Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 07:54 AM

To accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports, a sound modern marine industry system, and a green and sustainable marine ecological environment, and contribute to the construction of a maritime power.

In recent years, policy documents such as the "14th Five Year Plan for National Marine Economic Development", "14th Five Year Plan for Marine Ecological Environment Protection", and "14th Five Year Plan for Water Transport Development" have pointed out the direction for the construction of a maritime power.

Shandong Province is promoting the integrated development of ports, accelerating the construction of a modern marine industry system, building a harmonious and beautiful ocean with a sea of people, and focusing on enhancing the independent innovation ability of marine technology. A thousand mile sea view map is slowly unfolding on the land of Qilu.

In 2022, the total marine production value of Shandong Province reached 163.029 billion yuan, accounting for 17.2% of the national total. The number of national marine ranch demonstration zones accounts for 39.6% of the country's total, and the number and density of shipping routes rank first among ports in northern China.

◇ On the land, ports have become partners in urban development, promoting the symbiosis and prosperity of port industry and city, and entering the fast lane of high-quality development; To the sea, ports are an important gateway for opening up to the outside world. With the help of ports, Shandong is embracing the ocean and opening up its doors for development.

How effective can a pool of seawater be? The Shandong Lubei High tech Development Zone needs to extract water from the sea and extract it thoroughly. "We desalinate about 120000 tons of seawater every day, supply 50000 tons of water to enterprises, and transport about 70000 tons of high concentration saline water to the Lubei Salt Factory for bromine extraction and salt production, achieving zero discharge of seawater."

Shandong strictly implements the ecological red line system for the entire sea area, establishes a coastal building retreat line system, promotes the implementation of the "Blue Bay" remediation action project and coastal zone protection and restoration projects, and polishes the scenic line of clear water, green shores, and beautiful beaches.

◇ Aquatic germplasm resources are the "chips" that ensure the supply of aquatic products and support the green development of aquaculture. The construction of resource libraries will provide technological support for the green development of China's marine aquaculture and the "turnaround battle" of the aquatic seed industry.

Developing new sugar based drugs from Antarctic brown algae to exert anti-tumor effects. The development plan of "Blue Drug Pool" by Guan Huashi, an academician of the CAE Member, also brought good news: the anti-tumor drug "BG136" under research has entered the clinical trial stage. This is the latest achievement of their "seeking medicine from the sea" after the successful launch of the marine drug "GV-971" for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

In Shandong, a major maritime province, breakthroughs have been continuously made in various fronts of "managing the ocean" represented by the "Blue Medicine Warehouse" development plan. Strugglers who strive for maritime strength face the vast ocean, work diligently, and strive for innovation.

Building a maritime power is an important component of comprehensively building a socialist modernized power. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a major deployment to build a maritime power. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and accelerate the construction of a maritime power.".

To accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports, a sound modern marine industry system, and a green and sustainable marine ecological environment, and contribute to the construction of a maritime power.

To build a maritime power, it is necessary to further care about the ocean, understand the ocean, manage the ocean, and accelerate the pace of marine scientific and technological innovation.

In recent years, policy documents such as the "14th Five Year Plan for National Marine Economic Development", "14th Five Year Plan for Marine Ecological Environment Protection", and "14th Five Year Plan for Water Transport Development" have pointed out the direction for the construction of a maritime power.

The eastern tide surges, and Qilu is strong towards the sea. Shandong Province is promoting the integrated development of ports, accelerating the construction of a modern marine industry system, building a harmonious and beautiful ocean with a sea of people, and focusing on enhancing the independent innovation ability of marine technology. A thousand mile sea view map is slowly unfolding on the land of Qilu.

For the past five years, Shandong has adhered to the coordinated development of land and sea, and made efforts to enhance its strength towards the sea, striving to do a good job in managing the ocean. "Blue" has become an important background for Shandong's economic development. In 2022, the total marine production value of Shandong Province reached 163.029 billion yuan, accounting for 17.2% of the national total. The number of national marine ranch demonstration zones accounts for 39.6% of the country's total, and the number and density of shipping routes rank first among ports in northern China.

