However, the refund fee is forced to be deducted, and the "starry sky room" instantly turns into a "guest house"! "Lianlian Surrounding Tour" order is not used

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:10 AM

The weather was clear and clear, and Mr. Ye wanted to take advantage of the weekend to have a comfortable holiday trip. He opened the "Lianlian Travel" platform and was attracted by the picture of the "Star Roof RV" in the product list, so he entered the link and immediately placed an order for an RV camping package in Shanghai Gulf National Forest Park. However, what Mr. Ye did not expect was that the real experience was not like that...

"Judging from the pictures sent to me by the merchant, the RV I actually booked looks like an ordinary guest house, and there is no 'starry sky roof' at all." Mr. Ye couldn't laugh or cry, and questioned whether the goods sold on the platform were of the correct quality. It was supposed to be a wonderful holiday, but Mr. Ye had to call the hotline for help.

The "starry sky roof" RV that Mr. Ye booked, as the name suggests, is the type of RV with a skylight that allows you to look up at the stars while lying on the bed. He showed reporters the picture of the "starry sky dome" on the order page: above the milky white cabin, a spacious glass skylight opened, allowing one to see the scenery above, which was comfortable and warm. For the two-day and one-night Bay Forest RV experience, Mr. Ye paid a total of 799 yuan.

However, as the departure date approached, Mr. Ye, who carefully browsed the booking page, discovered something was wrong. "I found a small line of text in the package content, which said that the RV accommodation is a designated comfort room and cannot be upgraded to other room types." Is the so-called "comfort room" a "starry sky room"? To be cautious, Mr. Ye directly contacted the operator of the camping product, but the merchant emphasized during the conversation that "comfort rooms do not include skylights."

△The merchant said that what Mr. Ye booked was a comfort room, not an RV with a starry sky roof.

"Isn't this the platform deliberately misleading consumers?" According to Mr. Ye's recollection, when he clicked on the product description page, he could only see long pictures and texts introducing the "Starry Sky Roof" RV. As for the actual room type, not only are there no photos, but the only information is hidden in the small print of the package content, which is difficult to detect if you don’t read it carefully. "As a consumer, you will definitely think that the photo on the introduction page is the product for sale. Who would have thought that it has nothing to do with the actual product?" Mr. Ye was quite dissatisfied with this.

△The fine print in the package content mentions that the room type booked by Mr. Ye is a comfort room and cannot be upgraded.

Recently, reporters also tried to find the "1954 Camping Base RV Experience Package" purchased by Mr. Ye through the "Lianlian Peripheral Travel" platform. However, this package has been removed from the shelves and has been replaced by a "Top BBQ Single Person" priced at 98 yuan. combo". However, most of the graphic introductions to the package contents are not related to it. For example, there is no graphic introduction on the style of the so-called "canopy" and the supplies required for barbecue. After browsing carefully, I discovered that the detailed introductions were hidden in the small print.

Finding that the goods were not correct, Mr. Ye immediately contacted the customer service of "Lianlian Peripheral Travel" and tried to negotiate a refund. Unexpectedly, the response from customer service made him stunned: Refunds are possible, but according to the platform's refund rules, Mr. Ye needs to be charged a 20% handling fee.

According to this "User Refund Instructions" sent by customer service, only package orders with "Return at will" and "Return at will at the store" when placing the order can be used within the validity period and the order status is unused and unapproved. A full refund will be issued in the case of cancellation or no reservation. "For packages that have exceeded the validity period and do not have the label of 'return at will' or 'return at will at the store', the refund platform will charge a handling fee of 20% to 30%." Customer service told reporters. Although Mr. Ye's order does not fall within the scope of "return at will", it is still within the validity period, and a 20% penalty should be charged according to the rules.

After several attempts to defend his rights to no avail, Mr. Ye felt helpless. In fact, on major social platforms, there are many consumers who have encountered the forced deduction of handling fees by "Lianlian Peripheral Travel". For example, Mr. Tang, a citizen, recently reported that the buffet coupons purchased on the platform have been unable to be reserved until the meal time. Although they have a "cancel at will" label, the platform customer service has repeatedly emphasized that "unusable" is the consumer's fault. For "own reasons", a 20% handling fee will be charged for refunds.

"This is an overbearing clause and is unfair to consumers." According to Mr. Tang, most consumers request refunds because the purchased goods cannot be used. "For example, the package content does not match the actual situation, and the purchased services cannot be used." The platform is responsible for reservations and other situations, especially for products with a 'return at will' label and within the validity period. Strict refund conditions such as handling fees should not be set. "

The reporter learned from Mr. Ye that through direct communication with the operator, the operator has agreed to go through the procedures for changing the room type, and he can stay in the "Starry Sky Roof" RV as he wishes. Regarding the mandatory collection of handling fees, the reporter also tried to contact the "Lianlian Peripheral Travel" platform, but as of press time, no response has been received from the platform.

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However, the refund fee is forced to be deducted, and the "starry sky room" instantly turns into a "guest house"! "Lianlian Surrounding Tour" order is not used
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