I frequently receive ride-hailing text messages from Shanghai... Are fake online ride-hailing orders flying all over the place? People in Shandong

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 01:07 AM

"Is this someone 'falsifying orders'? Why doesn't the online ride-hailing platform care about it?"

Over the past month or so, Mr. Gao from Shandong has received several ride-hailing text messages from Shanghai almost every day, and they all show that a driver has taken the order; while Mr. Chen from Shaanxi who has never been to Shanghai has an even more outrageous experience. A large number of Shanghai ride-hailing orders suddenly appeared in his online ride-hailing account, and the order prices were all very high. He was frequently reminded to pay quickly...

Why did I suddenly hail a taxi in Shanghai when I was sitting at home? These orders are obviously fake! They called Shanghai's 12345 citizen service hotline one after another, demanding that the relevant online ride-hailing platforms find out the whole story and deal with the fraudulent "bidding" chaos.

A large number of fake orders are produced, which is called "injection" in jargon.

After adding WeChat, Mr. Gao from Shandong sent reporters 14 screenshots of mobile phone text messages. This is a reminder text message sent to him by the "Xiangdao Travel" platform for more than a month, reminding him that someone has called a taxi for him in Shanghai in the form of "hailing a taxi on behalf of".

The text message was first sent at 7:04 pm on September 24. The content showed that a user of the "182" mobile phone helped Mr. Gao call two cars in succession and took him from the "T2 Parking Garage" and "Hongqiao Comprehensive" respectively. Transportation Hub P7 Parking Garage" to "Jinyang Luyuefang". Since then, the above-mentioned "182" user has appeared on time to call a taxi for him almost every morning. Most of the journeys start from the two major airports in Shanghai and go to various places. There are many long-distance rides, and each time he calls for two or three cars at the same time. It is very strange. "Strange".

△Mr. Gao received a reminder text message from the "Xiangdao Travel" platform on September 24.

Did these trips actually happen? The text message included the phone number of the driver who took the order, and the reporter planned to ask the drivers for confirmation. A text message in the early morning of October 27th showed that Mr. Gao went from "Anyue Car Charging Station" to "Jing Road Puhui Road", and Master Hong and Master Hu took the orders respectively. During the phone call, the two masters said that they were indeed charging at the charging station and received orders from the system. But Mr. Gao, who was far away in Shandong, obviously would not show up and get on the bus. The two orders were quickly canceled by the caller. They had back-end records to prove it.

△The reminder text message Mr. Gao received from the "Xiangdao Travel" platform on October 27 showed that his "travel needs" were taken by Master Hong and Master Hu respectively.

Mr. Gao believed that someone was "fake orders". He was annoyed by text messages and phone calls from drivers who took orders every early morning. He was deeply disturbed by the use of his personal information. Drivers call such orders "ghost orders". Master Hong said: "We often receive them, which disrupts the rhythm of taking orders. If we receive too many orders, our mentality will be ruined."

△Master Hong calls such orders "ghost orders". Master Hong said he was charging at a charging station and received an order from the system. But the ride-hailer quickly canceled the order.

This user with the "182" mobile phone number is obviously the fraudster: Who is he helping to fraud, and why did he choose Mr. Gao as the virtual passenger? The reporter provided relevant information to the "Xiangdao Travel" platform. After investigation, the platform informed that this was a fraudulent behavior commonly known as "injection" on online ride-hailing platforms. The so-called "injection" means that if the driver needs one or two orders to complete the order bonus, or to improve the service time sharing, he or he can find someone to place fake orders for him to "get an injection". Nowadays, there are also drivers who place fake orders through "injection" This is a way to prank peers in the same area, causing other drivers to fall out of the queue and disrupting their normal order taking.

After preliminary investigation by the "Xiangdao Travel" platform, it was found that the person who held the "182" mobile phone number was actually a driver on the platform. In addition to Mr. Gao's mobile phone number, he also frequently uses three other mobile phone numbers to generate "brush orders" on behalf of others. According to him, these mobile phone numbers were entered randomly and they just happened to "hit" Mr. Gao. "Fake orders" for rewards are usually operated in a more covert manner. The person in charge of the security department of the "Xiangdao Travel" platform analyzed that this driver chose to "inject" at peak orders such as the airport, and used virtual orders to interfere with other peers to give himself priority. More likely to take orders. He can generate a large number of call orders at the same time, probably with the help of some scripting tools.

