This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:13 AM

In the notebook of Cheng Hehong, the principal of Pengpu Junior High School, there are dense handwriting every day. In her more than 20 years of school level management positions, she always records her daily routine in the form of management logs. Every week, she sorts out work priorities and records the key points of next week's work. If she has any confusion, doubts or inspirations, she also takes note in a timely manner. Years of educational practice have been continuously summarized and refined, with an annual principal management log of over 100000 words recording her thoughts and ideas. Pengpu Junior High School is a public junior high school located at her doorstep. In her opinion, the school's gold and silver cups are not as good as the reputation of the people. "Education without discrimination, benefiting the people, making the school a home for teachers and students to grow together, and making everyone a better version of themselves" is her unchanging educational philosophy.

[Hand over the difficult students to her]

Xiao Jin is an introverted child, always keeping his worries hidden in his heart... As the head of a school, Cheng Hehong serves as a mentor and pairs with the children every year. How can children see the principal and open up their hearts? She has a set of methods. Teachers often wonder: what methods did she use to make a significant change in students? In her opinion, understanding, listening, respecting, and guiding are the key. "I usually see them and chat a few words. At noon, the children come to communicate and prepare their favorite snacks in advance. During the friendly conversation, the children slowly open their hearts. When the corners of their mouths rise, they also become more confident." Cheng Hehong said.

This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals

During the growth process of children, it is important to cultivate their "four abilities" - focus, thinking, resilience, and adaptability - which are her top concerns. She believes that under the advocacy of the school's appreciation of educational philosophy, teachers and students can become better selves. Using appropriate appreciation methods to appreciate students' active learning, positive thinking, and various good learning habits in the classroom will become an important driving force for inspiring students to acquire cultural knowledge, improve key abilities, form essential character traits, and promote healthy mental growth.

The school has established a rich curriculum system, allowing students to develop comprehensively. Nowadays, the PALS curriculum at Pengpu Junior High School covers more than 50 courses, including humanities and society, technology and innovation, life and health, art and cultivation. The school also regularly holds a variety of subject festivals, including art festivals, science and technology festivals, sports festivals, subject practice activities, and career counseling projects. It also holds evaluations such as "Peng Chu Zhi Xing" and "Five Beautiful Girls" to promote student literacy of "diligent learning, good thinking, sunshine, confidence, and physical and mental health", and strengthen children's multidimensional development.

Despite being in a busy management position, Cheng Hehong still sticks to the front line of teaching. Under her influence, more and more school level and middle-level cadres are working with teachers to prepare lessons, conduct research, analyze, and solve real problems that arise in the classroom. The quality of school education has steadily developed at a substantial high level, and students have won many awards and honors in sports, art, science and technology, labor skills, and other fields at the city and district levels.

This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals

Teachers also have growth manuals

Cheng Hehong often encourages teachers to say, "While achieving students, teachers should also achieve themselves. Only by promoting mutual learning and teaching can teachers find a sense of professional happiness and achievement. Through such professional development, teachers can cultivate and lead more students to develop, making schools a home for teachers and students to grow together."

Pengpu Junior High School is a public school with a good reputation in the minds of the people. How to enable schools to have new sustainable development on the existing basis? When Cheng Hehong first became the principal of Pengpu Junior High School in 2014, she was constantly thinking: teachers are the first element of school development. How to stimulate teachers' professional vitality, overcome professional fatigue and confusion, and establish professional confidence and happiness? At Pengpu Junior High School, teachers also have a "growth handbook". In the growth handbook, teachers record every step of growth. Creative backbone teacher exhibitions, young teacher teaching evaluations, teacher basic skills competitions, top ten teacher evaluations, top ten education and teaching paper evaluations, etc., empowering personalized development of teachers through project-based training, fully reflecting the concept of mutual growth between teachers and students.

This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals

Empowering the growth of teachers and students with a positive attitude, teachers and students progress and improve together through mutual trust, respect, and appreciation, and become better selves. Through tracking and feedback on the green indicators of academic quality for primary and secondary school students in Shanghai, the overall academic performance level of school students has significantly improved, the learning burden has been reduced, and their cognitive, cooperative, and innovative abilities have significantly improved.

[Strong School Drives Junior High School at Home]]

In 2018, Pengpu Junior High School and Pengpu No.4 Middle School paired up as supporting schools and experimental schools for the Junior High School Strong School Project. Cheng Hehong also served as a mobile special level principal to assist in the implementation of the Strong School Project. During her three years of mobility, she focused on the classroom and devoted herself wholeheartedly. Every week, she went deep into the classrooms of Pengpu No. 4 Middle School, listening, evaluating, and grinding lessons, planning and participating in subject teaching and research activities. She formed a team of experts and teachers, providing full support for classroom teaching, teaching and research activities, lesson preparation activities, and more. The educational and teaching activities of Pengpu Junior High School are actively open to Pengpu No. 4 Middle School. How to design classroom based research and how to promote professional training are the most frequently discussed topics between her and the management team of Pengpu No. 4 Middle School.

This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals

Whenever there is time, Xiaoguo, a chemistry teacher at Pengpu No. 4 Middle School, humbly enters the classroom of Chen, the subject leader of Pengpu Junior High School. Teacher Chen has also delved into his disciple's classroom time and time again, sharing teaching resources without reservation. The class grades taught by Xiao Guo have improved rapidly, and the teaching quality of chemistry at Pengpu No.4 Middle School has made a qualitative leap. Under the guidance of Teacher Chen, Xiao Guo also wrote his teaching exploration and insights into a paper and won the first prize in the Jing'an District Youth Teacher Project Evaluation. The story of Xiaoguo has had a certain "catfish effect" in Pengpu No. 4 Middle School, and subject teachers are more concerned about updating teaching concepts, methods, and means.

For young teachers, taking a good step and starting well is particularly crucial. The probationary teachers of Pengpu No. 4 Middle School receive immersive training at Pengpu Junior High School every year, and the school invests the highest quality teachers in new teacher training. Teachers are energetic and their literacy is improving, and the teaching quality of Pengpu No. 4 Middle School has improved. The school has become an experimental school for "Youth Legal Education Collaborative Innovation Center", and parents are generally satisfied with the teacher's teaching and school activities. In 2021, two schools began a new exploration of close group education.

For the past 20 years, Cheng Hehong has adhered to the educational value pursuit of "making schools a home for teachers and students to grow together", implemented the requirements of education in detail, and viewed growing teachers and students with an appreciative eye. This is Cheng Hehong's educational dream, and she is committed to moving forward.

This top-level principal is dedicated to creating a good junior high school at his doorstep, with over 100000 words of management logs every year to record practical school operations for students | teachers | principals
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