The cohesion of ocean ports is growing

To build a strong maritime province, ports are both windows and pillars. As a major port province, Shandong is deeply promoting port integration reform, building a world-class port cluster on the Shandong Peninsula, vigorously expanding overseas port routes, and accelerating the integrated development of port areas, parks, and urban areas.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean

In August 2019, the Shandong Port Group, composed of Qingdao Port, Rizhao Port, Yantai Port, and Bohai Bay Port, was officially established, marking the transition of Shandong Port from a group of strong competitors to a comprehensive and integrated development.

For the past four years, Shandong Port has been running fast and surpassing with great strides. In 2022, the cargo throughput of Shandong ports exceeded 1.6 billion tons, and since its establishment, the group has continuously crossed four billion ton levels. The container volume has exceeded 37 million TEUs, with an annual increase exceeding the average level of coastal ports in China. The position of Northeast Asia as an international shipping hub has become more stable.

Build smart and green ports, and create a modern port "Shangang Plan". In recent years, Shandong ports have actively played a leading and demonstrative role in the construction of smart and green ports, and have taken the lead in releasing the 14th Five Year Plan for green and low-carbon ports in the national port and shipping industry, accelerating the promotion of technological innovation and development. In May 2020, the Ministry of Transport designated Shandong Port as the first pilot unit for "smart port construction" in China.

Walking in the fully automated dock operation area of Qingdao Port, towering rail cranes whizzed back and forth, and automatic guided transport vehicles shuttled back and forth. No workers were seen on site. Wang Xincheng, Senior Engineer at Qingdao Port Technology Center, said that the site has achieved full coverage of 5G signals, significantly increased communication bandwidth for rail cranes, and almost zero latency.

In recent years, the container intelligent control system independently developed and implemented by Shandong Port Group has reached the international leading level, supporting the average operating efficiency of Qingdao Port's fully automated terminal to reach 36.2 natural boxes/hour, and the highest single machine operating rate of bridge cranes to reach 67.76 natural boxes/hour, breaking the world record for the 9th time and contributing "Chinese wisdom" to the development of global smart and green ports.

Shandong promotes the smart and green transformation and development of ports. On the one hand, we will adhere to innovative core technologies, accelerate the construction of automated docks, achieve digitalization of various production factors in the entire port area, and significantly improve the level of intelligence. On the other hand, aiming for the "dual carbon" goal, we will create characteristic development areas such as "China Hydrogen Port", "Digital Energy Port", and "Integrated Zero Carbon Port of Wind and Solar Energy Storage", and fully promote the construction of domestically leading and internationally leading green and low-carbon ports.

In May 2023, the China Ports Association awarded the Shandong Port Qingdao Port Automation Terminal a five-star "Smart Port" and a five-star "Green Port" double five-star honor. The "smart and green" development of Qingdao Port is a microcosm of the high-quality development of Shandong Port.

Promote the integrated development of Hong Kong, industry, and city, radiating and driving industrial agglomeration and urban development. In December 2021, the "Shandong Port Industry City Integration Development Plan" was issued, accelerating the integration of the port area, park area, and urban area, and promoting rapid economic development near the port. Nowadays, the hub capacity, landing projects, green environment and other resource agglomeration advantages of ports are constantly expanding, and the driving role of port industry city integration development is being reflected.

Strolling through the southern area of Shijiu Port in Rizhao Port, where vehicles and ships are busy and the sea is blue, this place will carry the Shanxi Shide Group's Rizhao Port East Coal Southward Relocation Project. With a 100000 ton berth and four storage yards with a capacity of over 1 million tons, a 10 million ton coal transfer base will be built, serving as the "gateway" for the expansion of coal transportation on both wings of the Wa Ri Railway and the Xinhe Yanri Railway.

Rizhao is the main node city of the "the Belt and Road" New Eurasian Continental Bridge Economic Corridor, and the most convenient outlet of the Lunan Economic Circle. The local government insists on closely linking and supporting the development of ports with the overall urban planning and related industrial development plans, and leveraging the agglomeration role of ports in the port industry. "The integration of port, industry, and city is advancing in Rizhao towards deepening, refinement, and practicality," said Li Zaiwu, Secretary of the Rizhao Municipal Party Committee.

In recent years, Shandong ports have accelerated the integration of port areas, industrial parks, and urban areas, serving as a powerful engine to promote economic and social development. Shandong Port has deepened strategic cooperation with 16 cities in the province, implemented integrated development of port industry and city, planned the development of port industry, completed a total investment of 154.7 billion yuan, achieved investment attraction of over 11.8 billion yuan, and absorbed more than 6000 jobs, making every effort to become a "golden partner" of urban development.

