Residents ask when it will be completely repaired?, After years of patching, the road surface of an old residential area in Qingpu has cracked and broken everywhere, with colors | cement | residential area

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:17 PM

"In some places, there are potholes and water accumulates whenever it rains." Recently, Mr. Wang reported through the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline that the road surface in his residential area has been poorly repaired for a long time, with poor surface quality that has not been improved for many years.

The patch road has uneven potholes and severe water accumulation

Mr. Wang lives in Chenxing Apartment Community, Lane 999, Qinghu Road, Xiayang Street, Qingpu District. The earliest two buildings in the community were delivered in 1992, while the others were mostly built around 2000.

Residents ask when it will be completely repaired?, After years of patching, the road surface of an old residential area in Qingpu has cracked and broken everywhere, with colors | cement | residential area

The reporter walked from Qinghu Road to the entrance of the community. On the right side of the door, two large pits were visible to the naked eye at the vehicle entrance and exit. The small pit had a diameter of about 10 centimeters, a depth of 3 centimeters, and the large pit had a diameter of about 40 centimeters. The pedestrian and non motorized vehicle passages on the left are covered with layers of cement of different colors, and the darker cement surface has many broken and missing edges, which may be due to multiple damages and repairs.

There are two large pits in the right lane of the main entrance.

Upon entering the community, it can be seen that the entire road surface is paved with cement, but the color of the road surface is not uniform, ranging from light yellow to dark gray, and the material is also different. Some areas are paved with cement embedded with stones, while others are paved with ordinary cement. The shapes and sizes of different colored areas vary, and there is a certain height difference at the joints. Some edges of the road surface also have cracks and damages. From a distance, the road surface of the entire community looks like a piece of clothing covered in "patches", and the "seams" of the patches are very rough.

Residents ask when it will be completely repaired?, After years of patching, the road surface of an old residential area in Qingpu has cracked and broken everywhere, with colors | cement | residential area

Mr. Wang told reporters that in the past few years, the community underwent a rainwater and sewage diversion renovation, and the road surface underwent an excavation and re paving. "I don't know if it's related to the rainwater and sewage diversion renovation. Before long, the road surface became bumpy and uneven." Mr. Wang said, with many potholes on the road, "pedestrians are easily tripped when walking, and bicycles can bounce up and down." In addition to potholes on the road, when it rains, the main entrances and exits of the community also accumulate water, causing great inconvenience to people and vehicles.

△ During the rainstorm, the main entrances and exits of the community were completely flooded.

Mr. Wang has repeatedly reported the road surface issues in the community through multiple channels, but so far they have not been properly resolved. "Previously, there was a response saying that the water department would handle it, but later it was handed over to the neighborhood committee for handling. In the end, he circled around and said that the property committee was in the process of re selecting and could not proceed with maintenance. In addition to road issues, Mr. Wang also told reporters that some buildings in the community are old and their facades are not strong enough. Due to concerns about the risk of falling objects, some protruding" waistline "decorative structures were removed, but they have not been repaired. One piece is missing here and another piece is missing there, which is very unsightly. He hopes that they can also be repaired.".

Residents ask when it will be completely repaired?, After years of patching, the road surface of an old residential area in Qingpu has cracked and broken everywhere, with colors | cement | residential area

Neighborhood committee: waiting for the unified restoration of the beautiful home

Regarding the issue with the road surface in the community, the reporter contacted the property management company, and the property manager did not deny that there were problems with the road surface in the community.

The property manager explained that the damage to the road surface is not related to the rainwater and sewage diversion renovation. The lightest colored cement pavement in the community is repaired after rainwater and sewage diversion renovation, and it is also the best part of the pavement quality. The most severely damaged pavement in the community is actually the original cement pavement that was laid the earliest. The property manager stated that for many years, the property management company has been cooperating with the minor repairs and repairs of the road surface, especially the pedestrian and non motorized vehicle passages at the main entrance. However, the bearing capacity and lifespan of the repaired cement are limited, and it often cracks after one and a half years of loading. This year after year of repair and cracking has formed the existing patchy cement pavement in the community.

Residents ask when it will be completely repaired?, After years of patching, the road surface of an old residential area in Qingpu has cracked and broken everywhere, with colors | cement | residential area

The pedestrian and non motorized vehicle passages have been repaired layer after layer.

Is it related to the quality of the cement itself that it cracks shortly after repair? Secretary Qian of the residential area explained that normally, the newly constructed cement pavement needs to be maintained for at least one month before it can be opened to traffic, which has high hardness and is not easily damaged. However, there are only two entrances and exits in the community, and the most important road section that needs to be repaired is the main traffic intersection. When repairing the pavement, all vehicles need to enter and exit from another entrance and exit, which is easy to block and also poses certain safety hazards. Therefore, the duration of restricted passage can only be shortened. After the morning rush hour, the property management company will choose quick drying cement for repair. In order to reduce nighttime noise, the cement surface cannot be protected with steel plates yet, and can only be covered with hay. Various factors are combined, and the cement used for community restoration is now in its current state.

As for the ponding on the road, the property manager said frankly that the ponding was serious in some sections of the community after the rainstorm. The main reason is that the road surface of Qinghu Road is higher than the main entrance of the community. When the rainfall is heavy, rainwater will flow into the community, forming a waterlogged area between the entrance and the central flower bed, which affects the travel of residents. He showed the reporter the photos taken during the last rainstorm. The photos showed that the whole road beside the main gate was flooded by rain, leaving no place for pedestrians to stay. He said that there is no problem with the drainage in the community. After rain, the property management will immediately send people to use tools to push the accumulated water into the drainage outlet. The property manager stated that they had considered raising the cement pavement around the central flower bed, but the height to be raised was relatively high and beyond the property's capacity, so they had to give up.

Residents ask when it will be completely repaired?, After years of patching, the road surface of an old residential area in Qingpu has cracked and broken everywhere, with colors | cement | residential area

Secretary Qian of the residential area stated that in response to the issue of uneven road surface despite multiple repairs, the neighborhood committee has applied for the renovation of a beautiful home. After the community is included in the renovation list, all roads in the community will be paved with asphalt, and projects such as exterior aging repair and public activity area renovation will be implemented together to completely solve the various problems currently accumulated in the community.

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