How to make a feature? , rural film screening

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:53 AM

As a popular form of cultural entertainment, movies have always occupied an extremely prominent and important position in citizens' cultural life. In recent years, with the development and construction of rural areas, rural cinemas have gradually taken on more new forms, which has greatly enriched the spiritual culture of farmers. Shanghai has paid special attention to this change. Each district has also introduced an implementation plan for rural film screenings, improving the urban and rural layout of the Shanghai film market and solving the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development.

As students of Qibao Middle School, we are also very concerned about the current situation of rural film development. We reviewed many relevant documents and reports, and were deeply encouraged by the efforts our country has made to promote rural film screening. After in-depth exploration of the first rural film screening demonstration site in Shanghai - Baihua Cinema in Pujiang Town, we compiled The following suggestions are made in the hope that rural film screenings can be further improved and high-quality cultural supporting services can be provided to rural groups.

First, we can learn from the mature business models of existing theaters and build new rural film screening demonstration sites. Specifically, it is necessary to further improve cinema facilities, explore new forms of cinema layout, such as using projectors to project images on the walls of cinema screening rooms according to local conditions, create different viewing environments such as ancient courtyards, and learn from the cultural integration adopted by Baihua Cinema method, reflecting the local cultural characteristics; after the theater is rolled out, there is a possibility of less passenger flow and vacant theaters. It can also provide self-selected film services, provided by the theater or brought by users, to play movies on site or in reserved theaters; For groups of different age groups, theaters can also show movies that match the group's preferences, taking into account the movie-watching tendencies of most people, and allowing reasonable time allocation.

Second, comprehensively consider site selection and expand traffic channels. When choosing a location for the screening site, you should try to choose an address with a wide radiation area and a high density of people, so as to further enhance market competitiveness in the future. At the same time, as many remote areas as possible should be included in the radiation range to solve the inconvenient problem of residents in remote areas in watching movies; the location of movie theaters should be associated with transportation hubs to improve the convenience of people's travel, and set up public transportation to reduce movie viewing Carbon emissions on the movie road, reduce the negative impact of setting up cinemas, optimize the environment, increase experience, and mobilize local people's enthusiasm for watching movies; on the basis of price concessions, design supporting cultural inheritance and other high-quality cultural promotions for each released movie Promote and improve the general cultural level of rural people, so that every film-based propaganda theme can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Third, consider working hard on details to provide everyone with more and better services. For example, a small movie theater that can accommodate 100 people can be set up, and long foldable chairs can be used to reduce unnecessary floor space. At the same time, the public is encouraged to bring cushions from home, and a cushion and pillow rental station is set up to obtain more information. Good movie viewing experience. In addition, a movie viewing exchange center can be set up outside the movie screening hall to encourage the public to share their feelings about watching movies, so that they can gain real spiritual sublimation while being entertained. Special discount tickets are issued for each movie, that is, after the movie ends, 5-10 people who voluntarily stay to clean up can watch the movie at a discount. On the one hand, it mobilizes the enthusiasm and autonomy of the people, and on the other hand, it makes full use of resources to make the movie screening demonstration The health status of the site is guaranteed. Within the community, regular democratic discussions at screening sites are held to continuously improve or perfect the rules and regulations so that the masses can truly participate in the operation and management of screening demonstration sites.

How to make a feature? , rural film screening
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Recently, the Shanghai debunking platform received a message hoping to verify the authenticity of the online rumor that "starting from September, banks will permanently freeze some deposit accounts.". After verification, all relevant statements are false. In March, there was similar news, but industry insiders said that the Shanghai debunking platform found that since March this year, various online news titled "Amazing Decision Making of Banks" and "Major Reform of Banks" have appeared, all from individual netizens or self media named "* * Finance Talk" and "* * Technology". The content posted by these accounts is roughly the same, meaning "the bank has made a new decision to permanently freeze some deposit accounts."; The "effective time" is different, some are more vague, while others say it is "August", "September", etc. However, neither the People's Bank of China nor various commercial banks have released any information