Some false orders are even suspected of "calling black products on behalf of others"

Did Mr. Chen from Shaanxi also suffer from "injection" fraud? According to him, although he has already registered an account on the Didi platform, he rarely uses ride-hailing and has no consumption records in his account. But between October 5th and 7th, 5 orders suddenly appeared in his account.

I frequently receive ride-hailing text messages from Shanghai... Are fake online ride-hailing orders flying all over the place? People in Shandong

He provided reporters with user interface screenshots of his "Didi Chuxing" App and Didi's "Hua Xiaozhu" App, which showed that four of them were ride-hailing orders, all at 11:30 in the middle of the night on October 5. It happened before and after that the vehicles called were all "six-seater commercial vehicles", and most of them were long-distance rides from Yangpu to Songjiang. Therefore, these four ride-hailing orders were expensive, with the most expensive one costing as much as 439 yuan; the remaining one was a "Didi Driving" order placed at around 5 a.m. on October 7. Although Mr. Chen is not in Shanghai and has never taken any of the above-mentioned cars, the App shows that he must pay for these orders. As time went on, the platform kept sending him text messages, reminding him, "You have unpaid fares, please pay them in time to avoid affecting your personal credit."

△Between October 5th and 7th, 5 “Didi Chuxing” orders suddenly appeared in Mr. Chen’s account in Shanxi.

What's going on with these orders that suddenly appear? Since the trips have ended, the reporter was unable to obtain the driver's contact information for verification. After the "Didi Chuxing" platform intervened in the investigation, it was informed that Mr. Chen's account should have been stolen, and the five abnormal orders generated involved "black production on behalf of others."

What is "calling black property"? According to "Didi Chuxing", criminals register online ride-hailing platform accounts through virtual mobile phone numbers, or obtain online ride-hailing platform accounts through account spoofing, etc., and then use "taxi-hailing discounts", "discounted taxi-hailing" and "50% off taxi-hailing platform accounts" "Solicit customers on social media or some trading platforms in the name of others, charge customers a fee lower than the actual fare, and then use the above-mentioned illegally obtained account to call a ride on your behalf, and then abandon the account after calling a few times. account number, and the fare was not paid to the platform and the driver. "Calling illegal products on behalf of others" is a typical fraud. In this process, users, drivers, and online ride-hailing platforms all lose huge profits.

According to the "Didi" platform, although "Didi" established a "Special Team to Combat Illegal Products" as early as 2015, invested a lot of resources and innovative technical means to severely crack down on illegal activities, and continued to cooperate with the police to trace the source of illegal products, However, "calling black products on behalf of others" has been repeatedly banned.

The reporter recently searched for keywords such as "online car hailing" on some platforms such as "Xiaohongshu", and the platform still fed back many search results. Click on a post called "Didi Taxi 50% off on behalf of hailing". The poster claims that he can provide "50% off on taxi hailing nationwide". After contacting the other party, the other party sent a WeChat ID, asking the reporter to add WeChat before talking. After adding WeChat, the other party asked the reporter to first enter the itinerary into the Didi App and provide an estimated price generated by the software. The reporter entered a long-distance trip to Hongqiao Station. The software showed that the estimated price of the express train was 78 yuan. After sending it to the other party, the other party then quoted 39 yuan and asked the reporter to transfer the fee and provide the address, and the other party would operate the "call on your behalf" car". During the conversation, the other party also said that he could teach the technique of hailing a taxi with a 50% discount for a fee of 288 yuan...

△The reporter recently searched for keywords such as "online car hailing" on some platforms such as "Xiaohongshu", and the platform still reported many search results.

△In addition to helping reporters call a taxi with a 50% discount, during the conversation, the other party also said that he could teach the technology of hailing a taxi with a 50% discount for a fee of 288 yuan.

