The six major cancer risks are... New research: Cancer cases under the age of 50 worldwide have surged by nearly 80% in 30 years | Cancer | Six Major Risks

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:30 PM

A new study published on the 5th in the medical journal British Medical Journal Oncology shows that between 1990 and 2019, the number of people diagnosed with cancer under the age of 50 worldwide increased by nearly 80%.

This is the first similar study conducted globally, and it is the largest among similar studies.

Researchers have pointed out that over the past 30 years, the number of early-onset cancer cases has surged, which may be related to genetics, unhealthy eating habits, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, and other factors. The exact reasons behind this are yet to be determined.

The latest research has also sounded an alarm for the world healthcare system that cancer is no longer an exclusive feature of advanced age.

First global research

This study was led by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the School of Medicine at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, bringing together experts from various countries such as the UK, China, and the United States.

Previous studies have shown that in the past few decades, the incidence rate of cancer among adults under 50 years old in the world has been rising. However, previous studies have mostly focused on regional and national differences.

And this latest study is the first to study this issue and the risk factors for cancer among young people on a global scale.

Researchers analyzed data from 204 countries covering 29 types of cancer.

Research shows that in 2019, the total number of early-onset cancer cases under the age of 50 was 3.26 million, an increase of 79% from 1.82 million in 1990; The number of deaths from cancer under the age of 50 is 1.06 million, an increase of 27% from 1990.

In terms of cancer types, breast cancer has the largest number of cases and related deaths, with 13.7 and 3.5 cases per 100000 people, respectively. The cancers whose death toll is second only to breast cancer are tracheal cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and bowel cancer. The largest increase in the number of deaths was seen in renal and ovarian cancers.

Over the past 30 years, the number of cases of early-onset nasopharyngeal carcinoma and prostate cancer has grown the fastest, with annual growth rates reaching 2.28% and 2.23%, respectively. However, the number of early-onset liver cancer cases decreases by approximately 2.88% annually.

Geographically, the highest incidence rate of early-onset cancer in 2019 is in North America, Oceania and Western Europe. The regions with the highest mortality rates among people under 50 years old are Oceania, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.

"Overall, the more developed countries and regions, the higher the incidence rate of early-onset cancer. This may also be partly due to the increasing acceptance of screening and early detection in developed regions and countries." The researchers wrote in the report.

In low - and middle-income countries, early onset cancer has a much greater impact on women than men in terms of health status and mortality probability.

In terms of future trends, researchers estimate based on observations over the past 30 years that by 2030, the number of new early-onset cancer cases and related deaths worldwide will increase by 31% and 21%, respectively. Among them, the population in their 40s faces the greatest risk.

The upward trend needs attention

"Since 1990, the global incidence rate and mortality of early-onset cancer have increased significantly," the research report wrote.

A commentary accompanying the report pointed out that the increasing trend of early-onset cancer needs attention. Although age is still the main risk factor that cannot be changed, the incidence rate of early-onset cancer in adults under 50 years old is increasing.

In addition, cancers previously considered more common among the elderly are now "targeting" young people, including colorectal cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer.

As for the reasons for the increase in multiple cancer data, researchers suggest that unhealthy eating habits, alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, and high blood sugar may be factors that lead to cancer. This is also summarized as the six major risk factors for early-onset cancer in the population under 50 years old.

For example, in terms of dietary habits, excessive intake of red meat and high salt foods, insufficient intake of fruits and milk, as well as alcoholism and smoking, are the most common risk factors for cancer in people under 50 years old.

It is worth noting that in the research report, fasting hyperglycemia has also been identified as a risk factor for early-onset cancer and is considered suitable for young people.

However, researchers say that the reasons behind the surge in early onset cancer cases are still in the understanding stage and there is no definitive conclusion.

In addition, the latest research also has certain limitations. For example, incomplete data collection may underestimate the number of cancer cases. The study also did not take into account changes in population statistics over the past 30 years, such as population expansion and aging.

Ring the alarm for the healthcare system

The research report also borrows a series of distinct data to provide recommendations for the healthcare system.

First of all, the high number means more cancer patients, which is a warning to the health care system that is still recovering after the COVID-19 epidemic.

Secondly, the increase in data highlights the necessity of early detection. Research shows that the age group most severely affected is between 40 and 49 years old, so targeted early detection and expanded screening should be considered for this age group. For example, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends starting colorectal cancer screening at the age of 45.

Although most early-onset cancers cannot be predicted, better quantification is needed for monitoring genetic factors. For example, it is crucial to identify hereditary cases through phylogenetic testing and strengthen the management and monitoring of cancer patients and their family members.

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