Today's data selection: College students use AI to help 11 missing children return home; rising gold prices spark fire in waste home appliance recycling

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 04:54 AM

College student uses AI to help 11 missing children return home

The AI ​​Baby Volunteer Service Team of the School of Software of Huazhong University of Science and Technology uses professional knowledge to develop image restoration algorithms to turn blurry family-seeking photos into clear and large pictures. They turned the photos into family tracing tape and stuck them on the express delivery. They also made postcards, short videos, etc. to facilitate the dissemination of information. In the past three years, college students have restored photos of more than 1,000 missing children and helped reunite 11 children with their families.

Recently, "nasal energy bars" have gradually become popular among primary and secondary school students. It is two rod-shaped plastic tubes that can be inserted into the nostrils. The price ranges from a few yuan to more than ten yuan, and its sales on e-commerce platforms are very impressive. Merchants claim that it has a refreshing effect and is "pure and non-toxic", and some even advertise that it is "suitable for students". Doctors said that "nasal energy bars" are added with menthol and borneol, which are irritating and exciting and can cause insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Some also add spirits, which have an anesthetic effect and can cause hallucinations in severe cases. Yao Hua, director of the Institute of Sociology of the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, believes that regardless of its ingredients, the use of "snorting energy bars" will reduce the student population's psychological defense against drugs.

The lip-syncing controversy at the famous band’s Mayday concert continues.

On December 5, Sun Yuhao, a senior partner at Haihua Yongtai Law Firm, told a reporter from Beijing Business Daily that there are some difficulties in obtaining evidence for lip-synching. Sometimes, for the sake of performance or harmony, there will be a half-open mic at the performance, which requires technical screening to determine whether there is lip-synching.

At the same time, Sun Yuhao said that according to relevant laws and regulations, there is no problem in classifying lip-synching as consumer fraud. If consumers believe that lip-syncing occurs in the concert, they can claim compensation. For consumers, they can make compensation claims to ticketing agencies and ticketing agency platforms. The parties responsible for compensation include performers, organizers, undertakers, actors’ management teams, brokerage companies, performance groups, etc.

Japan: Rising gold prices fuel recycling of scrap home appliances

The international gold price has surged recently, and the retail price of gold in Japan in yen has also reached a new high, which has driven the domestic demand for "urban mines" in Japan. The so-called "urban mines" refer to various types of waste electronic products, from which a variety of metals, including gold, can be extracted.

Japan's Ministry of the Environment estimates that 10,000 old mobile phones weigh about 1 ton and can recover about 280 grams of gold. This refining efficiency is 56 times that of gold mining. In addition, according to Japanese media reports, unscrupulous merchants in Japan have recently targeted elderly people living alone and forcibly purchased gold. An 80-year-old man in Nagasaki Prefecture was forcibly bought gold jewelry by an unscrupulous merchant at a low price of approximately more than 1,400 yuan.

Recently, a 42-year-old woman shared her appearance changes in just 20 days on a short video platform, saying that she had experienced "cliff-like aging" and attracted a lot of attention.

The video shows that the woman has haggard eyes, obvious facial wrinkles and severe facial sagging, which is in sharp contrast to her bare face appearance 20 days ago, as if she has aged 10 years overnight.

In fact, this feeling is not "unfounded". The body undergoes quantitative changes to qualitative changes at a specific point in time. In fact, as early as 2019, a study published in "Nature Medicine" proposed the view that "aging is not uniform, but has three physiological turning points." The study stated that it is based on the ups and downs of the plasma proteome in the human body. The ages at which "cliff aging" occurs in a person's life are 34, 60 and 78 years old respectively.