By leveraging ports and opening up to the outside world, we will accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports. By connecting the world with one port, Shandong has accelerated the gathering and coupling of various global development resources in Shandong, and the pattern and position of urban opening up to the outside world have become even higher.

In 2022, there will be 37 new sea routes for Shandong ports, including 13 "the Belt and Road" routes and 14 RCEP routes, which will drive nearly 20 billion yuan of foreign trade import and export. The total number of routes will reach 327, and 233 foreign trade routes. The number and density of these routes will rank first among ports in northern China. Seizing the opportunity of RCEP, Shandong effectively expanded the market size of the "the Belt and Road", the scale of trade in goods continued to leap, the new momentum of foreign trade continued to activate, and the good momentum of steady quality improvement in import and export became more apparent. In 2022, the total import and export value of goods in the province reached 3.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.8%, reaching a new historical high.

On the land, ports have become the "partners" of urban development, leading to the coexistence and prosperity of port industry and city, and entering the fast lane of high-quality development; To the sea, ports are an important gateway for opening up to the outside world. With the help of ports, Shandong is embracing the ocean and opening up its doors for development.

The breeding factory ship sails to "Dark Blue 1" and prepares to carry out fish harvesting. Photographed by Li Ziheng/This magazine

Building a new highland for the marine industry

Rushan City is located in the southeast of the Shandong Peninsula, with a billion dollar industrial cluster accompanied by sea breeze. Mingyang Intelligence, Haomai Technology, Peninsula South U Site, Zhongtian Submarine Cable, CRRC Tongli, Haili Technology and other offshore wind power and marine equipment projects are accelerating their landing and production here.

"In the coming years, Rushan will enter the concentrated production period of offshore wind power projects, with an expected output value of over 40 billion yuan by 2026, which can drive the formation of a billion level offshore wind power industry cluster." said Luan Bin, Director of the Rushan New Energy Industry Development Service Center.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean

Shandong, which stands by the sea and thrives due to the sea, is a strategic location for the high-quality development of the ocean, with strong momentum in emerging industries such as marine engineering and equipment manufacturing, high-level construction of marine ranches, and accelerated construction of a modern marine industry system.

Extend the development chain of the marine industry and assist in improving the quality and efficiency of advantageous industries. How effective can a pool of seawater be? The Shandong Lubei High tech Development Zone needs to extract water from the sea and extract it thoroughly. "We desalinate about 120000 tons of seawater every day, supply 50000 tons of water to enterprises, and transport about 70000 tons of high concentration saline water to the Lubei Salt Plant for bromine extraction and salt production, achieving zero discharge of seawater," said Xu Kai, General Manager of Shandong Lubei Bishuiyuan Seawater Desalination Co., Ltd.

Shandong Province has completed 44 seawater desalination projects, with a daily production capacity of 603200 tons and an annual freshwater production capacity of over 200 million tons. Shandong has made breakthroughs in the large-scale and intelligent preparation technology of high-performance seawater desalination reverse osmosis membranes and membrane components, with product performance indicators reaching international advanced levels. The seawater desalination industry chain continues to extend, and leading enterprises in the manufacturing of key materials and equipment such as Dongying Jiuzhang Membrane and Yantai Jinzheng Environmental Protection have emerged.

Extending the seawater desalination industry chain is a microcosm of Shandong's advantageous industrial structure optimization. In recent years, Shandong has expanded and strengthened its advantageous marine industries, actively cultivated emerging marine industries, and significantly enhanced its comprehensive strength in the marine economy. In 2022, the added value of seven industries in Shandong Province, including marine fisheries, marine aquatic product processing industry, marine mining, marine salt industry, marine chemical industry, marine power industry, and marine transportation industry, ranked first in the country.

The "2022 Shandong Province Marine Economy Statistical Bulletin" released in June 2023 showed that the total marine production value of the province exceeded the 1.6 trillion mark for the first time in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%, which is 1.9 percentage points higher than the current price growth rate of the national marine production value. The total marine production value of the province accounts for 17.2% of the national marine production value and 18.6% of the regional production value of the province. The contribution rates to the national marine economy and the provincial economic growth have reached 22.5% and 25.2%, respectively.

