Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:02 PM

After retiring, Gong Aihua, a resident of Yingzhong Community, no longer had the usual busyness and often went to the community center to participate in various activities. "I click on 'Happiness Cloud' on my phone every day to check out the announcements and activities in the community. You can sign up anytime, anywhere."

The "Happiness Cloud" mentioned by Aunt Gong is a creative information system created by Qingpu for community workers and residents - the "Happiness Cloud" smart community panoramic application system. This "cloud" is positioned as the sinking of "One Network Management", the expansion of "One Network Service", and the strengthening of "Community Cloud". It has built a "1+5" functional architecture system with "Community Governance Theme Data Warehouse" as the core, "Full Element Management System", "Fully Automatic Office", "Panoramic Service System", "Universal Governance System", and "Fully Aggregated" One Network Management "system as the main content.

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

This "cloud" centers around the people

In order to bridge the gap between residents and communities, as well as between residents, "Happiness Cloud" benchmarks and creates an online platform for community residents to directly participate in community governance. Through diversified service functions aggregation, it allows the public to enjoy more comprehensive, accurate, and exquisite community services. "Our community uses the 'Happiness Cloud' to accurately achieve real-time warning and response functions such as information release, community services, property repair reporting, and hotline processing. We integrate functional scenarios into a 'Happiness Map' to form a real-time visual management platform, thereby improving the community's ability to analyze early warning, make scientific decisions, and coordinate scheduling." said Yao Xuehong, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Yingzhong Residential Area.

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

Focusing on the needs and expectations of community residents, "Happiness Cloud" has developed and launched "resource reservation", "community hotline", "property repair", "Happiness TESCO Group" and other functions, so that community residents can enjoy convenient community services and preferential Qingpu good goods without leaving home. Ms. Cheng, a resident of Jiayuan in Qinghewan, is an online shopping expert who purchases almost all daily necessities from online shopping malls. In participating in the community's "Happiness Cloud" promotion activity, she learned that there are many Qingpu real estate agricultural products and commodities on the "Happiness Mall". As long as she has time, she will "stroll" in the "Happiness Cloud". "The 'Happy Cloud' has penetrated into every aspect of my life, which is an online community. The 'Happy TESCO Group' mall has food, food and clothing, most of which are well-known brands in Qingpu, and the prices are affordable," said Ms. Cheng.

This "cloud" empowers grassroots smart governance

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

While serving residents, the "Happiness Cloud" has resolved issues such as excessive burden on village affairs. In the "AI Smart House" of Zhangbang Community Center, community workers can constantly understand the overall operation of the community through the real-time jumping data on the "Happiness Cloud" command screen. "This' AI smart cabin 'not only realizes functions such as high-altitude throwing monitoring, parking space resource management, corridor entry and exit recognition, garbage stacking warning, but also has functions such as' data center' and 'intelligent ledger', which shortens the time we need to search for data and greatly improves work efficiency." said Yao Fei, Deputy Director of Zhangbang Neighborhood Committee.

Tangyu Village is located in the urban and rural junction of Qingpu. There are more than 1800 registered residence people and more than 4200 people coming to Shanghai. The villagers' self built houses have become the "hot cakes" in the housing rental market. Although rent is a source of income for villagers, it also increases the difficulty of population management in the village. With the application of the "Real Population Display Platform" function, the difficulties related to population management in villages are easily solved. "Modeling every house in all village groups, tracking the number of rooms in each house number and the information of lessors and tenants in real time, using 'Happiness Cloud' effectively reduces the burden of grassroots governance, allowing us to efficiently carry out grassroots governance work with more accurate information." said Zhang Jian, Deputy Secretary of the Tangyu Village Party Branch.

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

This "cloud" is secure, open, and shared

"Happiness Cloud" has not only made great efforts in functional development and mechanism exploration, but also made great efforts in leading the creation of a more "safe, open, and shared" smart community ecological environment. At the beginning of its construction, "Happiness Cloud" clearly defined the positioning of data access platforms, application access platforms, and IoT sensing device access platforms, and reserved interfaces for the access of other systems, applications, facilities, and devices. The newly built and used intelligent fitness park in Tangyu Village has been connected to the "Happiness Cloud". Villagers can scan the code to use fitness equipment, and their exercise data will be uploaded to the "Happiness Cloud" system to record their fitness situation, which is highly welcomed by the villagers. "After scanning the code on your phone, you can see information such as heart rate in 'Happiness Cloud', which enables you to timely grasp your physical health data," said Du Huanrong, a villager from Tangyu Village.

