The door is locked during free hours! Some sports venues in Shanghai have "changed their taste" after being operated by third parties? , open to public welfare only during meals

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:45 AM

In order to build a "global famous sports city", in addition to a multi-type, multi-subject and multi-level sports event system, what other aspects does Shanghai need to make efforts in? Since the beginning of this year, Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News have received many "people's suggestions" in succession, calling for the enrichment and improvement of fitness and sports facilities and related services around citizens.

At the same time, many citizens also reported through the 12345 citizen service hotline that some sports venues invested and constructed by the government "changed" after the introduction of third-party operations: the "public welfare" aspect continued to shrink, the public welfare opening hours were continuously compressed, and some The venue has even become a place for business education and training.

The original intention of handing over public sports venues to third-party operations is to improve the efficiency of operation and management, improve the level of venue opening services, and give the people a greater sense of gain. So, can a third party carry out some business activities to subsidize public welfare opening up? How can venues achieve a balance between ensuring public welfare and operating moderately for profit?

"It used to be free and open, so why didn't we let us in after introducing a club?" At the end of October this year, Ms. Ai, a citizen of Fengxian District, reported that there is a Xianyuan football field in the "Fengxian Four Seasons Ecological Park" park, and she I have the impression that the stadium has always been open during the day, allowing park visitors to play and play football for free. But the last time she took her children there, she found that the stadium was locked, and a notice was posted at the door saying that only two hours at noon every day were free and open for public welfare, and the rest of the time was charged, and the fees were not cheap.

On the afternoon of November 7, the reporter came to Fengxian Four Seasons Ecological Park. The football field is located on the east side of the park. It is a sunken football field surrounded by a wire fence. Looking through the wire fence, you can tell that this is a small 7-a-side football field. The field is paved with plastic turf. In addition to the large goals on both sides, there are also 4 small goals on the other sides of the field, which are probably used for Carry out training and use. The entrance to the fence was locked, and there was a "Instructions for Venue Use" sign tied to the wire. From the terms listed above, we know that the stadium is open from 10 am to 10 pm every day, but only 12 noon to 2 pm is open for free for public welfare. Entry at other times requires a fee, which is 40 yuan per adult per person. , children are 20 yuan per person per time, and there is a mobile phone number below that says "reserve the venue, open the door". Football is a multi-player sport. The reporter learned that compared with the 120 yuan per hour charter price of some public football fields, charging 40 yuan per person is not cheap.

△The "Instructions for Venue Use" sign at Xianyuan Football Stadium. From the terms listed above, we know that the stadium is only open for public welfare and free of charge from 12 noon to 2 pm.

"How long have you been here? It's been rented out for more than a year!" Faced with reporters' questions about why they can't enter for free to play football, the park security guard disagreed, saying that free opening has long been an "old imperial tradition." Who was rented to? The fence around the football field is covered with billboards for "Binfu Sports Football Training Center". "Shanghai Zhengyi Youth Football Club" is written in the center of the billboard, and a registration hotline is left on the lower right. Park security informed that this football field is currently mainly used for football club training, but it will also be rented out for other teams to play football, Frisbee, etc. "Basically everything is organized, and ordinary people come to play less. "

△The Xianyuan Football Field in the "Fengxian Four Seasons Ecological Park" park. The fences around the football field are covered with billboards for "Benfu Sports Football Training Center".

The reporter called the reservation phone number to learn more and learned that the football field was actually handed over by the park to a company called "Golden Lion Sports" for operation. The staff further added the opening details of the stadium: On weekdays, only team reservations are open after 5 p.m., and the price is 400 yuan for 2 hours; on Friday afternoons and during the day on Saturdays and Sundays, in addition to charity periods, youth football training is arranged class.

"After calculating the time, if the children want to invite their classmates to play football together, they can only choose the noon time on weekends. At this time, they are either still eating or have just eaten. How can they play football?" "It can still be considered open in this way." A public welfare venue?" Ms. Ai was very dissatisfied with this. The reporter then contacted the park for communication. A staff member said that the park management manpower was insufficient at first, so it was handed over to a third party to manage and operate the park. Some operating income was obtained through training to supplement the cleaning and management costs of the stadium. The other party did not respond directly to the reporter's question about whether there was a lack of public welfare.

How can we maintain a balance between public welfare opening and commercial operations of public sports venues?

In February this year, Mr. Qi, a resident of Jiangpu Road, finally came to a place he liked: the viaduct at the Zhengben intersection of Zhongshan North 2nd Road was developed into a dynamic space "Mushroom Forest", in which a "Mushroom Basketball" was specially set up. basketball court. Developing urban "corner" spaces such as under viaducts into sports venues - among the people's suggestions put forward by citizens, this is an effective way to increase the supply of sports venues.

△The viaduct at the Zhengben intersection of Zhongshan North 2nd Road was developed into a dynamic space "Mushroom Forest".