Chu Minsheng, Director of the Marine Strategic Planning and Economic Department of the Shandong Provincial Oceanic Bureau, said that the marine economy of Shandong Province has become an important engine of national economic growth, and the marine industry structure is continuously optimized. The marine tourism industry, marine transportation industry, and marine chemical industry have become billions of ocean industries, playing an important supporting role in the province's marine economy.

Great powers are moving towards high technology, and the marine equipment industry is showing frequent highlights. The world's largest tonnage floating production storage and unloading device "P70" and the domestic largest operating water depth floating production storage and unloading device "Offshore Oil 119" have been delivered and assembled in Shandong; The final assembly and delivery of the world's first 100000 ton 1500 meter ultra deep water semi submersible production and storage platform, "Deep Sea No.1" energy station; The first domestically produced underwater oil production tree equipment has been successfully applied in the Bohai Oilfield... "Made in Shandong" is a major heavy-duty vessel moving towards the highest technological level in the international marine shipbuilding and engineering field.

Cultivate the sea and explore the ocean, and prioritize equipment. Shandong's high-end marine equipment manufacturing industry has strong momentum and leads the industry: in the field of deep-sea structural components such as deep-sea oil trees, guiding equipment, and transportation devices, Weifang Haomai Group has become the world's hidden champion; Dongying Weifei Group's annual production of 300 sets of marine underwater production systems project has successfully won an international market pass; Binzhou Haizhong Flexible Tube Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has become the first and fourth ocean flexible tube manufacturer in China and the world.

According to the Marine Equipment Industry Department of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province, ships and marine equipment have become a beautiful business card of Shandong's marine economy. Shandong has formed industrial clusters mainly in Qingdao, Yantai, and Weihai. The advantages of large bulk carriers and luxury passenger and roll off ships continue to be consolidated, and marine oil and gas development equipment, deep-sea fishery breeding equipment, marine new energy equipment, and marine aerospace launch equipment are at the forefront of the country.

In May 2023, "Guoxin No. 2" won the principled recognition certificate of the world's first 300000 ton super large breeding factory ship issued by China Classification Society; In June, the world's largest power 20MW semi direct drive permanent magnet wind turbine was successfully taken offline, once again breaking the industry record for wind turbines.

Cultivating the sea, animal husbandry, and fishing to build a "maritime granary", adding new impetus to the marine industry. Ellen Bay National Marine Ranch in Xunshan Street, Rongcheng City, offers visitors the pleasure of picking shellfish and fishing at sea, experiencing the joy of farming, animal husbandry, and fishing. Underwater, "shallow sea multi nutrient ecological aquaculture" has given rise to green marine aquaculture models, and on the water, marine tourism has become a new economic growth point.

In the field of marine aquaculture, Shandong has built a high-level "marine granary" around aquaculture seed industry, deep sea aquaculture, modern marine ranching, deep-sea fishing, and deep processing of aquatic products.

In 2022, there were 139 provincial-level and above marine ranching demonstration zones in Shandong, including 67 national level zones, ranking first in the country; The world's first 100000 ton smart fishery large-scale breeding factory ship "Guoxin No. 1" cultivated large yellow croaker was served on the table of the people; The "Deep Blue 1" deep-water net cage has completed the world's first large-scale low latitude aquaculture of Atlantic salmon, making breakthrough progress in deep-sea aquaculture.

Currently, Shandong's marine treasures are transitioning from nearshore aquaculture to intelligent equipment based "wild like" and "primitive" aquaculture in deep and distant waters. Shandong's marine fisheries are being supported by intelligent equipment, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading.

Building a solid blue ecological barrier

To do a good job in marine research, it is necessary to build a solid blue ecological barrier. Shandong comprehensively adheres to land sea coordination, accelerates the construction of a green and sustainable marine ecological environment, promotes harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and makes "clean water and beaches, abundant fish and gulls, and harmonious human sea" a common coastal landscape.

Rectify the discharge outlets into the sea and win the battle for comprehensive management of the marine environment. Since 2019, Shandong has carried out the "Action Plan for Rectifying Pollutant Outlets in the Sea", "Action Plan for Total Nitrogen Control of Rivers in the Sea", and "Clean Beach" special actions, continuously implementing comprehensive marine environment management, and overall improving the water quality of the coastal waters in the province.