Today's data selection: College students use AI to help 11 missing children return home; rising gold prices spark fire in waste home appliance recycling
Today's data selection: Many provinces refute rumors of implementing seniority retirement; Shenzhen's second-hand housing is changing from a seller's market to a buyer's market
Today's data selection: Many provinces refute rumors of implementing seniority retirement; Shenzhen's second-hand housing is changing from a seller's market to a buyer's market

Many provinces have refuted rumors that they will implement seniority retirement and strictly implement the unified national retirement policy. Recently, similar articles have been published in many provinces, claiming that "the retirement age will be determined based on the individual's working years" and "the longer the service length, the higher the retirement age and the higher the pension." Provincial spread. On the evening of October 28, the WeChat public account of the Hebei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued a statement saying that recently, an article titled "Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Hebei Province will implement a "retirement based on seniority" policy from January 1, 2024" and similar content spread online. After verification, the relevant articles and screenshots were found to be false information. The Hebei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security stated that Hebei Province strictly implements the retirement policy uniformly stipulated by the country. There is no "retirement based on seniority" as stated in online articles and related screenshots. Please do not believe or spread rumors. We will reserve the right to investigate relevant

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Today's data selection: The railway welcomes the highest peak of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day passenger flow on the first day; the Chinese team of the Hangzhou Asian Games has harvested 100 gold medals

On the first day of the holiday, the country is expected to send a total of 63.205 million passengers. The Mid-Autumn Festival on September 29 is the first day of the Golden Week holiday. Jiemian News learned from the China State Railway Group that the national railways will usher in the peak passenger flow during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Golden Week. It is expected to send passengers There were 20.2 million passengers, and 12,508 passenger trains were operated, including 1,841 additional passenger trains. According to CCTV News, since the national railways started transportation during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday on September 27, the number of people traveling by train every day has been at a high level. On the 28th, the national railways sent 16.18 million passengers. The railway department has maximized its transportation potential, and railways in many provinces and cities have increased their transportation capacity in an effort to meet the travel needs of passengers. Xinjiang Tianchi receives an average of 18,000 tourists every day. At present, Xinjiang Tianchi Tianchi is ushering in the best viewing season. according to

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Today's data selection: 200 night high-speed trains will be added during the National Day holiday; 11 people arrested in JPEX fraud case!

According to the Ministry of Public Security, 153 cross-border naked chat phone fraud suspects were escorted back to China. The night before last, 153 suspect of cross-border naked chat phone fraud were captured by the Chinese police and the Indonesian police through police law enforcement cooperation. They were escorted back from Indonesia by the public security authorities in Beijing and Shandong. More than 100 cross-border naked chat extortion cases involving multiple provinces and cities across the country were successfully solved. In response to the current situation of high incidence of naked chat extortion crimes, the Ministry of Public Security has organized and deployed public security organs in Beijing, Shandong and other places to closely monitor key cases, strengthen research and analysis, strengthen clue investigation, and preliminarily grasp the relevant situation of the large-scale cross-border naked chat extortion criminal gangs operating within Indonesia. In August this year, the Ministry of Public Security dispatched personnel to lead a working group of police officers from Beijing and Shandong public security organs to Indonesia to carry out work. With the strong support of our embassy in Indonesia and the police liaison officer

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Lao Zhang stepped on his bicycle and put his wife and daughter's complaints behind him. He was holding a fire in his heart and rode faster and faster, fearing that if he did not have time to take the path to "smuggle" to work in the factory, he would have to leave the city at home because of the epidemic to help take care of his grandson. After being stopped by the police on the road, he took out his work certificate and willingly carried his clothes into the dormitory of the factory. He got up at a fixed time every day, ate breakfast, and then began to work as soon as he brushed the bowl. "You let me stay at home, I feel uncomfortable". Lao Zhang, currently 61 years old, is still active in the workplace with his ability of mechanical drawing. There are not a few elderly people like him who expect to return to the workplace after retirement. In 1999, the United Nations put forward the slogan "Building a society for all ages"; 24 years later

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Today's data selection: 95s and 00s are experiencing a trend of getting married and publishing in newspapers; Hainan's strict prevention of college entrance examination immigration year-on-year | export | data

Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week