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

In the process of supporting the digital transformation of village communities, "Happiness Cloud" actively encourages and guides enterprises and other social entities to join in the co construction and sharing of future smart communities. "By empowering grassroots governance through digital means, we aim to make grassroots work more efficient and provide warm services to the people. Qingpu Mobile will continue to participate in the construction of the 'Happiness Cloud', providing a comfortable, caring, and warm experience for the people and workers in the Qingpu community with our professional, enthusiastic, and persistent services." said Yang Yi, Vice President of Shanghai Mobile Qingpu Branch.

As an important platform for digital empowerment of community governance, "Happiness Cloud" is an important lever for Qingpu to build a "warm home" governance brand. In the view of Zhou Yinglong, Vice President of Shanghai Smart City Development Research Institute, "Happiness Cloud" is a specific practice of urban digital transformation at the grassroots level in communities. "The core goal of 'Happiness Cloud' is to further improve the modernization level of grassroots governance system and governance capacity, and its fundamental purpose is to enhance people's well-being, so that community residents can have more sense of gain, happiness, and security in the process of community digital transformation. This provides a transformation example for the digitization of grassroots governance," said Zhou Yinglong.

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

As an important carrier area of the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone, Qingpu closely follows the trend of digital development, closely follows the Yangtze River Delta digital trunk strategy, actively explores solutions to strengthen grassroots governance and urban digital transformation, and explores empowering grassroots "smart governance" with digital transformation, making Qingpu a future city led by digital development. "We believe that with the blessing of 'wisdom' and the assistance of 'happiness cloud', the vision of 'warm home' in Qingpu will be transformed into a colorful and vivid picture more quickly." Xue Yunbei, Deputy Director of the Qingpu District Committee's Happiness Community Construction Promotion Office, said confidently.

Grassroots are the foundation, focus, and support of urban governance.The "Happy Community" has comprehensively established the Qingpu "Warm Home" governance brand through platform construction, mechanism innovation, and digital empowerment. The autonomy and co governance of residents are full of vitality, public services are becoming increasingly precise and efficient, and grassroots governance innovation is flourishing, with fruitful results.

Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

The Special Promotion Office of the District Party Committee for the Construction of Happy Communities, in conjunction with the Financial Media Center, launched an in-depth series of reports on "Happiness Gathers in Communities to Build a Warm Home". From the "small space" to free up "great happiness", the community has a people's reception hall, "group service" to solve the "difficult and miscellaneous problems" of community governance, "happy partners" to consolidate the community's "happy life circle", "happiness cloud" to enhance residents' "sense of happiness and acquisition" and other topics, we can interpret the achievements of the construction of happy communities in the new era from multiple perspectives, multi-dimensional and all-round perspectives, focus on Qingpu's innovative process of opening up the "big path" of social governance with the "small incision" of community governance, and show that "people build people's cities, people's cities for people" and "Chinese path to modernization.

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Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu
Qingpu: Building a "Warm Home" Governance on the "Happiness Cloud" | Community | Qingpu

After retiring, Gong Aihua, a resident of Yingzhong Community, no longer had the usual busyness and often went to the community center to participate in various activities. "I click on 'Happiness Cloud' on my phone every day to check out the announcements and activities in the community. You can sign up and participate anytime, anywhere. 'As Aunt Gong said,' Happiness Cloud 'is an information-based system created by Qingpu for community workers and residents - the' Happiness Cloud 'smart community panoramic application system.". This "cloud" is positioned as the sinking of "One Network Management", the expansion of "One Network Service", and the strengthening of "Community Cloud". It has built five subsystems with "Community Governance Theme Data Warehouse" as the core, "Full Element Management System", "Fully Automatic Office", "Panoramic Service System", "Universal Governance System", and "Fully Aggregated" One Network Management "System"