Sun Shutao, former vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was sentenced to life in prison in the first instance

Release time:Jun 05, 2024 14:13 PM

On June 5, 2024, the Datong Intermediate People's Court of Shanxi Province publicly sentenced Sun Shutao, a former member and vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, for accepting bribes. The defendant Sun Shutao was sentenced to life imprisonment for accepting bribes, deprived of political rights for life, and sentenced to confiscation of all personal belongings. property; the property and the interest obtained from Sun Shutao’s bribery that have been sealed, detained, and frozen shall be recovered and turned over to the state treasury.

Sun Shutao, former vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was sentenced to life in prison in the first instance

The trial found that: from 2001 to 2023, the defendant Sun Shutao used his position as deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, deputy secretary and mayor of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee, Shandong Province, secretary of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary and mayor of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee, Shandong Province, and The convenience of positions such as members of the CPPCC Party Group and Vice Chairman, as well as the formation of powers and status, provided assistance to relevant units and individuals in matters such as business operations, project contracting, and job adjustments, and illegally received property equivalent to more than 129 million yuan. .

Sun Shutao, former vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was sentenced to life in prison in the first instance

The Datong Intermediate People's Court held that defendant Sun Shutao's behavior constituted the crime of accepting bribes. The amount of bribes accepted was extremely huge and caused extremely heavy losses to the interests of the country and the people. In view of the fact that most of Sun Shutao's bribe-taking attempts were unsuccessful, he truthfully confessed his crimes after being brought to justice, took the initiative to explain most of the bribe-taking facts that the supervisory authorities had not yet grasped, confessed his guilt and repented, and actively returned the stolen goods. All the property obtained from the crime and its interest have been seized and placed in the case. According to the law, a lighter punishment can be given, so the court made the above judgment.

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