Today’s data selection: There may be aurora in the north this winter; norovirus infection enters high season

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 04:40 AM

There may still be auroras in the north this winter, and the impact of geomagnetic storms on humans will be negligible

In recent days, under the influence of geomagnetic storms, brilliant auroras have appeared in many places in my country. It is understood that geomagnetic storm is a typical solar explosive activity. When the sun explodes, a coronal mass ejection will occur. A single ejection can throw hundreds of millions of tons of solar material away from the sun's surface at a high speed of hundreds of kilometers per second. They carry the sun's powerful magnetic field energy. Once If it hits the earth, it will cause changes in the direction and size of the geomagnetic field. This is called a geomagnetic storm. Auroras are actually just a "by-product" of geomagnetic storms. Although auroras are common in areas with high magnetic latitudes, if the geomagnetic storm is particularly strong, the range of auroras will expand, and auroras can even be seen in equatorial areas. Experts say that 2024 will still be a year of high solar activity, which means that at least this winter, there is still the possibility of seeing aurora in northern my country. In addition, experts said that the impact of geomagnetic storms on the human body is very small and can be ignored, but it will have an impact on short-wave communications, etc. However, it will not last too long.

Reporters learned on December 3 that according to online signing data released by the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, the number of second-hand housing online signings in Beijing in November was 12,545 units, a month-on-month increase of 17.8% and a year-on-year increase of 16.7%.

On September 1, Beijing announced the implementation of the policy of "recognizing houses but not accepting loans". Stimulated by this good news, the number of online second-hand housing signings in Beijing increased significantly in September, reaching more than 14,000 units. However, subsequent October was affected by The long holiday factor affected the decline in transaction volume, and the number of online signings dropped to 10,653 units. In November, the number of online second-hand residential properties in Beijing increased significantly compared with October, reaching 12,545 units.

Generally speaking, the monthly transaction volume of second-hand houses in Beijing is between 12,000 and 17,000 units, which is a relatively normal market condition, neither hot nor cold. If it is lower than this value, especially when the monthly trading volume is less than 10,000 units, it can be defined as a relatively cold market. If it is higher than this value, especially when the monthly trading volume is higher than 20,000 units, it can be defined as a relatively hot market. Therefore, the transaction volume of more than 12,000 units in November shows that the liquidity of Beijing’s second-hand housing market is normal, and the hot and cold market conditions are also within the normal range.

From a year-on-year perspective, November and December at the end of the year are generally not the months with the largest transaction volume in a year. In November last year, the number of online second-hand houses in Beijing was 10,750. There was also a significant year-on-year increase in November this year, an increase of 16.7%. Data shows that since 2017 to the present, the number of online second-hand housing signings in November has been 8,483, 11,203, 12,296, 17,268, 11,851, 10,750, and 12,545 respectively. In comparison, the number of online second-hand housing signings in November this year has reached a high level in the past seven years.

At the same time, the number of second-hand house listings in Beijing has begun to decline in recent times. According to the number of second-hand houses for sale displayed on Lianjia’s website on December 1, the company’s second-hand house listings have dropped to more than 143,000 units. At the beginning of last month, Lianjia The number of second-hand housing listings is close to 170,000.

The peak season for norovirus infections is from October to March of the following year. To prevent norovirus infection, you can try: ① Cutting off the virus transmission path and maintaining good hygiene habits are important methods to prevent the spread of norovirus. ② Maintain hand hygiene in daily life. Wash your hands with soap and running water before eating, after using the toilet, and before handling food. ③Using disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer on hands cannot replace hand washing. ④ Pay attention to food and drinking water hygiene and do not drink raw water. ⑤Do not eat raw or semi-raw seafood and meat. ⑥Vegetables and fruits should be washed before eating. ⑦ Carry out environmental cleaning and disinfection work, regularly open windows for ventilation, regularly clean and disinfect rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and other public places, and use chlorine-containing disinfectants to treat sewage.

Shanghai 12345 responded to Mayday being questioned about lip-syncing: If you encounter lip-syncing, you can file a complaint to protect your rights.

Recently, Mayday was questioned for lip-synching during a concert, which attracted attention. Shanghai 12345 stated that it has not yet received complaints from citizens about "lip-syncing at the Mayday Concert". If you encounter lip-synching, you can provide the concert's time, address, organizer company name, address and other information to complain and defend your rights, and it will be handled by the organizing department. .

Mycoplasma infections in children are increasing in many countries. How is mycoplasma pneumonia different this year?

Recently, with the high incidence of respiratory diseases in winter, China, Denmark, France and the Netherlands have all reported an increase in childhood pneumonia cases related to Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and regions in the United States, including Ohio, have also reported a surge in cases.

Last week, European experts released a report. They conducted mycoplasma surveillance at 45 locations in 24 countries and found that mycoplasma infections began to rise at the beginning of this year, and the incidence rate during the epidemic was only less than 1%.

According to a global report published by The Lancet Microbiology, mycoplasma infections increased by more than four times on average this summer and autumn, with even greater increases in Asia and Europe.

Experts have previously stated that mycoplasma, as a common known pathogen, will have cyclical epidemics every few years, especially among school-age children aged 5 to 12 years old.

In the understanding of many doctors, the symptoms of mycoplasma infection are mild. Mycoplasma pneumonia is an atypical pneumonia, also known as "walking pneumonia". It usually causes a cough that lasts for several weeks, accompanied by fever and headache. , sometimes a rash will appear. Compared with the severity of typical pneumonia, the patient's condition after infection with mycoplasma pneumonia is generally better than that with other bacterial pneumonias.

Today’s data selection: There may be aurora in the north this winter; norovirus infection enters high season
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Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week