The door is locked during free hours! Some sports venues in Shanghai have "changed their taste" after being operated by third parties? , open to public welfare only during meals

Mr. Qi said that since the basketball court was completed in February, it has been "managed" by the Yangpu District Construction Management Committee and open to surrounding residents for free. Slowly, dozens of people who often play golf formed a WeChat group, and they often play with each other at noon and evening. The sports atmosphere is very good. This must be the original intention of Yangpu District to build this public sports venue.

△The "Mushroom Fantasy Basketball" was developed using the "corner" space of the city under the viaduct.

According to the official website of the Yangpu District People's Government, "the 'Mushroom Forest' basketball court is officially open to residents" is also a practical project of Kongjiang Road Street in 2023. Before the National Day this year, a notice was posted outside the basketball court, stating that the basketball court would be officially transferred to the management of Kongjiang Road Street and emphasizing that it was a basketball court for national fitness. Unexpectedly, Mr. Qi said that the basketball court was suddenly locked on October 16, and a low basket was added to the court. Residents saw children entering the court for training one after another, but the basketball court was still locked after the training. . "Is this used for commercial purposes?" Golfers, including Mr. Qi, dialed "12345" one after another to find out.

△On the morning of November 7, the "Mushroom Basketball" basketball court has reopened, and an old man is practicing shooting in the court.

On the morning of November 7, reporters also came to "Mushroom Fantasy Basketball" to find out. Probably because of the complaints from golfers, the basketball court has been reopened, and an old man is practicing shooting in the court. At his prompt, the reporter saw the opening hours announcement posted on the wire fence, that is, it is open for free from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. from Monday to Friday. From the afternoon to 9:30 p.m., except for the "youth training time" from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the rest of the time is charged 5 yuan per hour; on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. "Youth training time", the rest of the time is charged 8 yuan per hour. The "notice" on the side stated that the above-mentioned public opening plan will be implemented from November 21.

△After being handed over to a third party for management and operation, the opening hours announcement was posted on the wire fence of the "Mushroom Basketball" basketball court, which will be implemented from November 21.

Kongjiang Road Street revealed the ins and outs of the previous door-locking incident: It turned out that the district construction and management committee handed over the basketball court to street management at the end of September. After referring to the operation models of other surrounding venues, the street agreed to hand over the day-to-day operations to a third party. After bidding and other procedures, "Shangti" was selected with the promise of not requiring further government investment in daily maintenance. During the communication, "Shangti" stated that it would cover the operation and maintenance costs through moderate charging and training. The street has checked the operation plan of "Shangti" and is said to have carried out various trainings for "Shangti" throughout the weekend. Reasonable adjustments have been made, and it is clearly required to ensure that it is open to the public welfare when not conducting training. Unexpectedly, "While they were still in the stage of installing gates and monitoring, they had already conducted training in the name of 'trial class' and also locked the stadium." The street staff said that they stopped it as soon as possible after discovering it, and reiterated again The principle of public welfare and openness has been adopted.

Kongjiang Road Sub-district promised to fulfill its supervisory responsibilities and ensure that the venues are open for public welfare as promised.

Regarding the opening plan announced by "Mushroom Basketball", Mr. Qi bluntly said that golfers are not satisfied. They think that too much time is used for training on weekends. "Most of the basketball courts in surrounding universities are open for free, and the charge is 8 yuan per hour on weekends." Everyone thinks it’s expensive.”

Behind many complaints are actually conflicts caused by public sports venues charging certain fees, conducting training and other commercial operations. So, as a public sports venue built by the government, how should it be appropriate to charge fees? Is it okay to conduct some business operations such as training?

The "Basic Public Service Standards for National Fitness" released by the Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau in 2021 has clear restrictions on the "public welfare opening" of public sports facilities: free or low-charge opening hours are not less than 35 hours per week, free or low-charge throughout the year The opening time shall not be less than 330 days; the charging price shall generally not be higher than 70% of the local market price; free or low-charge opening shall cover the peak fitness periods of urban and rural residents such as morning and evening exercises, and shall not be arranged entirely during meal peaks and other periods when the fitness needs of urban and rural residents are higher. low period.

As for whether paid training can be carried out, the "Shanghai Sports Facilities Management Measures" stipulates that "if it is necessary to increase investment or provide specialized services, appropriate fees can be charged based on operating costs." There is a certain market demand for sports training, and it is not a bad idea for operating entities to carry out training and charge appropriate fees while ensuring public welfare opening hours.

Compared with the above standards, the new plan of "Mushroom Basketball" meets the standards, while the Xianyuan football field in the "Fengxian Four Seasons Ecological Park" park is far from meeting the standards.

Public welfare does not mean free. There is nothing wrong with charging moderate fees and conducting paid training. It can constitute a "source of running water" for public sports venues. What needs to be prevented is "excessive" operation.

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The door is locked during free hours! Some sports venues in Shanghai have "changed their taste" after being operated by third parties? , open to public welfare only during meals
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