, the Municipal Education Commission and Baoshan District People's Government jointly held the first "Tianwen Cup" Student Good Question Competition. On June 28, 2023, the launch ceremony of the "Tianwen Cup" Student Good Questions Competition and the establishment ceremony of the Shanghai Future Learning Research and Development Center and the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Education Research Institute were held at the Science Hall of the Baoshan District Youth Activity Center in Shanghai. More than 30 academicians have supported the "Good Questions" competition. It is reported that the "Good Questions" series of activities have been tested in some regions of China for two years, covering more than 500000 students, inspiring and contributing more than 700000 questions, one

Honoring Agricultural Science and Technology Personnel, the First Rural Revitalization Science and Technology Talent Selection Activity Launches Science and Technology | Rural | Agricultural Science and Technology
Honoring Agricultural Science and Technology Personnel, the First Rural Revitalization Science and Technology Talent Selection Activity Launches Science and Technology | Rural | Agricultural Science and Technology

The first "Outstanding Science and Technology Figures in Rural Revitalization" and "Outstanding Science and Technology Youth in Rural Revitalization" tree selection activities, jointly organized by the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology and the Shanghai Agriculture and Rural Committee, as well as the Shanghai Agricultural Association, the Shanghai Agricultural Technology Association, and the Shanghai Science and Technology Development Foundation, have recently been launched. There shall be no more than 5 outstanding scientific and technological figures in rural revitalization, with no age limit and no less than 5 years of experience in agricultural science and technology work; Outstanding scientific and technological youth in rural revitalization shall be no more than 40 years old and have been engaged in agricultural science and technology work for no less than 3 years. Rural revitalization, technology first; Technology promotes agriculture and talent leads. From crop seeds in space to precious seed sources in laboratories, there lies the wisdom and innovation of agricultural technology talents; From intensive cultivation in experimental fields to the vast fields in rural areas, the sweat and joy of agricultural technology talents have been shed. As a means of promoting and transforming agricultural scientific and technological achievements

Domestic AR glasses and ultra-high definition AI display chip platform appear, illuminating the metaverse at the Shanghai Mobile Communication Conference Intelligent | Platform | Domestic
Domestic AR glasses and ultra-high definition AI display chip platform appear, illuminating the metaverse at the Shanghai Mobile Communication Conference Intelligent | Platform | Domestic

At the 2023 Shanghai World Mobile Communication Conference, which opened yesterday, a batch of cutting-edge technology exhibits were unveiled, attracting many visitors to watch and experience. The ultra-high definition intelligent display chip platform developed by Shanghai enterprises integrates artificial intelligence with 8K display, bringing users a real and smooth ultra-high definition audio-visual experience. Domestic AR glasses can be connected to various electronic terminals, providing users with an immersive experience that originates from reality and surpasses reality. Apple recently released Vision Pro, making AR glasses a technology hotspot of public attention. At the MWC Shanghai exhibition, domestic AR glasses XREAL invited visitors to experience and showcase the achievements of our research team in this field. In the exhibition area, XREAL has set up flash, AR+mobile, AR+office, AR+gaming

The three major industry education integration communities of integrated pharmaceutical AI are expected to be unveiled at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, and Shanghai National Innovation Institute has brought innovation | countries | communities
The three major industry education integration communities of integrated pharmaceutical AI are expected to be unveiled at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, and Shanghai National Innovation Institute has brought innovation | countries | communities

How to cultivate outstanding engineers as one of the national strategic talent forces? The Shanghai National Innovation Institute with a national reputation is here! Its full name is: National Excellent Engineer Innovation Research Institute. On the 29th, the Professional Degree Talent Training Summit Forum under the Interdisciplinary Perspective revealed that the National Excellent Engineer Innovation Research Institute, jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Shanghai, plans to be officially unveiled during the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference starting next Thursday. Shanghai National Innovation Institute is collaborating with major high-level universities and leading enterprises to carry out innovative talent training during construction, with a focus on the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence. The three major industry education integration communities in the fields of electricity collection, raw medicine, and AI established from this were also unveiled at the same time. Education, technology, and talent are all three in one. From the world's largest engineering education country to

How to establish a correct view of money from a young age? Universities and primary and secondary schools work together to cultivate the financial literacy and educational literacy of young people | Finance | Primary and secondary schools
How to establish a correct view of money from a young age? Universities and primary and secondary schools work together to cultivate the financial literacy and educational literacy of young people | Finance | Primary and secondary schools

