Today's data selection: Many provinces refute rumors of implementing seniority retirement; Shenzhen's second-hand housing is changing from a seller's market to a buyer's market

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:48 AM

Many provinces refute rumors about promoting seniority retirement and strictly implement the national unified retirement policy

Recently, similar articles claiming that "the retirement age will be determined based on the individual's working years" and "the longer the service period, the higher the retirement age and the higher the pension" have been circulated in many provinces.

On the evening of October 28, the WeChat public account of the Hebei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued a statement saying that recently, an article titled "Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Hebei Province will implement a "retirement based on seniority" policy from January 1, 2024" and similar content spread online. After verification, the relevant articles and screenshots were found to be false information. The Hebei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security stated that Hebei Province strictly implements the retirement policy uniformly stipulated by the country. There is no "retirement based on seniority" as stated in online articles and related screenshots. Please do not believe or spread rumors. We will reserve the right to hold relevant rumor makers accountable.

Hunan Sanxiang Metropolis Daily's report on October 28 also mentioned that a few days ago, some self-media announced that some provinces will fully implement "retirement based on working age" on January 1, 2024. The relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security said: "According to the retirement policy uniformly stipulated by the country, there is no 'retirement based on length of service' as stated in online articles and related screenshots. Please do not believe or spread rumors." On October 29, the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security also It said that the article and related screenshots posted online that "Shandong Province will implement a "service-age retirement" system" were false information.

Are bank appraisals of second-hand housing in Shenzhen generally lowered? Industry: The second-hand housing market is quietly changing from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market

On October 29, a real estate agency manager showed reporters a recent second-hand house transaction record. Taking the second-hand house in Tonglin City Plaza, Futian District as an example, a 54-square-meter house that was recently sold was generally evaluated by banks in the past. It is about 4.8 million yuan, but recently the bank’s appraisal price was lowered to about 4.36 million yuan. The person in charge of a bank's personal loan department told reporters that because market prices are falling, the appraisal company the bank cooperates with will value the bank based on market prices, so price drops are inevitable. Shanghai Yiju Real Estate Research Institute believes that in the past, the second-hand housing market was in the "no worries about selling" stage because the market demand was generally on the rise at that time. The first half of this year was in the "worry about selling" stage. This major change or risk requires attention, which also means that the current second-hand housing market is quietly changing from a seller's market to a buyer's market.

The total number of stroke patients in my country exceeds 28 million, and the recurrence rate is as high as 17.7%

On October 29, statistics from the National Health Commission showed that the total number of people suffering from stroke in our country exceeded 28 million, making stroke one of the major diseases threatening the health of our people. Stroke, also known as stroke, is an acute cerebrovascular disease. Data show that the annual recurrence rate of ischemic stroke in my country is as high as 17.7%, and about 18 out of every 100 stroke patients will relapse. Experts say that patients with a history of stroke have a significantly higher risk of another stroke than others.

The accelerated recovery of the service industry boosts economic momentum

As a series of policies to expand domestic demand and promote consumption have taken effect, my country's service industry has maintained a rapid recovery in the first three quarters, and its role in driving economic growth has continued to increase. The daily service industry continues to recover, residents' consumer confidence gradually rebounds, and supply and demand collaborate to release potential, driving the service consumption market to achieve rapid growth. In the first three quarters, service retail sales increased by 18.9% year-on-year, 13.4 percentage points faster than the retail sales of goods in the same period.

Offline customer traffic has gradually recovered, and new consumption scenarios such as specialty commercial districts and brand experience stores have emerged, driving the continuous improvement of physical store operations. Sichuan has revitalized its catering and cultural tourism resources, attracting a total of 270 million consumers in the first three quarters, and per capita cultural and entertainment consumption increased by 23.9% year-on-year; Beijing, Shanghai and other places have transformed a number of old shopping malls into new consumption carriers, incorporating curatorial Various new business formats such as retail and outdoor cultural and sports experiences have formed new consumption growth poles.

Expenditure on education, culture and entertainment, medical care, transportation and communications, and other supplies and services grew faster than the average growth rate of consumer spending. Final consumption expenditure contributed 83.2% to economic growth, driving GDP growth by 4.4 percentage points. At present, the year-on-year growth rate of the national service industry production index has picked up for two consecutive months. Preliminary calculations show that in the first three quarters, the added value of the service industry increased by 6.0% year-on-year, contributing 63.0% to national economic growth, driving GDP growth by 3.3 percentage points, and playing an important supporting role.

It is the highest for the same period in 10 years! Mass shootings in the United States have killed more than 600 people this year

More than 600 people have been killed in mass shootings in the United States so far in 2023, the highest death toll from mass shootings in 10 years. So far this year, more than 15,000 people have been killed by guns in the United States, including more than 240 children under the age of 12 and more than 1,000 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. According to the WeChat public account of the Chinese Embassy in the United States on October 28, there have been a series of shooting incidents in many places in the United States. Among them, a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine on October 25 caused many casualties. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the United States remind Chinese citizens in the United States to pay close attention to the security situation in their region and be cautious when going to crowded places and areas with unstable public security. Strengthen self-safety awareness and capabilities, and understand necessary emergency response and escape techniques.

