Showing a new atmosphere and creating a new situation - written on the first anniversary of the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium

Release time:Jun 02, 2024 09:44 AM

On June 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, profoundly explained the significance of "two combinations", and issued a strong voice of the times of "taking on new cultural missions" .

Over the past year, guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and drawing confidence and strength from cultural inheritance and development, hundreds of millions of Chinese people have made strides toward promoting cultural prosperity, building a culturally powerful country, and building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation.

New heights: the fundamental guideline for promoting cultural inheritance, development and prosperity

On a summer day in Beijing, the Chinese Archaeological Museum inside the Chinese Academy of History is crowded with visitors.

The "7,000-year-old" pottery human face statue from the Neolithic Age, the turquoise dragon-shaped vessel from the Erlitou site, the ivory cup from the Shang Dynasty, the bronze sacrifice statue from the Zhou Dynasty... In the exhibition hall, each piece of Chinese treasures silently tells the story of the continuation of the civilization star river. . The audience stared at them with pride in their splendid civilization.

On September 15, 2023, the Chinese Archaeological Museum, located in the core area of ​​Beijing Olympic Park, was officially opened to the public, with visitors viewing precious cultural relics inside the museum. Photo by reporter Li He

A year ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to the National Library of China and the Chinese Academy of History for inspection and research, attended a symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and delivered an important speech. From the overall strategic perspective of the development of the party and the country's undertakings, he made a comprehensive review of the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. A comprehensive and systematic in-depth elaboration of a series of major theoretical and practical issues——

The five outstanding characteristics of continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace are used as an "accurate portrait" of Chinese civilization. The premise is mutual agreement and the result is mutual achievement, which has laid a solid foundation for the road, opened up space for innovation and consolidated It profoundly elaborates on the significance of "two combinations" of cultural subjectivity...

This is the Wenhan Hall of the Central Main Building of the National Library of China taken in May 2023. hair

A series of important expositions shine with the truth of Marxism, imbue the unique charm of Chinese culture, and provide scientific guidance for promoting the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and building a socialist cultural power.

Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Pingjiang historical and cultural district, with small bridges and flowing water, adjacent to river streets.

In July 2023, one month after the symposium on cultural inheritance and development was held, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here. The Su embroidery passed down from generation to generation made the General Secretary full of emotion: "How strong the inheritance of Chinese culture is can be seen through this Su embroidery. Kung fu like this fully reflects the resilience, patience and determination of the Chinese people. This It is part of the Chinese national spirit.”

These words illustrate the unchanging root, essence, and soul in the blood of Chinese people since ancient times, the flowing meaning, aggregates, and pulses, and the inherited essence, energy, and spirit.

Thinking about the past and present of Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping, during the critical period of cultural inheritance and development, has traveled all over the country, and has personally promoted Chinese culture to regain its glory.

"Let the tourism industry better serve a better life, promote economic development, build a spiritual home, display China's image, and enhance mutual learning among civilizations."

On May 17, 2024, the Party Central Committee held for the first time an important meeting with the theme of tourism development-the National Tourism Development Conference. General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on tourism work and drew a beautiful picture of "poetry and distance".

On September 7, 2023, at Shaanxi Liangshun Jiangxin Industrial Co., Ltd. located in Hanzhong City, staff were weaving rattan products. Photo by reporter Zhang Manyi

In Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, it was emphasized that "Hanzhong rattan weaving and other intangible cultural heritages have long been renowned, and it is necessary to develop and expand characteristic industries to better drive the masses to increase their income and become rich"; in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, it was urged to "strengthen creative design and R&D innovation to further make the ceramic industry bigger and stronger" ”... General Secretary Xi Jinping has led the promotion of positive interaction, integration and symbiosis between culture and economy, injecting a distinctive humanistic background into Chinese-style modernization.

"We have known about this history for a long time, but we still have to learn from it, ponder over it, absorb nutrients, refine and sublimate our understanding." In February 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Pingjin Battle Memorial Hall , relive the hard-won red country.

This is the exterior view of the new Sanxingdui Museum taken on July 26, 2023. Photo by reporter Wang Xi

On behalf of the Party Central Committee, he congratulated the new Sanxingdui Museum on its completion and praised that "the national pride has doubled after seeing it"; visited the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall in Yancheng, Jiangsu, and lamented that "this is a vivid teaching material for carrying out revolutionary traditional education and patriotism education. We must make good use of this Textbook"; issued important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, emphasizing that "taking the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture as the foundation of strength, and explaining the truth deeply, thoroughly and vividly"... Under the leadership and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, The ambition, integrity and confidence of the Chinese people are becoming more and more high-spirited.