The rectification of sewage discharge outlets into the sea is being piloted by the Yantai area of the China Free Trade Zone. On March 1, 2022, the first management method for discharge outlets into the sea in China, the Yantai City Management Method for Discharge Outlets into the Sea, was officially implemented, implementing key, general, and simplified management respectively, completely eliminating regulatory blind spots. As of now, all 5275 sea discharge outlets in the city have been rectified and on-site inspections have been completed.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean

At Shandong Dao'en Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., located approximately 1 kilometer away from the Bohai coastline, the initial rainwater collection pool was filled with lotus flowers. Cui Yan, the manager of the company's environmental protection department, said that in order to prevent pollutants from entering the Bohai Sea with rainwater in the factory area, the company has invested more than 2 million yuan to optimize and upgrade the rainwater and sewage diversion system in the factory area on the basis of the existing rainwater and sewage diversion facilities, and achieve full collection of initial rainwater in the factory area.

According to Liu Pei, Director of the Marine Ecological Environment Department of the Shandong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Shandong adheres to the principle of using the sea to determine land and land to protect the sea. The 15 cities along the Yellow and Bohai coasts and the entire river basin that flows into the sea are included in the scope of the battle, achieving comprehensive management of the entire sea area and basin.

Fully implement the bay chief system and collaborate to jointly manage the marine ecological environment. Shandong fully implements the bay chief system and establishes a marine ecological environment supervision system that connects and coordinates the promotion of bay chief and social supervision.

Xu Qiang is the street level bay chief of Lingshan Bay Town in the West Coast New Area of Qingdao City, and his annual peak tourism season is his busy season for patrolling the bay. He discovered problems during his patrol of the bay and uploaded them to the district chief's office through an app, with backend staff responsible for handling them separately.

The Bay Chief System breaks departmental isolation and greatly enhances governance efficiency through joint prevention and control among departments. In January 2023, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the 2021 Excellent Cases of Beautiful Rivers and Lakes and Beautiful Bays, and Lingshan Bay in Qingdao ranked first in the national excellent cases of beautiful bays.

At present, Shandong Province has identified a total of 379 bay chiefs at the provincial, municipal, county, and township levels, appointed 1128 civilian bay chiefs, voluntary bay chiefs, and bay managers, improved the closed-loop management mechanism of "inspection task rectification", and coordinated the resolution of 5745 prominent marine ecological environment problems.

In 2022, the proportion of excellent water quality in the coastal waters of Shandong Province remained stable at around 90%, and the completion rate of the rectification of sewage outlets into the sea in the province reached 99.8%. All 40 national controlled river sections into the sea reached Class IV or above water quality.

Strengthening marine ecological governance and achieving new results in the construction of beautiful oceans. In recent years, Shandong has strictly implemented the ecological red line system for the entire sea area, established a coastal building retreat line system, promoted the implementation of the "Blue Bay" remediation action project and coastal zone protection and restoration projects, and polished the scenic line of clear water, green shores, and beautiful beaches.

In order to strengthen the disposal of marine disasters, Shandong has established the Marine Meteorological Science Research Institute, provincial-level comprehensive monitoring and early warning information system for natural disasters, and marine disaster emergency rescue system to effectively prevent major safety accidents from occurring.

Duan Jianwen, Director of the Marine Early Warning and Monitoring Department of the Shandong Provincial Oceanic Bureau, said that taking the prevention and control of the green tide disaster of Enteromorpha prolifera as an example, the maximum distribution area of Enteromorpha prolifera green tide in the Yellow Sea in 2023 is equivalent to the historical maximum year of 2021. After effective measures such as pre salvage, the maximum coverage area is only 57.2% of 2021. Significant results have been achieved in the prevention and control of the Shandong Enteromorpha green tide disaster. In 2023, the impact of the Enteromorpha green tide on the coastal waters of Qingdao was delayed by 10 days compared to 2022 and an average delay of 15 days compared to previous years; The province cleared 16300 tons of seaweed on beaches, a decrease of about 93% from 235000 tons in 2022. Among them, Qingdao had 13300 tons, a decrease of about 86% from 97900 tons in 2022.

Wild animals are the first to perceive whether the marine ecosystem is good or not. Every year, the weather warms up, and the national first-class protected animal, the spotted seal, migrates from Liaodong Bay to Long Island in Shandong, with a population of over 400. In the activity area of spotted seals, Long Island County has designated a 1700 square kilometer protected area, equipped with professional equipment and personnel for monitoring and management.

