Today’s data selection: Mycoplasma pneumonia is trending among younger people; experts say that the proportion of my country’s renting population is relatively low

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:42 AM

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection has a wave of epidemic every 3 to 5 years, and the trend of mycoplasma pneumonia is getting younger.

On the 13th, the National Health Commission held a press conference on the prevention and treatment of winter respiratory diseases. Tong Zhaohui, director of the Beijing Institute of Respiratory Diseases, said that mycoplasma pneumonia is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia in children aged 5 and above in my country, and is prevalent in northern areas in autumn and winter. Compared with previous years, during this year's epidemic, children under 3 years old were also infected, showing a trend of younger age, but the condition was not significantly worse.

Chao Shuang, chief physician of pediatrics at Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University, said, “Not all recent cases of pneumonia are caused by mycoplasma. Other pathogens that may cause pneumonia in children include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and influenza viruses. , parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc.” Chao Shuang believes that the spread of mycoplasma is particularly scary, as if a new pathogen has arrived after the new crown, but this is not the case. Mycoplasma infection has actually been known for a long time, and there will be a wave of epidemics every 3 to 5 years. . However, “it just happened to be in the epidemic period recently.”

Experts say the proportion of renters in my country is relatively low

On November 13, at the 2023 collective performance briefing meeting of Shanghai affordable rental housing REITs, Chen Cong, chief analyst of infrastructure and modern service industries at CITIC Securities, said that compared with most countries and regions in the world, my country's The proportion of people renting houses is relatively low, especially the degree of institutionalized operations is very uncommon. In many developed countries, the proportion of households renting residences exceeds 30% of the total number of households, and the proportion of renters in core cities is even higher. As of 2021, my country's market-oriented institutional rental housing accounts for less than 10%. Compared with most developed countries, it is still in a very preliminary stage.

RMB deposits increased by 644.6 billion yuan in October, an increase of 831.2 billion yuan year-on-year

At the end of October, the balance of domestic and foreign currency deposits was 287.28 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.1%. The balance of RMB deposits was 281.65 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%. The growth rate was 0.3 percentage points higher than the end of last month and 0.3 percentage points lower than the same period last year. In the first ten months, RMB deposits increased by 23.13 trillion yuan, an increase of 557.5 billion yuan year-on-year. RMB deposits increased by 644.6 billion yuan in October, an increase of 831.2 billion yuan year-on-year. Among them, household deposits decreased by 636.9 billion yuan, non-financial corporate deposits decreased by 865.2 billion yuan, fiscal deposits increased by 1.37 trillion yuan, and non-banking financial institution deposits increased by 506.8 billion yuan. At the end of October, the balance of foreign currency deposits was US$784.4 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 9.2%. Foreign currency deposits decreased by US$69.6 billion in the first ten months, a year-on-year decrease of US$63.2 billion. Foreign currency deposits increased by US$5.4 billion in October, an increase of US$26.1 billion year-on-year.

Hurun: There are 2.11 million households with a net worth of tens of millions in China

On the afternoon of November 12, the "Hurun Report 2023 China High Net Worth Household Cash Flow Management Report" released by Hurun Research Institute showed that China has 5.18 million "affluent households" with a household net worth of 6 million yuan, and households with households worth 10 million yuan. There are 2.11 million “high-net-worth households” with household net assets of RMB 100 million, and 138,000 “ultra-high-net-worth households” with household net assets of RMB 100 million.

The Financial Stability Bureau of the Central Bank published a column. The article pointed out that at present, my country's financial risks have generally converged and are generally controllable. At the end of the second quarter of 2023, the total assets of my country's financial institutions were 449.21 trillion yuan, of which the total assets of banking institutions were 406.25 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 90% of the assets. The banking industry occupies a dominant position, and stable banks will ensure financial stability. Judging from the results of the People's Bank of China's quarterly ratings of banking financial institutions, in the second quarter of 2023, the vast majority of the country's nearly 4,000 commercial banks were within the safety boundary; the number of high-risk banks was only more than 300, with assets Accounting for less than 2% of all banks. The 24 large banks that account for about 70% of assets have always had excellent ratings, and some of the banks' main operating indicators are at the leading international level, playing a key role as the "ballast stone" of my country's financial system. The regulatory indicators of financial institutions are within a reasonable range. As of the end of the second quarter of 2023, the capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loan ratio and provision coverage ratio of commercial banks were 14.66%, 1.62% and 206.13% respectively, and the average comprehensive solvency adequacy ratio of insurance companies was 188%. , the risk coverage ratio and average capital leverage ratio of securities companies are 255.38% and 18.78% respectively. Credit risks are at a controllable level, and loss resistance is generally sufficient.

Today’s data selection: Mycoplasma pneumonia is trending among younger people; experts say that the proportion of my country’s renting population is relatively low
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Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week