This is the exterior view of the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, taken on December 3, 2023. Photo by reporter Li Bo

On December 3, 2023, a forum named after the Liangzhu ruins, which is an evidence of the five thousand years of Chinese civilization history, was held in Hangzhou.

In his congratulatory letter to the first "Liangzhu Forum", General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed his sincere hope of "promoting the harmonious coexistence and mutual achievement of different civilizations", which made the Chinese and foreign guests present feel excited.

On January 14, 2024, the audience visited Liangzhu Museum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Photo by reporter Feng Yuan

Attended the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade and the Hangzhou Asian Games, and sent congratulatory messages to the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum and the World Congress of China Studies·Shanghai Forum... Chinese civilization is "newer and newer every day" in exchanges, mutual learning, and harmonious symbiosis, and world civilization The garden becomes more colorful and full of vitality.

This is the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games taken in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on September 23, 2023. Photo by reporter Chen Yichen

Advanced ideas and extraordinary undertakings complement each other, and scientific theories and great practices stimulate each other.

In the golden autumn of 2023, Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts were formally proposed to hold high the cultural banner of our party on the new journey, marking that our party’s understanding of the laws of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics has reached a new height, and demonstrating our party’s historical confidence and cultural confidence. Reached new heights.

New atmosphere: Solid steps are taken in building a socialist cultural power

Lingnan in May is full of lush vegetation. At the 20th China International Cultural Industry Expo, traditional techniques such as letterpress printing and cloisonné, which contain oriental wisdom and aesthetics, attracted attention.

On May 24, 2024, children experienced the 3D fantasy space at the iFlytek booth of the 20th China International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair. Photo by reporter Deng Hua

The excellent traditional Chinese culture created and sustained by the Chinese nation over thousands of years of history is the root and soul of the Chinese nation.

Over the past year, the propaganda, ideological and cultural front has been deeply rooted in the rich fertile soil of China's excellent traditional culture, promoting cultural protection, inheritance and innovative development, and the "pool of spring water" of Chinese culture is full of vitality.

Adhere to the position of Chinese culture, and the thousand-year cultural context continues to flourish——

In Yanqing, Beijing, the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area is crowded with tourists. Climb high and look into the distance, you will see the majestic Great Wall twisting and turning among the high mountains.

"The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization. It embodies the Chinese nation's spirit of continuous struggle for self-improvement and its patriotic sentiments of unity and perseverance." On May 14, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a speech to Badaling, Yanqing District, Beijing Folks in Zhenshixia Village wrote back, encouraging everyone to "pass on this precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation."

On April 7, 2024, tourists visited the Badaling Great Wall where mountain flowers were in full bloom. Photo by reporter Ju Huanzong

From convening a symposium on the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage to the issuance of the "Yangtze River Cultural Protection and Inheritance Promotion Plan", the "Yellow River National Cultural Park Construction and Protection Plan" and "Opinions on Strengthening Cultural Relics Scientific and Technological Innovation"... the top-level design has been constantly improved to provide better support for the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. Protect and protect.

From the launch of the fourth national cultural relics census to further understand the heritage of cultural relics; to the major project of "Archaeology of China" making new progress, the face of ancient China is becoming increasingly clear; to the "Pu'er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" being selected as a "World Heritage" List", demonstrating the Chinese wisdom of harmonious coexistence between man and nature... Protection efforts continue to increase, protection channels and approaches continue to expand, and the Chinese cultural heritage continues to be passed down and lasts forever.

On September 15, 2023, Ye Xiang, a Dai girl, finished tea leaves at the Brown Princess Tea Factory in Jingmai Mountain, Yunnan. Photo by reporter Hu Chao

Promote revitalization and revitalize traditional culture——

"Museums are very important. I have loved visiting museums since I was a child. I have seen almost all the museums in Beijing when I was a child." During the National Two Sessions in 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed his feelings when participating in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation and hoped that the general public, especially young people, Get more in-depth contact with the museum to further enhance the sense of history.

The museum carries historical memories and inherits a long cultural context.

On February 26, 2024, visitors viewed exhibits in the new hall of the Yinxu Museum in Anyang, Henan. Photo by reporter Li An

The new Yin Xu Museum has nearly 4,000 sets of precious cultural relics showing the richness and splendor of Shang civilization; the Liaoning Provincial Museum's "Hairpin" series of handmade jewelry and other cultural and creative products are full of innovative ideas; the Hunan Museum uses AI and other related technologies to make Lady Xin Zhui of the Han Dynasty Become a 3D digital human and show it to the world...

