Added buttons for medication inquiry and active withdrawal and refund: Ten hospitals have taken various measures to help improve the medical experience in Internet hospitals.

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 23:58 PM

"Dr. Sun, my condition is quite stable recently. The medicine is the same as before, right? I will come to Shanghai for follow-up consultation next month."

Just after lunch time, Sun Bin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology at Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, received a notification on his mobile phone that there was a patient registration message on the Internet hospital platform. This is Dr. Sun’s old patient Aunt Wang. She was diagnosed with chronic liver damage a few years ago and needs regular follow-up visits and medication. However, Aunt Wang’s home is in Zhangjiagang. Considering the costs of round-trip transportation, accommodation, etc., she chose a follow-up consultation model that combines offline and online. Aunt Wang told reporters, "In the past, I had to get up early in the morning to catch the high-speed train for every follow-up visit. I was also tired, and sometimes it was too late and I had to find a place to stay. Now through the Internet, the hospital can conduct online consultations and dispense medicines, saving time, effort and money." Heart."

"The Internet hospital has greatly facilitated patients with chronic diseases and patients from other places, and it has also given us a larger platform to serve patients." At the beginning of 2021, Sun Bin settled in the Internet Hospital of the Ten Hospitals, and now the number of online patients has exceeded 6,000. These patients are basically "offline to online". Internet hospitals can save the time and cost of follow-up patients for follow-up visits, and greatly reduce the pressure of traveling, queuing, and waiting.

Sun Bin said, "There are many patients with chronic diseases in the Department of Gastroenterology. Their conditions are relatively stable and they only need to be reviewed once every six months, but they need long-term medication. They prefer to choose Internet hospitals. Of course, everyone will have concerns at the beginning, because many patients As I get older, I am afraid that I will not be able to learn these operations, so I tell them, "Don't worry, I will learn and use it with you." In the process, I really felt that the functions of the Internet hospital are constantly improving and improving, and how it feels to use it. It’s getting better.”

According to the person in charge of the hospital, since the opening of the Internet hospital in 2020, the ten hospitals have served more than 100,000 patients and issued more than 220,000 electronic prescriptions. With the increase in users, the platform has carried out multiple optimization and upgrades of functions based on patient needs. Currently, it has implemented health consultation, common disease follow-up visits, electronic prescriptions, electronic bills, online appointments, online payments, online refunds, and examinations. Functions such as prescribing and drug inquiry can provide full-process services before, during and after diagnosis. At present, the diagnosis and treatment provided by the Internet hospital has covered all departments, providing medical services to patients around the clock.

In addition to follow-up consultations and prescription of medicines, the Internet hospital's "online issuance of inspection orders and test orders" function is also very popular among patients. Xiao Yang is a young white-collar worker. In the past, he often had to go back and forth to the hospital multiple times if he needed examinations during offline medical visits. This made him quite helpless. He sometimes even worried that taking too much leave would affect his work, which would inevitably lead to his illness being ignored and his illness delayed. Nowadays, when he needs medical treatment, he will choose to register at an Internet hospital first, wait for the doctor to issue an examination form, and then make an appointment online for a specific examination time. He said that waiting in line for the doctor to issue a test order and waiting for an examination are the most time-consuming aspects of the medical treatment process. “Now both of these things can be done in the Internet hospital, which saves at least half of the time for medical treatment and meets offline needs.” The waiting time has been moved online, making medical treatment more efficient. ”

However, Internet hospitals are a new thing in development. Improving the patient medical experience requires continuous efforts. At the same time, we must actively listen to the voices of the public, continuously connect online and offline, identify difficulties and blockades, and make improvements. The Municipal Health Commission requires all Internet hospitals in this city’s medical institutions to regularly sort out the relevant processes for diagnosis and treatment services, open up the process in a timely manner, and provide patients with the entire online process of Internet hospital registration, appointment for inspection and examination, prescription issuance, drug delivery, payment collection and refund, etc. Convenient services to enhance patients’ online service experience. To this end, in response to recent problems raised by patients such as the timeliness of the response to medical consultations and the unsmooth process when refunds are needed, the Internet Hospital of the Tenth Hospital has also made timely adjustments and optimizations. On the one hand, it has strengthened the consultation preparation of each department. , sending a consultation reminder as soon as possible; on the other hand, a drug inquiry link before registration is added to the interface, and a button for automatic withdrawal and refund on the patient side is added, all serving patients and all serving health.

Added buttons for medication inquiry and active withdrawal and refund: Ten hospitals have taken various measures to help improve the medical experience in Internet hospitals.
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