How to accurately measure the breathing, pulse, and body temperature of a city? Shanghai pioneered this system life in the country | City | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:25 PM

Cities are living organisms, which means we cannot simply view them as creations of humanity. A city is not just a collection of people, not just a cluster of buildings, not just a central node of the industrial and commercial network, nor a complex of population and space. The city itself is a living, breathing, and sensory complex system that is relatively independent of human will. Accurately measuring the vital signs of a city, once a city is created by humans, it becomes a new "artificial nature", becoming a living and organic entity. This means that we must respect the internal laws of urban development and respect the city like we respect nature. Urban governance needs to follow the trend, which is the trend and mechanism of urban development. For example, the size of a city's population is not subjectively determined by urban planners, but mainly depends on the city's economic scale, industrial ecology, and cultural environment, as well as its location and function in the entire country. Cities are living organisms and organisms, and naturally have their own metabolism and life cycle. Therefore, urban governance requires not only a systematic concept in the spatial dimension, but also a full cycle concept in the temporal dimension. Cities have a process of growth, maturity, and aging. High level governance can promote high-quality development of cities, continuously attract fresh creativity and young immigrants, delay urban aging, and let cities continue to radiate youthful vitality. Cities are living organisms, which means that cities, like living organisms, have their own vital signs. Grasping the vital signs of a city can help us better assess its operational status and manage its health. For the governance of mega cities, precise measurement of the city's vital signs is particularly important. The vital signs of mega cities are manifested as the following characteristics: firstly, super large scale. Megacities have huge markets, complex societies, diverse organizations, massive buildings, a permanent population of over ten million, and numerous floating populations. The larger the scale, the more variables that affect urban development, and the lower the predictability. Secondly, ultra-high density. The population density, building density, and capital density of mega cities are all very high. High density promotes high growth and also brings a series of challenges, such as fire hazards in high-rise buildings and potential pressure on social stability. Thirdly, ultra-high speed. The flow of people, logistics, information, and capital in mega cities is characterized by high flow and fast flow. Quickness brings convenience to life, but it may also bring about fast-paced life and psychological pressure. Fourthly, high complexity. Industrial diversity, class diversity, occupational diversity, interest diversity, and organizational diversity help stimulate innovation, facilitate cross-border cooperation, and also bring high complexity, such as safety production risks, interest differentiation, and diverse preferences. Fifth, uncertainty. The high speed and complexity of mega cities bring a high degree of uncertainty. The governance of mega cities requires effective management of risks in urban operations. However, when people attempt to intervene in uncertainty and risks, new uncertainties often arise, which further increases the difficulty of governance. Sixth, interactive effects. The interaction effect between millions of people will bring exponential growth in creativity, complexity, and uncertainty. The interaction between people, people and things, and things and things brings new creativity and opportunities, but also exacerbates the complexity of social problems and urban governance. How to empower urban governance with big data? The vital signs of a city are much more complex than those of a human body. In cities, massive real-time dynamic data is generated every day. What does this data really mean? How to empower urban governance with big data?Based on the large-scale deployment of IOT perception neu

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