CCTV Quick Review: Striving to Create a New Miracle of China's Desertification Prevention and Control in the New Era | Ecology | Era

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:52 PM

"strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and further promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the 'three North' are related to China's ecological security, the building of a powerful country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and is a lofty cause that contributes to the present age and benefits for a thousand years. We should courageously undertake the mission, be not afraid of hardships, and do meritorious service for a long time, strive to create a new miracle of China's desert prevention and control in a new era, build the green barrier of thousands of miles in northern Xinjiang of the motherland more firmly, and make greater achievements in building a beautiful China. " General Secretary Xi Jinping recently inspected Bayannur City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, presided over a forum on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north" and delivered an important speech. The General Secretary's important speech fully affirmed the great achievements made in China's desert prevention and control work, scientifically analyzed the situation facing the control of desertification and desertified land in China, and guided us by Xi Jinping's thinking on ecological civilization. it provides a strong guidance and action guide for us to promote the high-quality development of the "three North" and other key ecological projects and to build the unbreakable Green Great Wall of northern Xinjiang.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's ecological civilization construction has achieved remarkable results, and the governance of desertification and desertified land in the country has shown a good trend of overall improvement and accelerated improvement. At the same time, the fundamental principles of large, widely distributed, severe, and difficult desertification control in China have not fundamentally changed, and it remains one of the countries with the most severe desertification in the world. This spring, China experienced multiple large-scale sand and dust weather processes, with strong winds sweeping up sand and dust, not only ravaging most northern regions, but also moving southward and eastward, crossing the Yangtze River. The reality does not allow us to slack off at all. We need to fully understand the long-term, arduous, repetitive, and uncertain nature of sand prevention and control work, further improve our position, enhance our sense of mission and urgency.

CCTV Quick Review: Striving to Create a New Miracle of China's Desertification Prevention and Control in the New Era | Ecology | Era

On the new journey, we will continue to do a good job in desertification prevention and sand control. We must adhere to a systematic concept, solidly promote the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, strengthen regional joint prevention and control, implement coordinated planning for desert edges and hinterland, upper and lower air vents, sand source areas, and path areas, strictly implement land use control, and leave sufficient ecological space. We must highlight the key points of governance and make every effort to win the battle against the "several bends" of the Yellow River, the battles of annihilation of the two major sandy areas of Horqin and Hunshandak, and the three iconic battles of resistance on the edge of the Hexi Corridor Taklamakan Desert. We must adhere to scientific desertification control, make rational use of water resources, regard water resources as the greatest rigid constraint, vigorously develop water-saving forests and grasslands, scientifically choose vegetation restoration models, reasonably allocate forest and grassland vegetation types and densities, adhere to the combination of trees, shrubs, and grasses, and create windbreak and sand fixation forest networks, forest belts, and windbreak and sand fixation desert edge forest and grassland belts. We must persistently promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North" and strengthen the ecological security barrier in northern China.

Desertification is a severe challenge facing the world as a whole. The international community should work together to strengthen comprehensive exchanges and cooperation in funding, technology, information, and other aspects between each other. By establishing and improving sharing mechanisms, we can enhance the level of regional and global cooperation in combating desertification and desertification. We should focus on strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries, support the joint construction of desertification prevention and control in the "the Belt and Road" countries, lead countries to carry out policy dialogue and information sharing, and jointly respond to dust disasters.

CCTV Quick Review: Striving to Create a New Miracle of China's Desertification Prevention and Control in the New Era | Ecology | Era

Despite the hard work of washing away thousands of grains, only after blowing out the raging sand can gold be found. For a long time, cadres and masses in the sandy areas of Northeast, North China, and Northwest China have worked hard and made long-term contributions in harsh environments, leading to the emergence of advanced models such as Hebei Saihanba, Inner Mongolia Kubuqi, and Gansu Gulang Babusha, as well as sand control heroes such as Wang Youde, Shi Guangyin, Niu Yuqin, Shi Shuzhu, and Yin Yuzhen. In the new era and new journey, we must vigorously promote the "Three North Spirit" and the spirit of Saihanba, take the heroic model as an example, set the Foolish Old Man's ambition to move mountains, muster the energy of "never breaking the Loulan and never returning it", set our goals, work hard and move forward with courage, and strive to create a new miracle of China's sand prevention and control in the new era, leaving a beautiful home with green mountains, beautiful water, and new air for future generations.

CCTV commentator

CCTV Quick Review: Striving to Create a New Miracle of China's Desertification Prevention and Control in the New Era | Ecology | Era
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