Eight year old elementary school students play games and recharge tens of thousands; Teenage children reward broadcasters with hundreds of thousands of dollars; 20-year-old college students are trapped in the dilemma of "online loans" to buy handbags... These frequently discussed topics on the internet actually reflect a common problem: the lack of financial literacy. On June 29, 2023, the second Shanghai Forum on Financial Literacy Education for Primary and Secondary Schools and the annual meeting of the Shanghai Financial Literacy Education Project Cooperation Alliance for Primary and Secondary Schools were held at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. After 56 primary and secondary schools from 12 districts formed the first batch of financial literacy education project cooperation alliances, a new batch of 18 primary and secondary schools also joined the alliance. The reporter learned that after the establishment of the Financial Literacy Education Project Cooperation Alliance for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai, some financial literacy exploration practices have been carried out in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai. For example, Shangcai

8 companies have obtained the right to use office properties or talent apartments, and Zhangjiang High tech 895 Entrepreneurship Camp has closed in Aerospace | Industry | Office
8 companies have obtained the right to use office properties or talent apartments, and Zhangjiang High tech 895 Entrepreneurship Camp has closed in Aerospace | Industry | Office

On June 29th, the Zhangjiang High tech 895 Entrepreneurship Camp Aerospace Special Session concluded at the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Design Industrial Park. This season's entrepreneurship camp selected excellent entrepreneurial projects through various channels at home and abroad, selected 27 companies to join, and selected 8 companies to participate in roadshows. After fierce competition, 19 newly established enterprises were awarded the title of "Blue Sky Dream Innovation Power", Hanyong Technology, Shidi Technology, Huanyu Aerospace, and Youmai Science and Technology were awarded the title of "Most Growing Enterprise", Gesi Aerospace, Lanjian Hongqing, and Puyu Technology were awarded the title of "Most Innovative Enterprise", and Yufeng Future was awarded the title of "Entrepreneurial Star". They will be granted the right to use office properties or talent apartments under Zhangjiang High tech. Looking at the industrial development in developed commercial aerospace regions around the world, the speed of technological iteration and supply chain response in the industry are both significant

This Fudan professor has his own "methodology", and students receive their desired job offers upon graduation. | Ma Zhongfa | Fudan
This Fudan professor has his own "methodology", and students receive their desired job offers upon graduation. | Ma Zhongfa | Fudan

This summer, seven master's students under the guidance of Professor Ma Zhongfa from the Law School of Fudan University received their desired job offers or admission notices. The employment rate for guiding graduates has remained at 100% for many years, and Ma Zhongfa has his own methodology. Slow down first, then get up quickly. Many graduate students are eager to intern as soon as they start their studies. Ma Zhongfa told the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter that employment is a "protracted war", with accumulation and thin development, and time is precious in daily life. "Without basic legal thinking and a rigorous knowledge system, it is difficult to 'win' when looking for a job. You need to slow down first to get faster in the sprint stage.". He requires graduate students to first calm down and read the book well, and regularly hold reading discussion meetings, with students as the main speakers. It's not easy to pass the book club. First, read carefully, and then

Building a "Global First Choice City for Science and Technology Innovation Enterprises to Settle in", Shanghai Releases Basic Research on High Quality Incubator Cultivation Program | Incubator | Program
Building a "Global First Choice City for Science and Technology Innovation Enterprises to Settle in", Shanghai Releases Basic Research on High Quality Incubator Cultivation Program | Incubator | Program

Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned today that the Municipal Government Office recently issued the "Implementation Plan for Cultivating High Quality Incubators in Shanghai", aiming to leverage the important role of incubators in full process innovation, full factor aggregation, and full chain acceleration, continuously optimize the science and technology innovation ecosystem, assist in the cultivation of hard technology enterprises and the high-quality development of future industries, and comprehensively support the construction of international science and technology innovation centers. The goal proposed in the plan is to cultivate no less than 20 high-quality incubators by 2025, demonstrate and drive no less than 200 incubators to achieve professional, branding, and international transformation and upgrading; Collaborating with high-tech development zones, characteristic industrial parks, etc., incubating and cultivating 10000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, 2000 high-tech enterprises, 300 gazelle enterprises, 100 technology giant enterprises, and one