Parents are more concerned about these factors. In some cities, hotel reservations for college entrance examination rooms have increased by more than 500% year-on-year! except distance

Release time:Jun 05, 2024 14:10 PM

The countdown to the 2024 College Entrance Examination has begun. This year’s College Entrance Examination coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and many parents have already booked college entrance examination rooms in advance.

Ctrip data shows that so far, hotel bookings within 3 kilometers of examination centers across the country have increased more than three times year-on-year. Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi'an, Nanjing, Changsha, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Qingdao, and Guangzhou are currently the 10 cities with the largest number of reservations for college entrance examination rooms, and the overall reservations have increased exponentially year-on-year. Among them, hotel bookings for college entrance examination rooms in Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Changsha have increased by more than 500% year-on-year.

Xiao Peng, a researcher at the Qunar Big Data Research Institute, said that from the perspective of booking volume, bookings for college entrance examination rooms this year started to increase significantly on May 21. The single-day booking volume increased by more than 50% month-on-month compared with the previous day, and has continued since then. Keep booking increments high. In the past week, the number of bookings for college entrance exam rooms on the Qunar platform has increased by nearly 80% from the previous week.

"Judging from the booking characteristics of college entrance examination rooms this year, compared with last year due to the impact of the epidemic, more parents this year chose college entrance examination rooms closer to the test site for their children to prepare for the exam. The overall booking volume of college entrance examination rooms has increased significantly compared with last year. Due to the hotel this year The supply chain is sufficient. Although the price of college entrance examination housing has increased slightly compared with before the examination, it has declined steadily compared with last year.

Ctrip said that due to a more abundant supply of hotels, the average cost of room bills for the college entrance examination this year has dropped by nearly 10% compared with last year.

Big data from Qunar shows that chain hotels accounted for nearly 40% of college entrance examination room bookings this year, an increase of 10% from last year; high-star hotel bookings also accounted for more than 20%, an increase from last year.

In addition, as the weather begins to heat up in early June, many parents choose hourly rooms for their children near the examination room, which allows candidates to rest as quickly as possible between each examination. Ctrip data shows that the number of hourly room bookings within 3 kilometers of the examination room has increased by more than 150% year-on-year.

Fliggy has joined forces with hotels within 1 kilometer of key test sites to launch a variety of hourly room reservation services. In addition to hourly rooms for about 3 hours, some hotels have also launched room types that can be used for up to 8 hours for candidates and parents to choose from. .

"More and more parents choose to book college entrance examination rooms in chain hotels, mainly because of more standardized services and high cost performance; in addition, some high-star hotels provide many college entrance examination additional services, which are also more popular." Xiao Peng said that this year Many hotels have introduced college entrance examination accommodation benefits, such as free transfers, early check-in, late check-out, etc.

Jin Jiang Hotel stated that as the college entrance examination in 2024 approaches, its hotels near the examination center have also entered the peak booking period, and the number of room reservations has increased significantly. Some hotels have launched special college entrance examination room products for college entrance examination candidates. Jinjiang Hotels has provided hotels near the examination center to the schools participating in the examination, and the schools will then allocate the rooms uniformly.

When booking college entrance examination rooms this year, many parents choose homestays that are closer to the examination venue, have a warmer environment, and can also do laundry and cooking.

According to the relevant person in charge of Tujia B&B, two-bedroom rooms account for nearly 70% of the room types booked in advance, making them the main room type for college entrance examination rooms. They are close to the examination room, can cook, wash clothes, and comprehensively take care of the diet and daily life of candidates. This is why parents choose B&Bs. s reason.

In addition, some landlords have also prepared silent facilities, zero-pressure mattresses, etc. for the candidates who stay here so that the candidates can have a quiet rest; independent desks and bookshelves allow the candidates to review with peace of mind. Some landlords also give souvenirs of gold medal questions or Dragon Boat Festival gifts to the candidates who stay here. .

Parents are more concerned about these factors. In some cities, hotel reservations for college entrance examination rooms have increased by more than 500% year-on-year! except distance
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