This exhibition will allow you to experience the extraordinary charm of Yunnan!, "Zero Distance" Experience the Natural Gift of "Plant Kingdom" Yunnan | Rose | Exhibition and Sales Fair

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:46 AM

Those who have been to Yunnan know that its reputation as the "Kingdom of Plants" is not just a name for itself. Yunnan Province has the largest number of plant species in China, with distribution of tropical, subtropical, temperate, and cold temperate plant types. There are many ancient, derived, and exotic plant species and groups, known as the "treasure trove of medicine", "hometown of spices", and "natural garden".

Faced with these natural gifts, no one knows how to eat them better than Yunnan people. Tang pear flower can be stir fried with pickled Chinese cabbage or lobster sauce, which is very chewy; Goldfinch flower and egg group CP, can be fried or stir fried; Yunnan Shizi pollen, glutinous rice flour and brown sugar can be blended together to make a delicious glutinous rice cake; The delicate and dripping roses transformed into flower cakes, crispy layer by layer, with a strong floral fragrance; A cup of slightly bitter and fragrant Sanqi flower tea can clear the liver, brighten the eyes, and soothe the mind

Flowers have their own destiny, and eating them brings beauty and happiness

When it comes to Yunnan's floral cuisine, the most popular one is undoubtedly the flower cake. Flower cake is a pastry filled with roses. After years of development, it has become one of Yunnan's iconic cuisines with historical, cultural, and regional characteristics.

This exhibition will allow you to experience the extraordinary charm of Yunnan!, "Zero Distance" Experience the Natural Gift of "Plant Kingdom" Yunnan | Rose | Exhibition and Sales Fair

According to the "Old Kunming Hexianglou", during the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, the pastry master Hu Zenggui from Yunnan inherited the pastry making skills of his father Hu Desheng's imperial kitchen and founded the "Hexianglou" pastry shop in the ninth year of the Xianfeng period. At the beginning of its establishment, Hexianglou became famous in Kunming for its three kinds of Dim sum, namely, horse sprinkling, white sugar pastry Dim sum, and heavy fat chicken cake. It was famous only a few days after its opening. In 1872, Hu Zenggui used Yunnan ham as a filling and created the "Ham Four Liang Tun". Once it was launched, it sold out and remained popular for a hundred years.

With the development of Hexianglou, there are more and more kinds of Dim sum. After the "four two mouthfuls of ham", the "four two mouthfuls of rose" was made with rose sugar, which is very popular among the people. One day in 1879, Hu Zenggui went to the workshop and saw his colleagues making rose candy. He found that due to several days of rubbing, the petals of the rose had become lifeless, and the fragrance had been greatly lost. In order to preserve the freshness of the flowers, Hu Zenggui directly added fresh rose petals into ingredients such as honey, syrup, and flour to make pastries. After several adjustments and improvements, he finally launched the classic dish of rose flower cakes, which has been passed down for a century. The rose flower cake is regarded as an elegant Dim sum because it is sweet but not greasy, and the fragrance of flowers is refreshing. It was praised by the public when it was just launched, and is even more popular among scholars. In the end, rose flower cakes made it onto the list of "Hexianglou" as a timely pastry.

The foundation of Yunnan people's love for "eating flowers" is Yunnan's "diversity". The diversity of Yunnan is determined by its unique geographical location and natural environment. The terrain structure of Yunnan is "three-dimensional": the lowest point of Yunnan's altitude is in the Yuanjiang Valley of Hekou County in the southeast, which is also the boundary river between China and Vietnam where the Nanxi River and the Red River intersect, with an altitude of only 76.4 meters; The highest point is at the main peak of Meili Snow Mountain in the northwest, Kawagebo Peak, which is at the border of Yunnan and Tibet, with an altitude of 6740 meters. Such high altitude differences bring about diverse temperature zones, thus forming a very rich variety of natural ecosystem types.

On the other hand, Yunnan's abundant heat and water vapor are a solid guarantee for plants. The western part of Yunnan is deeply moistened by the warm and humid currents of the Indian Ocean, while the eastern part is sheltered by the warm and humid currents of the southeastern Pacific Ocean. In addition, many rivers in Yunnan cross this area, such as the Nu River, Jinsha River, Lancang River, etc. Yunnan's plants have abundant water sources. The high altitude allows Yunnan to encompass three vertical ecosystems: tropical, temperate, and frigid. The low latitude and numerous rivers create perfect water and thermal conditions in Yunnan. It is precisely this unique geographical environment and climatic conditions that have enabled Yunnan to have a diverse range of plant species and make it a true "flower country".