Over the past year, more than 6,000 museums across the country have each displayed their own characteristics and vividly demonstrated the character and charm of Chinese culture. In 2023, museums nationwide will receive 1.29 billion visitors, a record high.

Only those who are good at organically unifying and closely integrating the promotion of excellent traditional culture and the development of realistic culture can develop through inheritance and inherit through development.

In Zhejiang, the newly edited Yue opera "New Longmen Inn" organically combines traditional opera with new performing arts spaces and continues to become popular on the Internet; in Qufu, Shandong, the large-scale ritual music program "Golden Sound and Jade Vibration" fully displays the ancient charm; the immersive family musical "Lu Duan" 》The innovative form of the resident version makes the cultural relics of the Forbidden City "alive"... On the land of China, vivid cultural innovation practices are constantly being staged, and China's excellent traditional culture shows its eternal charm and the style of the times.

Adhere to the people-centered approach and continuously meet the needs for a better life——

Literature and art are the clarion call for the progress of the times. They can best represent the style of an era and best lead the ethos of an era.

"Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an" and "Apotheosis of the Gods Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture, "Volunteers: Heroes Attack" and "Ask the Vast" inherit the glorious tradition of revolution, and the 11th Mao Dun Literature Award winning work "Snow Mountain Land" ""Bao Shui" writes about the great changes in the mountains and villages of the motherland...

In the past year, one after another powerful literary and artistic masterpieces used new stories, new images, new melodies, and new styles to express the people's heroic spirit of struggle, convey the light of the national spirit, continuously meet the people's cultural needs, and enhance the people's spiritual strength.

Culture is not only a spiritual bond that unites people's hearts, but also a key factor in enhancing people's well-being.

Data show that in 2023, cultural and related industry enterprises above designated size across the country will achieve operating income of 12,951.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% over the previous year. The supporting role of the cultural service industry has been strengthened, the entertainment and leisure industry has recovered rapidly, and the new cultural industry has a significant driving effect.

To help rural revitalization, more than 6,700 intangible cultural heritage workshops have been set up across the country, and "old craftsmanship" has become a new bright spot for people to increase their employment and income; to meet the needs of the people, more than 33,500 new public cultural spaces with good appearance and rich content have become around people. Cultural living room; reshaping "poetry and distance", tourism has increasingly become a happy industry that enriches and rejoices the people...

Looking at the state, cultural projects to benefit the people have been implemented in depth, culture and tourism have been deeply integrated, the cultural industry has developed rapidly, cultural undertakings in the new era are full of vitality, and the ancient Eastern civilization has made strides towards becoming a socialist cultural power.

New mission: Continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a culturally powerful country, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point

Currently, the world is undergoing major changes unprecedented in a century, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period. Standing at a new historical starting point, how to inherit the ever-lasting historical context, carry forward the endless long-standing civilization, continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a culturally powerful country, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation?

Strengthen cultural self-confidence and insist on walking your own path——

Visit the West Lake and walk on the embankment that Su Shi stepped on; explore Mount Lu and see the countryside that Tao Qian loved... During this year's May Day holiday, nearly 300 million people traveled, making tourism a "top trend". In the pursuit of "poetry and distance", people understand the beauty of culture, cultivate patriotism, and build cultural confidence.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered his 2024 New Year's message, he said affectionately: "The dawn of civilization in Liangzhu and Erlitou, the inheritance of writings on the oracle bones of the Yin Ruins, the cultural treasures of Sanxingdui, and the continuous cultural context of the National Edition Museum... The great China , the history is so long and the civilization is so vast, this is the foundation of our confidence and the source of our strength.”

Self-confidence can lead to self-improvement. Only a nation with cultural self-confidence can stand firm, stand firm, and travel far.

“We must strengthen our cultural self-confidence, insist on following our own path, base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, use Chinese principles to summarize Chinese experience, upgrade Chinese experience into Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence.”

Guided by Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, based on firm cultural self-confidence, inspiring the spiritual power of self-confidence and self-improvement, and showing a more active historical responsibility, the edifice of the Chinese national spirit will surely stand tall.