Regarding the complaints received by "12345" above, the online car-hailing platform took measures after intervention. For "182" mobile phone users who "injected" by concocting false orders, the "Xiangdao Travel" platform has banned the ride-hailing function of the relevant mobile phone numbers. At the same time, the platform stated that it will conduct further investigations and deal with the cheating behavior of the driver involved who has been initially identified; and for the abnormal orders generated by Mr. Chen from Shaanxi after encountering "black production on behalf of others", Didi has currently closed the order. , no user payment is required. At the same time, "Didi" stated that in principle, as long as the online ride-hailing driver's order is not cheating and the passenger does not pay, the platform will advance the payment to the driver within 7 days to ensure the driver's interests.

In fact, Shanghai “12345” has received a lot of related complaints recently, reflecting that there are currently various forms of “brushing orders” on online ride-hailing platforms. In addition to the above-mentioned "injections" and "calling for black products", some conventional phenomena of swiping orders and swiping service points are more common. Master He, a driver on a travel platform, reported that in order to improve performance and receive rewards from the platform, his "service company" clearly requires each driver to make at least 8 orders per month. In order to complete the task of "fake orders", drivers can only ask family and friends to help them and place fake orders in the form of QR codes in person.

"Order fraud" on online ride-hailing platforms has been around for a long time, but there are various signs that as the market becomes increasingly saturated and it becomes difficult to do business, all kinds of "order fraud" chaos will become more and more serious. In this regard, both online ride-hailing platforms stated that they would take further rectification measures——

The "Xiangdao Travel" platform stated that it will combat the phenomenon of "false orders" in three aspects before, during and after the event. In the pre-event stage, the platform will take some technical measures to restrict the mobile phone number ranges commonly used for "fake orders"; during the event, the leasing company will increase publicity to clearly explain the nature of "fake orders" and remind drivers not to do so. Participate in it; in the aftermath, "big data" will be used to identify "brushing" orders that obviously deviate from normal behavioral characteristics; the "Didi Chuxing" platform reiterated that if a driver is found to have cheated on word-of-mouth value, it will be determined based on the severity of the case , the platform will issue warnings and education, suspend services, or permanently suspend all services, and will eliminate the impact of cheating. If users send false orders, malicious comments or other behaviors that disrupt the order of the platform, the platform will give a warning, suspend services or permanently stop services based on the specific violations. If the driver uses the passenger account to carry out the above-mentioned behaviors that disrupt the order of the platform, the platform can simultaneously handle the driver account under the same identity information when handling the passenger account.

Both platforms stated that they will cooperate with the public security department to intensify their crackdown on illegal "black products".

Dear readers, if you encounter any troubles, worries, or worries in your daily life, please scan the QR code below to report and seek help from us——

I frequently receive ride-hailing text messages from Shanghai... Are fake online ride-hailing orders flying all over the place? People in Shandong
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"Since you have recently released more than 20000 pieces of fraud information, you will face the penalty of downtime, please find a quiet place to close the door and cooperate with the record..." Recently, the Shanghai Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center received a number of citizens who reported that a fraudster had posed as a staff member of the Shanghai Internet Information Office to launch a video call and requested to make a record on the ground that the victim had released fraud information, in order to obtain personal privacy and commit fraud. The Shanghai Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center stated that such calls are counterfeit. If you receive such a call, do not disclose any personal information or join any unfamiliar groups. Call "96110" in a timely manner or go to the local police station for registration. According to the victim, Citizen Wang, on the morning of September 20th, he received a video call starting with+86

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Recently, the Shanghai debunking platform received a message hoping to verify the authenticity of the online rumor that "starting from September, banks will permanently freeze some deposit accounts.". After verification, all relevant statements are false. In March, there was similar news, but industry insiders said that the Shanghai debunking platform found that since March this year, various online news titled "Amazing Decision Making of Banks" and "Major Reform of Banks" have appeared, all from individual netizens or self media named "* * Finance Talk" and "* * Technology". The content posted by these accounts is roughly the same, meaning "the bank has made a new decision to permanently freeze some deposit accounts."; The "effective time" is different, some are more vague, while others say it is "August", "September", etc. However, neither the People's Bank of China nor various commercial banks have released any information