Over the past 5 years, the protection of marine ecological resources in Shandong has been continuously strengthened, with a total of 110 kilometers of coastline and 7600 hectares of coastal wetlands being renovated and repaired. Now, the Yellow River Estuary National Park has been officially approved for creation, and the Long Island Marine Ecological Civilization Comprehensive Experimental Zone has become a national "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver" practice and innovation base.

At Yuanjing Energy Zero Carbon Industrial Park in Rushan City, Shandong Province, staff are working in front of offshore wind turbines. Photo by Guo Xulei/This magazine

Technological innovation leads the rise of blue culture

The National Marine Fishery Biological Germplasm Resource Bank located in Qingdao is the largest and most advanced marine fishery biological germplasm resource bank in China, with the largest investment scale, preservation scale, and facilities to date. It is constructed by the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences.

The director of the research institute, Jin Xianshi, said that aquatic germplasm resources are the "chip" that guarantees the supply of aquatic products and supports the green development of aquaculture. The construction of the resource library will provide technological support for the green development of China's marine aquaculture and the "turnaround battle" of the aquatic seed industry.

Accelerating the rise of blue, technological innovation has always been the primary driving force. Shandong will incorporate marine scientific and technological innovation into the "Ten Major Actions" of the new round of Shandong's "Action Plan for Building a Strong Marine Province", continuously strengthening scientific and technological innovation capabilities, collaborative innovation between industry, academia and research, marine standardization, and talent team construction, providing strong support for the development of the marine industry.

The landing of a national research platform accelerates the development of marine technology innovation. In August 2022, Laoshan Laboratory was established and listed as the only national laboratory in China's marine field, gathering an innovative high-end talent team of more than 2200 people, including 45 academicians.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Managing the Ocean and Strengthening Ports | Ocean | Towards the Sea | Ocean

In order to strengthen the strategic technological strength of the ocean, Shandong is accelerating the construction of high-level innovation platforms such as national laboratories, key laboratories, technology innovation centers, and innovation and entrepreneurship communities in the ocean field. Up to now, Shandong has 46 "national brands" scientific research platforms, such as the National Marine Comprehensive Test Field, the National Deep Sea Base, the Marine Major Science Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Marine Engineering, becoming the core force of national marine scientific and technological innovation.

Tackle the bottleneck technology in the marine field and promote the transformation and application of innovative achievements. Shandong is deeply implementing major marine scientific and technological innovation projects, promoting self-reliance and self-improvement in marine science and technology. Since the 13th Five Year Plan, a total of 16 projects in the province have won national science and technology awards, accounting for 42.1% of the total number of awards in the marine field nationwide, ranking first in the country.

At present, Shandong has taken the lead in implementing provincial-level scientific plans such as "Transparent Ocean" and "Blue Medicine Warehouse" nationwide. The maximum diving depth of the "Haiyan-X" underwater glider reached 10619 meters, breaking the world record; The deep-sea Argo buoy has a stable observation capability of 4000 meters underwater, filling the domestic gap; Build the world's largest "Two Oceans and One Sea" regional observation network; Major scientific and technological innovations in the fields of deep-sea drilling, marine biological breeding, and deep-sea aquaculture equipment rank at the forefront of the country.

Strengthen marine standardization work and promote high-quality development of the marine economy. Since the implementation of the National Standardization Comprehensive Reform Pilot in 2018, Shandong Province has accelerated the formulation of a number of technical standards covering key areas such as marine ranching, marine equipment, seawater desalination, marine biology, and marine environment, through the implementation of the Standardization Innovation Project for a Strong Marine Province, to support the high-quality development of the modern marine industry.

Wu Yunling, Director of the Marine Science and Technology and Foreign Cooperation Department of the Shandong Provincial Oceanic Bureau, said that Shandong has established a marine standardization work leadership group and a marine standardization technical committee at the provincial level; Approved to establish the "Shandong Province Marine International Standard Innovation Center", actively promoting the formulation of international standards in key areas such as marine negative emissions; Build a marine standardization management service platform and standardization database to achieve full process management of standard formulation and revision, standard query, information release, and work dynamics.

Since 2018, Shandong has established local standard projects in key areas such as marine law enforcement, marine management, marine ecological restoration and protection, and marine disaster prevention and reduction

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