Adhere to openness and inclusiveness and learn from the achievements of outstanding civilization——

The vast Eurasian continent is the dazzling land of human civilization.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again set foot on the beautiful land of France. At the Tourmalet Pass in the Hautes-Pyrenees province in southwest France, the two heads of state once again had in-depth strategic communication from the perspective of history and civilization, talked about civilization and beauty, and continued to write the story of "Mountains and Flowing Waters"; at the Elysée Palace in Paris, Give each other the "gift of books", use books to make friends, and use articles to convey the truth.

The head-of-state diplomacy is steeped in a strong cultural background.

"Chinese civilization is the only long-standing civilization in the world that has lasted for more than 5,000 years without interruption. Because of this, the Chinese people have a strong sense of family and country, and particularly value and cherish national unity."

"This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. After 75 years of arduous struggle, China's national appearance and people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, but one thing has never changed, and that is our peaceful and kind nature, broad and inclusive mind and The pursuit of fairness and justice is rooted in more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and grows deep in the soul of the Chinese people.”

President Macron was inspired by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s affectionate “Civilization Autobiography”: “I have further understood China’s history, culture, concepts and development process, and have a deeper understanding of China’s stance on important issues.”

Today, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. The international community is increasingly paying attention to China and hopes to understand Chinese culture. We must uphold openness and inclusiveness, break down the barriers to cultural exchanges with an open mind, draw on the nutrients of civilizations from all countries with an inclusive attitude, better promote Chinese culture going global with a confident and open attitude, and continuously enhance the country's cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture. , writing a new chapter in human civilization.

Adhere to integrity and innovation to create new glory for Chinese culture——

On May 18, 2024, the Qin and Han Museum of Shaanxi History Museum, the first thematic museum in China that panoramically displays the origin, development and contribution of Qin and Han civilization, was officially opened to the public.

On May 18, 2024, the audience watched the Western Han Dynasty gilt and silver bamboo-section copper incense burner displayed in the "Skills and Beauty" special exhibition at the Qin and Han Hall of the Shaanxi History Museum. Photo by reporter Li Yibo

20 kilometers away, on the bank of the Bahe River, on the stage of the large-scale resident performance "Unbounded Chang'an", Qin terracotta warriors, Han costumes, etc. were modernly interpreted, bringing history and culture into the public eye in a vivid and perceptible manner.

Inheritance and development, integrity and innovation, and resonance across time and space are also a tribute to civilization. It blends tradition and modernity, has a long cultural context, endless strings and songs, and a variety of atmospheres.

This is the performance scene of "Unbounded Chang'an" filmed at the Le Belt and Road Cultural and Art Center in Chang'an, Xi'an on February 11, 2024. Photo by reporter Liu Xiao

Continue the historical context and compose contemporary chapters. Only with the righteousness and vigor of upholding integrity and innovation, we can tap resources and absorb nutrients from the splendid civilization and long-standing cultural context, use the past for the present, weed out the old and bring out the new, and achieve future-oriented creation in the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. Only in this way can we continue to create new glories for Chinese culture.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, let us better shoulder the new cultural mission with an indomitable attitude of struggle, carry out cultural creation in practical creation, achieve cultural progress in historical progress, and promote the restoration of Chinese civilization’s glory!

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th, title: To guide the right direction for the development of international human rights -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the Global Human Rights Governance High-end Forum triggered a warm response Xinhua News Agency reporter "China is willing to work with the international community to implement the Vienna Declaration The spirit of the" Program of Action "promotes the development of global human rights governance in a more fair, just, reasonable and inclusive direction, and promotes the construction of a community with a shared future world." On June 14, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance, which triggered a warm response from Chinese and foreign guests. They said that President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter put forward China's propositions on the development of the international human rights cause and global human rights governance, and clarified China's vivid practice of implementing the spirit of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action and respecting and protecting human rights.

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The Hetao Plain in June is full of vitality and vigor. Entering the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, one can see lush trees and swaying branches and leaves. The village and farmland seem to rest in a lush cradle. The towering poplar trees cast shade on the sandy land, and the knee high purple locust trees hung with wind chime like flowers. Forestry workers led reporters into the depths of this forest in northern Xinjiang and talked about the process of sand control and afforestation in the forest farm. This is a scene taken on June 5th at the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District. This forest farm is located in the hinterland of the Hetao Plain, photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Zhipeng. The Hetao Plain is an important grain and oil production base in China, but farmland was once plagued by problems such as salinization and desertification. In the 1970s and 1980s, during the spring and autumn seasons, yellow sand flew all over the sky, and the crops and seedlings planted had just grown one span high