But the truth is..., insurance and brokerage services have expired? Many people in Shanghai received SMS notifications

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:48 AM

"Your bill is about to expire. It will be automatically deducted at 12 o'clock today. Please handle it in time. Our company has fulfilled its obligation to inform you." "Dear user, your free experience has expired and password-free payment has been enabled. It will be deducted today." "Automatic renewal"... Recently, many fans have reported to the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform that they have received similar text message notifications. The senders include insurance companies, securities companies, and unknown companies, but the fans do not remember that they have purchased relevant services. Therefore, Question: Can these text messages be trusted? Especially the "unsubscribe or renew" phone number attached to the text message. Can I call it?

Some citizens have received text messages. As of press time, the phone numbers in the text messages are all empty.

An investigation by the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform found that this is a new type of telecommunications fraud that focuses on "those who are willing to take the bait". The phone numbers or links attached to the text messages cannot be trusted.

The reporter also received an "expiry notice" purporting to be from an insurance company. Since I had purchased short-term travel accident insurance products from this insurance company before, the reporter was a little skeptical when I saw the "bill due" at first glance. But after seeing the attached phone number, I immediately discovered a problem: the phone number in the text message was completely different from the insurance company’s official hotline; and then looking through the previous insurance records, I found that there was no such thing as “expiration” or “automatic”. "Buckle" and other expressions. The reporter dialed the number starting with "0798" in the text message and found that the number was empty.

Ms. Wang, a citizen, received a text message claiming to be from a certain brokerage company saying "the free trial has expired", and the attached contact phone number also started with "0798". Ms. Wang was not sure whether she had chosen the company's services, so she called. After being connected, the other party said that he wanted to add WeChat and query specific order information. When Ms. Wang added WeChat, a security prompt popped up on the WeChat page. She immediately realized: "There is something wrong with the text message" and reported it to the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform. When the reporter called the phone number again, it was found that it had become empty.

According to incomplete statistics, most of the text messages received by citizens recently are insurance companies, securities companies, etc., and the reasons are mostly "the free service has expired", "the user has activated password-free automatic deduction, and the payment will be deducted soon", etc. The attached phone number The area code is mostly "0798". Citizens who made the call were told that they could contact "customer service" through WeChat to cancel the order or stop automatic deductions. However, if you listen to the above statement, you may be led into a trap step by step: if you want to "cancel automatic transfers", you have to enter your personal account information in the designated link or even transfer money to a "safe account" to prove your innocence - these are all Fake, the purpose of "customer service" is to defraud money.

In fact, the above scam is basically the same as the "million guarantee expiration" that has been refuted by the police. The difference is that in the "million guarantee expiration" trap, the scammer will pretend to be the customer service of third-party payment platforms such as Alipay and WeChat and actively contact the victims. People call; and in the new "service due" scam, scammers leave their contact information and wait for the victim to take the bait.

As for the subsequent routines, the routines are exactly the same: the fraudsters use the reason that relevant insurance, securities and other services have expired and the renewal requires hundreds or even thousands of yuan, or the victim has opened functions such as password-free payment and will be automatically deducted. Attracting the victim's attention and even causing panic; if the victim expresses that he wants to cancel related services, the scammer will induce the victim to click on a designated link, use screen recording or screen sharing software, etc., to defraud the victim's account information and money.

It can be seen that if citizens receive such text messages, they do not need to pay attention to them and just delete them. If the individual has purchased insurance or used related services. If you are worried about missing the formal notification, it is recommended to consult through the original purchase channel or the official customer service hotline of the service company. Do not trust the phone number and link in the text message, and do not click on the link or enter personal information at will.

But the truth is..., insurance and brokerage services have expired? Many people in Shanghai received SMS notifications
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I brought "equipment" to take pictures on the Binjiang River in Shanghai but was stopped by security: Do I need to "report" in advance?

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Wang Ye Children's safety is no small matter. Nowadays, more and more families are installing child safety seats in their family passenger cars. However, currently taxis and online ride-hailing services are generally not equipped with child safety seats. If parents need to take their minors with them, There are certain safety risks when people take taxis, online ride-hailing and other operating vehicles. Scientific experiments have proven that if the vehicle is not equipped with a child safety seat, but instead uses the method of carrying a minor, when the vehicle impacts at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, an impact equivalent to 30 times the body weight will occur at the moment of impact. For example, a child weighing 10 kilograms will have an impact force of 300 kilograms at the moment of collision. This child cannot be held by the strength of human hands alone. And the reality also proves the importance of child safety seats

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A set of cables is still hanging high in the air, or is it illegally erected? It has been half a year since the undergrounding of the Zhapu Road overhead line was completed, but the grounding was forgotten.

On Zhapu Road, where the overhead line undergrounding project was completed at the end of last year, a set of communication cables that should have been buried underground strangely appeared in the air, causing considerable trouble to the Kunshan Park nearby. On September 22, Xia Zhongyi, the manager of Kunshan Park on Zhapu Road, called the 12345 citizen service hotline for help. He said that a set of cables had been hanging at the entrance of the park, and the middle section was "stretched" on two trees at the entrance of the park for more than half a year. Not to mention affecting the image of the park, below are the benches set up along the street in the park. Old people often sit and rest. "What if the black cable box hits someone on the head?" What's more important is that this section of Zhapu Road was completed at the end of last year. This means that the overhead line entry project should not be in the air at all. The section of Zhapu Road from North Suzhou Road in the south to Kunshan Road in the north was opened as early as the second half of last year.

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Impersonating a staff member of the Cyberspace Administration to commit fraud! Many people in Shanghai have already encountered scams

"Since you have recently released more than 20000 pieces of fraud information, you will face the penalty of downtime, please find a quiet place to close the door and cooperate with the record..." Recently, the Shanghai Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center received a number of citizens who reported that a fraudster had posed as a staff member of the Shanghai Internet Information Office to launch a video call and requested to make a record on the ground that the victim had released fraud information, in order to obtain personal privacy and commit fraud. The Shanghai Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center stated that such calls are counterfeit. If you receive such a call, do not disclose any personal information or join any unfamiliar groups. Call "96110" in a timely manner or go to the local police station for registration. According to the victim, Citizen Wang, on the morning of September 20th, he received a video call starting with+86

Will the bank permanently freeze some deposit accounts? This kind of fake news has tricks!, Rumors started in September | Bank | Account
Will the bank permanently freeze some deposit accounts? This kind of fake news has tricks!, Rumors started in September | Bank | Account

Recently, the Shanghai debunking platform received a message hoping to verify the authenticity of the online rumor that "starting from September, banks will permanently freeze some deposit accounts.". After verification, all relevant statements are false. In March, there was similar news, but industry insiders said that the Shanghai debunking platform found that since March this year, various online news titled "Amazing Decision Making of Banks" and "Major Reform of Banks" have appeared, all from individual netizens or self media named "* * Finance Talk" and "* * Technology". The content posted by these accounts is roughly the same, meaning "the bank has made a new decision to permanently freeze some deposit accounts."; The "effective time" is different, some are more vague, while others say it is "August", "September", etc. However, neither the People's Bank of China nor various commercial banks have released any information