Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:08 AM

Recently, many border immigrants have attempted to enter the United States through a small town in Texas on the US Mexico border under false information provided by the Mexican "snake head". After arriving at the US Mexico border, they found themselves struggling to wade through the water in sustained high temperatures, and even stranded on the riverbank for several days without food or drink, with nowhere to go, including a few months old baby.

On July 11th, in Igalpas, USA, immigrants stood in the Grand River behind barbed wire, attempting to enter the United States from Mexico.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, a worker helped deploy a series of large buoys used as border barriers in the Grand River Center, Texas, USA. The deployment of buoy barriers is to prevent immigrants from entering Texas from Mexico.

Sexual assault on over 330 athletes, former US gymnastics team doctor stabbed 10 times in prison

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Larry Nassar, a former US gymnastics national team doctor who was sentenced to prison for sexually assaulting young athletes, was recently attacked in a federal prison in Florida, USA. The Federal Prison Service of the United States wrote in a statement that around 2:35 pm on Sunday, July 9th, a prisoner was attacked at Coleman Federal Prison in Florida. The staff immediately took emergency measures and requested emergency medical services. When the injured person was taken to the hospital, their lungs were damaged and their condition is currently stable.

On February 5, 2018, in the United States, the final verdict on the sexual assault case of former US gymnastics team doctor Nassar was reached in a local court.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Biden approves the Vermont state of emergency declaration

On July 11th, US President Biden approved the Vermont state of emergency declaration and ordered federal aid to flood affected areas of Vermont that have been affected since July 9th.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, in Vermont, USA, local rainfall caused flooding and residents rowed for a trip.

A train derailment accident occurred in Washington D.C., USA

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, a train from the National Railroad Corporation derailed at the entrance of the Union Station Tunnel in Washington, D.C. It is reported that there are currently no reports of injuries to any other personnel except for one Amtrak employee who was taken to the hospital due to a "minor condition".

On July 11th, in Washington D.C., a train derailed at the entrance of the Union Station tunnel.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Hong Kong to Expand Import Restrictions on Japanese Seafood

On July 11th, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, met with the media before attending the executive meeting and stated that if Japan insists on discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea despite opposition, Hong Kong will expand the scale of restrictions on Japanese seafood imports.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, sushi and sashimi were sold in a supermarket in Hong Kong.

Thai caretaker Prime Minister Prayut announced his resignation from the party and withdrawal from politics

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, the Unified Thai State Building Party, to which Thai caretaker Prime Minister Prayu belongs, announced on social media that Prayu has resigned from the party and withdrawn from politics.

On July 11th, in Bangkok, Thailand, Thai caretaker Prime Minister Prayut gave a speech to the media after attending a cabinet meeting.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Israel's judicial reform protests erupt, police arrest 66 people

On July 11th, Israel once again erupted in large-scale protests against judicial reform nationwide. According to the latest news from the Israeli police as of the afternoon of that day, 66 Israeli civilians who participated in the protest have been arrested.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, Israeli border police clashed with protesters at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport.

All 6 people on board the crashed helicopter in Nepal died, and their bodies were transported to Kathmandu

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, a tourist helicopter crashed in the eastern mountainous areas of Nepal, killing all five Mexican tourists and one Nepalese pilot on board.

On that day, a helicopter carrying the bodies of the victims of the plane crash arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Volcanoes continue to erupt near the capital of Iceland, with magma erupting from ground fissures

On July 10th, the Icelandic government announced that a volcano on the Reykjaynes Peninsula in the southwest of the country began erupting on the same day. This is the third consecutive year of volcanic eruptions on this peninsula. The eruption site is about 30 kilometers away from the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, and currently it appears that the eruption is not severe.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On that day, people observed the volcanic eruption site near Reykjavik, Iceland.

Record setting rainstorm causes the water level of Yamuna River in India to rise above the dangerous water level

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, in New Delhi, India, after the rainy season, rescue teams boarded boats on the Yamuna River. The Central Water Commission of India stated that the water level of the Delhi Muna River is rising and is expected to exceed the dangerous water level of 205.33 meters on July 11th.