This exhibition will allow you to experience the extraordinary charm of Yunnan!, "Zero Distance" Experience the Natural Gift of "Plant Kingdom" Yunnan | Rose | Exhibition and Sales Fair

Nowadays, there are over 300 edible flowers in the Yunnan market, with a rich variety. Shanghai and Yunnan work together to create "fresh flowers". With the continuous expansion of the market for fresh flower cakes, more and more innovative flavors are emerging, such as original rose flower cakes, jasmine flower cakes, osmanthus cloud leg freshly baked mooncakes, and cloud leg osmanthus flower mooncakes. At the 6th Shanghai Counterpart Special Products Exhibition and Sales Fair, Shanghai residents can "zero distance" taste the charming flowers from the south of colorful clouds that leave a lingering fragrance on their cheeks.

A Way to Maintain Health: Eating for Health and Vitality

Yunnan is rich in plant resources, and its complex natural geographical conditions are conducive to the growth of various plant medicinal materials. Therefore, many regions are famous medicinal material producing areas in China. According to statistics, there are over a thousand types of medicinal herbs produced in Yunnan, which are renowned both domestically and internationally. In recent years, with the support of the Shanghai Yunnan cooperation, more and more barren mountains have been opened up, roads and canals have been built, greenhouses have been built, and medicinal herbs have been planted, transforming into important Chinese medicinal herb planting bases. This is not only a great treasure for local villagers to embark on the road to wealth, but also a deep affection for crossing mountains and seas between Shanghai and Yunnan.

Yunnan is an important place of origin for Panax notoginseng. In the vast red soil of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, there are plants of Panax notoginseng. These Chinese medicinal herbs, known as the "Southern God Grass", are the "business card" and pillar industry of Wenshan. The planting area reaches 650000 acres, with an annual output of 20000 tons, accounting for more than 95% of the total national production. The healthy development of the entire industry chain of Sanqi embodies the hope of local people to lift themselves out of poverty and become prosperous.

This exhibition will allow you to experience the extraordinary charm of Yunnan!, "Zero Distance" Experience the Natural Gift of "Plant Kingdom" Yunnan | Rose | Exhibition and Sales Fair

Li Shizhen referred to Sanqi as "not exchanged for gold". According to the Qing Dynasty's pharmaceutical book, A Collection of Compendium of Materia Medica, it is recorded that "ginseng is the first to nourish qi, and panax notoginseng is the first to nourish blood, and its taste is the same but its work is also equal, so it is called ginseng panax notoginseng, and it is the most precious of traditional Chinese medicines." The well-known traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations, "Yunnan Baiyao" and "Pian Zaihuang", are made from panax notoginseng as the main raw material. Sanqi is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Araliaceae family. It is named Sanqi because it is harvested three to seven years after sowing and each plant has three petioles, each with seven leaves. Its stem, leaves, and flowers can all be used as medicine.

Boiling grains, spreading grains, mixing wine yeast, baking wine... In Haozhiba, Yunshan Village, Zhutang Township, Lancang County, the Yunhui Liquor Industry factory area under the Shanghai Yunnan Cooperation Project is filled with the fragrance of wine. In the brewing workshop, workers are busy brewing Sanqi Flower Wine. Sanqi Flower Wine is carefully brewed from the flowers, stems, leaves, and fibrous roots of Panax notoginseng under the forest, which have the same medicinal and edible properties. It allows the flowers to coexist and blend with the wine, resulting in excellent aroma and presenting a unique flavor of "golden and transparent, mellow and mellow aroma, smooth and sweet taste, and long-lasting aftertaste.". In addition to Sanqi Flower Wine, there is also Sanqi Flower Tea, which is loved by health enthusiasts. As the saying goes: one year of grass, two years of teeth, three years of flowers, four years of good, five years of treasure. Sanqi flowers grow in weakly acidic soil at an altitude of 1800 meters, with a dark green color, thick and short flower stalks, and containing various ginsenosides and Sanqi saponins. Sanqi flower can be paired with red licorice, roses, Poria cocos, Astragalus membranaceus, and other herbs to form different health combinations. Daily consumption can bring full vitality to the body.

If you come to Yunnan for tourism and casually walk into a restaurant, the waiter will definitely pour you a cup of golden and clear tartary buckwheat tea, washing away the fatigue of your journey. At this exhibition, in addition to Sanqi, which has extremely high medicinal value, the endless sweet bitter buckwheat tea at the entrance also rode the "east wind" to Shanghai.

Tartary buckwheat tea is the most distinctive local product in Ninglang County, Lijiang City. The cultivation of 3000 meters of plateau cold and pollution-free tea endows Ninglang bitter buckwheat tea with outstanding quality; The pure bran processing technique combined with low-temperature baking technology ensures its nutritional integrity; The nutritional value of "three high nemesis" and "rich in 18 amino acids"; Zhaotong Tartary Buckwheat, a specialty of Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, is a geographical indication of national agricultural products. Zhaotong tartary buckwheat has a bitter taste, cold nature, rich nutrition, and is rich in various amino acids. Among them, there are seven essential amino acids for the human body... Tartary buckwheat has flown out of the deep mountains of Yunnan to the daily dining tables of the people in Shanghai.