Today's data selection: Many provinces refute rumors of implementing seniority retirement; Shenzhen's second-hand housing is changing from a seller's market to a buyer's market
Today's data selection: The number of marriages in my country has declined for nine consecutive years since 2013; the academic requirements for the national examination have increased significantly
Today's data selection: The number of marriages in my country has declined for nine consecutive years since 2013; the academic requirements for the national examination have increased significantly

About 3 billion people around the world play video games. On the evening of October 14, local time, International Olympic Committee President Bach revealed at the opening ceremony of the 141st Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee that the International Olympic Committee is considering creating an Olympic Games belonging to e-sports. According to statistics, about 3 billion people around the world play video games, and more than 500 million of them are particularly interested in e-sports, including virtual sports and simulated sports. Most of them are young people under the age of 34. Bach said that the International Olympic Committee attaches great importance to this, so since 2018, the International Olympic Committee has been involved in the development of e-sports projects in an all-round way. The academic requirements for the national examination have been significantly increased. On October 15, registration for the 2024 national examination officially started. According to the recruitment plan, a total of 39,561 people will be recruited for the national examination in the new year.

Today's data selection: The Ministry of Public Security intercepted more than 50,000 scalper accounts; the purchase price of hairy crabs is more than 20 yuan cheaper per catty
Today's data selection: The Ministry of Public Security intercepted more than 50,000 scalper accounts; the purchase price of hairy crabs is more than 20 yuan cheaper per catty

The Ministry of Public Security investigated and intercepted more than 50,000 scalper accounts. The latest data from the Ministry of Public Security show that during the "Summer Operation", a total of 566,000 criminal cases were uncovered, 2.042 million security cases were investigated, and 975,000 suspected criminals were arrested. In response to the prominent problems of ticket scalping in various commercial performances, competitions, and popular scenic spots this summer, the Ministry of Public Security organized a special crackdown. A total of 19,000 online ticket scalping clues were investigated in various places, more than 900 criminal suspects were arrested, 12,000 tickets of various types were seized, a number of ticketing platforms were interviewed and rectified, more than 300 illegal ticket online stores were delisted and dealt with, and "scalpers" were investigated and intercepted. "There are more than 50,000 accounts. China intercepted live scorpions of four exotic species for the first time on the 10th. The Bingcheng Customs Post Office of Harbin Customs

Chongqing issues an orange warning for high temperatures. Today's data selection shows that the down payment ratio of Guangzhou's mortgage interest rates has been lowered
Chongqing issues an orange warning for high temperatures. Today's data selection shows that the down payment ratio of Guangzhou's mortgage interest rates has been lowered

The Moroccan earthquake caused 2012 deaths and 2059 injuries. According to local Moroccan media citing the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior, as of 22:00 local time on September 9th, the death toll from the earthquake in Morocco has risen to 2012, with 2059 injured, of which 1404 were seriously injured. According to the Earthquake Information Network of the United States Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred at 23:11 local time on the 8th in Morocco, with a magnitude of 6.8. The epicenter was located about 71 kilometers southwest of Marrakech, with a depth of 18.5 kilometers. The Moroccan National Geological Monitoring Agency announced later that the earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 and a depth of 8 kilometers. The export volume of heavy-duty trucks in China surged by 187% from January to August. This year, the production and sales of natural gas heavy-duty trucks in China are hot. However, in some overseas markets

Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have launched limited time free subway rides; Anesthesiologists Answering Will Anesthesia Make People Foolish Subway | Fuzhou | Data
Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have launched limited time free subway rides; Anesthesiologists Answering Will Anesthesia Make People Foolish Subway | Fuzhou | Data

On August 18, the limited time free subway ride was launched in many places across the country. The WeChat official account "Fuzhou Metro" announced that at the end of August, Fuzhou Metro Ring Line 4 will be put into operation for passengers. The full network transfer with the existing lines will bring unprecedented convenient traffic experience. To enable the general public to experience the various conveniences of subway transportation in the era of circular line transfer, cultivate green travel habits, promote the concept of green and low-carbon development, and further stimulate urban economic vitality. According to the work deployment of the municipal government, from August 28, 2023 to December 31, 2023, Fuzhou Metro will carry out the activity of receiving electronic consumption vouchers and enjoying free subway rides at night, on weekends and holidays; Citizens can also receive electronic subway bus annual card consumption vouchers and enjoy discounts on purchasing subway bus annual cards. Previously, the whole country included Ningbo, Nantong, Nanchang

Today's data selection: Product and technology research and development end positions have become the most popular positions; South Korea's minimum hourly wage will increase to 56 yuan situation | News | Product
Today's data selection: Product and technology research and development end positions have become the most popular positions; South Korea's minimum hourly wage will increase to 56 yuan situation | News | Product

Product and technology research and development positions have become the top popular positions. On July 19th, 51job pointed out in its "2023 Employment Trends for College Graduates" that in 2023, more than half of the 95's employees accounted for over 25%, an increase of four percentage points year-on-year. The Trend shows that retail, Internet and semiconductor/integrated circuit enterprises have the most young employees; Software/network services, semiconductor/integrated circuit, and financial enterprises have the highest number of highly educated employees; The number of overseas graduates in FMCG, Internet and electronic/electrical industries is the largest. In 2023, the top three most popular industries among college students are fast-moving consumer goods/professional retail, insurance/banking/securities, and mechanical manufacturing/industrial equipment. Over the past year, there have also been changes in popular positions. In 2023, the most popular among graduates