On July 11th, in New Delhi, India, the surging Yamuna River flowed incessantly under the Old Yamuna River Bridge.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Heavy rainfall in Kyushu and other areas of Japan has resulted in 7 deaths

On July 11th, according to Kyodo News Agency, as of that day, heavy rainfall in Kyushu and other areas of Japan had caused a total of 7 deaths in Fukuoka and Saga prefectures, and 2 people were missing in Saga and Oita prefectures. After encountering secondary disasters such as mudslides in various regions, road traffic, water supply, and sewage systems are still being affected. The police in Saga Prefecture and Oita Prefecture are still conducting searches for missing persons.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 10, in Kurumi City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, the local rainstorm caused floods, which killed 7 people and flooded houses.

The French Air Force conducts pre National Day parade rehearsals

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, in Paris, France, three days before the National Day parade, a rehearsal was held on the Champs - É lys é es Avenue. The French Air Force's Alpha fighter jets emitted red, white, and blue smoke, which is the color of the French flag.

Da Vinci's Atlantic Codex is exhibited in Washington D.C., USA

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, in Washington D.C., visitors watched Leonardo da Vinci's sketches at the "Imagining the Future" exhibition held at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. This exhibition will continue until August 20, 2023, showcasing 12 sketches from Leonardo da Vinci's "Atlantic Codex".

The Bull Run Festival continues, and Spanish children run wildly on the streets after "bulls" chasing them

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, in Pamplona, Spain, a group of children dressed in white and red clothes representing San Fermin ran next to a cardboard bull during the San Fermin Festival.

Pop Chamber Music Concert Appears at the 2023 Shanghai Summer Music Festival

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, the Polar Amusement Park - Wang Feinan Pop Chamber Music Fusion Theater was held in Shanghai. As one of the series of performances at the 2023 Shanghai Summer Music Festival, musicians performed a multi-dimensional chamber music concert for the audience.

On that day, musician Wang Feinan performed at a concert.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Rural Summer Vacation Tour

Recently, Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province has been experiencing hot and sunny weather, and many citizens have come to the beautiful countryside to experience mountain and water tours.

Under the high temperature, they had nowhere to go. [Looking at the World] Texas installed buoy barriers to prevent immigrants from entering the US and Mexico | tunnels | buoys

On July 11th, people played in the Longliba Dam in Gaohong Town, Lin'an, Hangzhou.

Becoming a leader in the "self generated traffic" of the consumer market, and transforming products into monthly stars | products | CIIE
Becoming a leader in the "self generated traffic" of the consumer market, and transforming products into monthly stars | products | CIIE

On July 27, 2023, on the 100-day countdown to the opening of the 6th CIIE, a reporter from Jiefang Daily Shangguan News visited the "6 days and 365 days" trading service platform of the Shanghai trading group of the CIIE-Yuexing Group, From the perspective of "excellent products to promote consumption" to observe the "spillover effect" of the CIIE ". Shanghai Global Port is the largest shopping mall in the central city of Shanghai, with the number of goods and passenger flow in the city. Chen Zhen said: "We have counted that Yuexing Group's Global Port and Yuexing Home International Life are prosperous, with at least more than 20 exhibitors; in the past five years, nearly a thousand CIIE products from more than 50 countries and regions And services landed in the mall through various CIIE activities." 169 imported brands, more than 50 brands have appeared in the fair. Exhibits at the Expo have become commodities and consumer markets."