This exhibition will allow you to experience the extraordinary charm of Yunnan!, "Zero Distance" Experience the Natural Gift of "Plant Kingdom" Yunnan | Rose | Exhibition and Sales Fair

Nowadays, tartary buckwheat tea has taken a place in the Shanghai market, and the tartary buckwheat processing production line in Yunnan has also been accelerated. The categories are constantly upgrading and developing new products such as tricolor mixed coarse grains, egg bitter buckwheat flour, purple potato bitter buckwheat flour, and tartary buckwheat dumplings. The tartary buckwheat industry chain is becoming increasingly rich, and the number of employees in factories and workshops is increasing day by day. The added value of tartary buckwheat products is constantly increasing, and the wallets of the people are also bulging.

Mountains and seas are connected, Shenqing helps purchase. Do you want to taste the delicacies from Yunnan, the "Kingdom of Plants" on site? From July 20th to 23rd, the 6th Shanghai Special Products Exhibition and Sales Fair will be held at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. At that time, citizens can experience and taste the unique products from Yunnan Province without leaving Shanghai!

【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit
【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit

SAIC Group released its 2023 semi annual report today. In the first half of this year, the company achieved wholesale sales of 2.072 million vehicles and terminal retail sales of 2.237 million vehicles, continuing to maintain its leading position in the domestic industry, and monthly sales continued to grow month on month. Sales in the second quarter increased by 32.5% compared to the first quarter, outperforming the overall market growth rate. In the first half of the year, SAIC's overseas sales reached 533000 vehicles, continuing to lead the industry; The sales of new energy vehicles reached 372000 units, ranking second among Chinese car companies and maintaining a "month on month continuous increase" since January. During the reporting period, the company achieved a combined total operating revenue of 326.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.34%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 7.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.54%, by optimizing its structure, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

SAIC Maxus, in collaboration with the Wuxi government, provides subsidies for purchasing "StarCraft" pickup trucks to benefit the public
SAIC Maxus, in collaboration with the Wuxi government, provides subsidies for purchasing "StarCraft" pickup trucks to benefit the public

"The golden mountain is slowly flowing, and the tin water is devoid of vegetation and spring". The scenery of the Taihu Lake Lake is picturesque, and the scenery of lakes and mountains is intoxicating. Wuxi, known as the "Pearl of the Taihu Lake Lake", is not only home to many famous literati, but also an important economic center in eastern China, with developed industry and commerce. Since the lifting of the local pickup truck ban last year and the official implementation of the Wuxi Service Integration into the Shanghai Metropolitan Area Action Plan this year, the Wuxi pickup truck market has ushered in new opportunities for development. Diversified lifestyles such as mountain running, fishing, skiing, and camping have emerged, injecting fresh vitality into the local pickup truck life. On August 12th, the StarCraft pickup truck was heavily launched in Wuxi, shining in the East China region with its hardcore quality. At the delivery ceremony, the first batch of interstellar pickup truck owners also officially picked up their beloved cars, taking the lead in embarking on a "interstellar" journey. On site by SAIC Maxus MA

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Strengthen residents' awareness of early intervention and management, and the "City Change diabetes" Community Action Initiative released diabetes | environment | residents
Strengthen residents' awareness of early intervention and management, and the "City Change diabetes" Community Action Initiative released diabetes | environment | residents

The prevalence of many chronic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, is a major health problem facing the Chinese people. In China, the prevalence of diabetes has reached 11.9 per cent, one in nine adults with diabetes. The "Urban Change Diabetes China-Dan Roundtable" with the theme of "Driving Change and Building a Healthier City" was held in Shanghai recently. The Roundtable launched the 'Cities Changing Diabetes' Community Action Initiative ". It is proposed to carry out specific actions from the aspects of strong concept of health science popularization, wide support of health environment, and health management to promote change, so as to build a health supporting environment, so as to promote community residents to strengthen early intervention and health management of diabetes. It is reported that the "City Change Diabetes" community action initiative includes a total of 9 specific initiatives. Medium

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu
Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

After retiring, Gong Aihua, a resident of Yingzhong Community, no longer had the usual busyness and often went to the community center to participate in various activities. "I click on 'Happiness Cloud' on my phone every day to check out the announcements and activities in the community. You can sign up and participate anytime, anywhere. 'As Aunt Gong said,' Happiness Cloud 'is an information-based system created by Qingpu for community workers and residents - the' Happiness Cloud 'smart community panoramic application system.". This "cloud" is positioned as the sinking of "One Network Management", the expansion of "One Network Service", and the strengthening of "Community Cloud". It has built five subsystems with "Community Governance Theme Data Warehouse" as the core, "Full Element Management System", "Fully Automatic Office", "Panoramic Service System", "Universal Governance System", and "Fully Aggregated" One Network Management "System"