Xi Jinping held talks with Serbian President Vucic

Release time:May 09, 2024 03:36 AM

On the morning of May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with Serbian President Vucic at the Serbian Building in Belgrade. The two heads of state announced to deepen and enhance the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership and build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.

The sun is shining brightly in Belgrade in May. In front of the Serbian Building, the national flags of China and Serbia were fluttering in the wind, and the guard of honor was majestic. When Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan arrived by car, Serbian President Vucic and his wife Tamara warmly welcomed them at the bus stop.

Vucic held a grand welcome ceremony for Xi Jinping. The two heads of state stepped onto the reviewing stand together, the military band played the national anthems of China and Serbia, and fired a 10-gun salute. Xi Jinping, accompanied by Vucic, reviewed the guard of honor. The two heads of state shook hands with each other's accompanying personnel and greeted each other.

Vucic accompanied Xi Jinping to the platform of the Government Building. In the square of the building, 15,000 Serbian people waved the national flags of China and Serbia and expressed their warmest welcome to Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping waved to the welcoming crowd. Thunderous applause sounded in the square, and cheers came and went for a long time.

After the welcoming ceremony, the two heads of state held small-scale meetings and large-scale talks respectively.

Xi Jinping pointed out that I am very happy to visit beautiful Serbia again after eight years at the invitation of President Vucic. President Vucic led many important senior government officials to greet me at the airport, especially the grand welcome ceremony just held for me. I was deeply moved and deeply felt that the Serbian people are good friends of the Chinese people and have sincere friendly feelings towards China.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia has withstood the test of the vicissitudes of the international situation and has a profound historical heritage, a solid political foundation, extensive common interests, and a solid foundation of public opinion. In recent years, Mr. President and I have jointly led the relations between the two countries to achieve leapfrog development and achieved historic achievements. Especially since the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia in 2016, the connotation of bilateral relations has become richer and the outreach has continued to expand, becoming a model of friendly relations between China and European countries. Actions speak louder than words. China is willing to work with Serbia to continue to share the same destiny through thick and thin, uphold the spirit of iron-clad friendship, uphold and develop China-Serbia friendship, jointly safeguard the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries, pursue the development and national rejuvenation of each country side by side, and jointly promote the destiny of China and Serbia in the new era. Community building.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Serbia is China’s first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. The cooperation between the two sides has injected strong impetus into their respective development and revitalization and brought tangible benefits to the two peoples. Under the new situation, Serbia has become the first European country to jointly build a community with a shared future with China, which fully reflects the strategic, special and high-level nature of China-Serbia relations. The China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era is the sublimation of the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia, and also represents the common values ​​​​and goal pursuits of both parties, that is, seeking common development, win-win cooperation, and mutual achievement. , pursue the common vision of peace and development of the country. The two sides should continue to deepen and expand high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries by building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, so as to help the two countries' respective modernization processes.

First, highlight the strategic nature of bilateral relations and grasp the general direction of bilateral relations. China supports Serbia in adhering to independence and pursuing a development path that suits its national conditions, and supports Serbia's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Both sides should continue to firmly support each other, deepen strategic cooperation, and safeguard their respective political security and fundamental interests.

Second, adhere to the pragmatic nature of cooperation between the two countries and seek benefits for the two peoples. The high-quality cooperation between China and Serbia in jointly building the "Belt and Road" has achieved gratifying results. The two sides should solidly advance cooperation in traditional fields such as transportation and energy infrastructure, achieve the goal of opening the entire Serbian section of the Hungary-Serbia railway to traffic as scheduled, jointly operate major cooperation projects between the two countries, create more "small but beautiful" people's livelihood projects, and continue to release positive economic benefits. social benefits. The China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement will take effect on July 1 this year, and China and Serbia will surely enter a new stage of high-level mutual opening-up. China will continue to expand imports of high-quality agricultural products with Serbian characteristics and is willing to invite 300 Serbian teenagers to study and exchange in China in the next three years. Serbia is welcome to open a direct flight from Belgrade to Shanghai and comprehensively deepen people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

Third, carry forward the innovative nature of bilateral relations, open up new prospects for cooperation, and build innovative cooperation into a new growth point for bilateral relations. China will support 50 young Serbian scientists to conduct scientific research exchange visits to China in the next three years, and is willing to strengthen cooperation with Serbia in the field of artificial intelligence and promote the rational development and application of artificial intelligence for all mankind. We must jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics, jointly oppose group politics and camp confrontation, safeguard the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, practice true multilateralism, and promote international fairness and justice.

Vucic extended the warmest welcome to President Xi Jinping and said that China is Serbia's most sincere friend. Serbia is a small country, but China has always fully respected Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and provided valuable support for Serbia's economic and social development. President Xi Jinping is a great world leader. Under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has achieved world-renowned achievements, become a beacon of development and progress in the world, and increasingly plays an important leadership role in international affairs. The Communist Party of China not only seeks happiness for the Chinese people, but also for people around the world. The Serbian people are full of gratitude and respect for China, especially President Xi Jinping, and are sincerely proud to be a firm friend with a great country like China. Serbia firmly supports China’s legitimate stance on issues of Taiwan and other core interests. There is only one China in the world, and Serbia will continue to firmly support China without hesitation or wavering.

Vucic said that China's investment and cooperation have greatly promoted Serbia's economic and social development and also improved the living standards of the Serbian people. Especially since 2016, with the personal care and support of President Xi Jinping, HBIS Smedelevo Steel Plant has achieved huge economic and social effects, which has not only completely changed the destiny of the steel plant, but also enhanced the confidence and hope of the people. Serbia's future is closely linked to China. Serbia looks forward to intensifying exchanges with China in various fields and at all levels, and strengthening cooperation in infrastructure, new energy, innovation, artificial intelligence, humanities and other fields. Actively promote high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", complete the construction of the Serbian section of the Hungary-Serbia railway as scheduled, welcome more Chinese companies to invest in Serbia, and look forward to the opening of more direct flights between the two countries. Taking the entry into force of the Serbia-China Free Trade Agreement as an opportunity, further Expand economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. Today we announced that we will upgrade the comprehensive strategic partnership between Serbia and China and build a community with a shared future for Serbia and China in the new era, which will surely become a new milestone in the history of Serbia-China relations. Serbia firmly supports and will actively participate in the global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, and will work closely with China on multilateral strategic coordination to jointly oppose hegemonic powers, uphold the purposes of the United Nations Charter, and defend international fairness and justice.

After the talks, the two heads of state jointly signed the "Joint Statement on Deepening and Upgrading the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between China and Serbia and Building a China-Serbia Community with a Shared Future in the New Era" and jointly witnessed the exchanges and joint efforts to build the "Belt and Road", green development, digital economy, electronics There are a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of business, infrastructure, economy and technology, information and communications, agriculture and food, media and other fields.

At noon that day, Vucic and Tamara held a grand welcome banquet for Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan at the Serbian Building.

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