The passenger flow at Shanghai Railway Station is running at a high level, and summer transportation is approaching. Shanghai Station has a large summer passenger flow
The passenger flow at Shanghai Railway Station is running at a high level, and summer transportation is approaching. Shanghai Station has a large summer passenger flow

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Railway Station that the summer railway passenger transportation period in 2023 is 62 days from July 1 to August 31. The Shanghai Railway Station is expected to send approximately 25.35 million passengers, with a daily average of over 400000 passengers, representing a 7.94% increase in passenger flow compared to the same period in 2019. On July 9, 2023, in the waiting hall of Shanghai Hongqiao Station, there was a sea of people, and the electronic screen kept scrolling and playing information about each train. Passengers in a continuous stream were orderly waiting in the designated waiting area under the guidance of the staff. The Shanghai Railway Station is expected to send 395000 passengers on the same day. Among them, Shanghai Station has 109000 people, Shanghai South Station has 44000 people, and Shanghai Hongqiao Station has 242000 people. The waiting hall of Shanghai Hongqiao Station is bustling with people and a constant stream of passengers. During the summer vacation, on the railway

Shanghai Director Luo Dong: I am the same Shanghai as "Mei's Day and Night" | Director | Night
Shanghai Director Luo Dong: I am the same Shanghai as "Mei's Day and Night" | Director | Night

On June 16th, Shanghai director Luo Dong won the Best Director Award for the Asian Newcomer Unit at the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Jubilee Awards for his film "Mei's Day and Night". Having wandered the film industry in Hong Kong and mainland China for a long time, Luo Dong, born in the 1970s, appears to be a wealthy Shanghai man: confidently speaking but softly whispering, wearing comfortable and casual clothing that reflects attention to detail. However, his film is not about romance in wutong District of Shanghai - although he lives on Wukang Road, it focuses on Yumei, a 73 year old aunt from the grassroots in Shanghai. 85 minutes, two clues form a closed loop of the story: one begins with a blind date meeting between Yumei and a man, and ends with a new blind date meeting at the subway station; Another is that she worked hard to find a new suburban residence and ultimately completed the process of moving.

Trendy Shanghai Nightlife, Riding a Bike Didi | Cycling | Nightlife
Trendy Shanghai Nightlife, Riding a Bike Didi | Cycling | Nightlife

In 2023, various activities of the "66 Shanghai Nightlife Festival" were carried out in full swing, focusing on seven major areas: night shopping, night food, night tourism, night entertainment, night shows, night reading, and night sports. On the evening of June 15, a group of more than 30 people from a night tour of Shanghai consisting of citizens' cycling enthusiasts set out from the south bank of Suzhou Creek on the "Little Grey Seat" green orange bicycle, clocked in Garden Bridge of Shanghai and other city landmarks with urban cultural charm to expand the fun of urban night life. "Didi Adventure Cycling Night", cycling enthusiasts first come to Shanghai Innovation and Creativity Research Institute to visit the "Night Dimension - Adventure Night Art Exhibition". The rolling resistance coefficient of the "Little Grey Seat" bicycle tires is reduced by 20%, making riding more effortless and easier. Moving step by step, cyclists embark on a night tour of dazzling Shanghai. When the cycling team reaches an important landmark building, they can stop and listen

Suspected of organized crime and illegal trafficking of immigrants, [Looking at the World] Greek immigrant ship capsizing accident, 9 people arrested related | Prime Minister | Accident
Suspected of organized crime and illegal trafficking of immigrants, [Looking at the World] Greek immigrant ship capsizing accident, 9 people arrested related | Prime Minister | Accident

On June 15th, in Karamata, Greece, Greek authorities arrested 9 people related to the capsizing of an immigrant ship on June 14th. They are all from Egypt and are suspected of organizing crimes and illegal trafficking of immigrants. On the 14th, an unconventional immigrant ship capsized and sank in the Ionian waters of the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece. The Karamata Coast Guard announced that at least 78 people have been killed and many are missing so far. On June 14th, medical personnel transported survivors of an accident in Karamata, Greece. On June 15th, in the port of Karamata, Greece, Syrian Kassam Abozeed showed a photo of himself and his wife Israel, whose life and death are still uncertain, on a capsized ship. The spark collection ceremony for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held at the Liangzhu Ancient City Site on June 15th