Built into a wind power "aircraft carrier" in over a hundred days, 400 cultural and artistic volunteers entered CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Base Volunteers | CRRC | New Energy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:42 AM

On the 27th, the "Fashion of the Times - Chinese Literary and Art Volunteers Entered CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industry Base for Literary and Art Performance" was held in Songyuan, Jilin. On site, nearly 400 cultural volunteers and nearly 2000 spectators jointly praised the pioneers of construction, paid tribute to the important tools of the great country, and participated in this cultural feast.

The entire performance was divided into two chapters through singing and dancing performances, instrumental performances, and situational narratives: "The Wind Rises in Songyuan, Casting China's Speed" and "Infinite Exhibition of Jilin's Style". It was hosted by Zhang Zequn, the host of China Central Radio and Television Corporation and the director of the China Association of Literary and Art Volunteers, Zhu Xun, and Zhang Weixin, an employee of CRRC.

The first part of the performance starts with the song "Beautiful Songyuan" sung by Wang Zhe, showcasing the different Chinese "winds" that the current Songyuan wind power new energy is full of. It not only has the "warm wind" of green mountains and clear waters, the "vigorous wind" of reform and development, but also the "strong wind" of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship.

Matsuhara is known as the "hometown of Chinese horsehead fiddle". The instrumental performance "Ten Thousand Horses Running" brought by Fang Jinlong, Su He, and others has a melodious, deep, broad, and enthusiastic melody. With the performance of pipa, hulai, and horsehead fiddle, it instantly takes the audience into the vast and magnificent grassland, feeling the enthusiasm and boldness of the grassland people.

The song "Glory" sung by Xu Weizhou, a literary volunteer and young actor, made the audience boil with excitement.

Similarly, the success of CRRC Songyuan project has also made the public's blood boil. The CRRC Songyuan New Energy Project only took 100 days from signing to commencement, and more than 100 days from commencement to product launch. The builders, with their "Jilin Efficiency", "Songyuan Power", and "CRRC Intelligence", jointly created the "Double Hundred Miracle" in the history of project construction.

Singer Wang Lida sang the song "Chinese Speed", which was newly created for this event, praising the constantly catching up and surpassing Chinese speed. Through her singing, she portrayed the continuous innovation in quality and speed in China's construction, manufacturing, and creation, and depicted a magnificent future.

China CRRC, as a major power, bears the responsibility of serving the country, from the Fuxing China Standard EMU to the intelligent EMU serving the Beijing Winter Olympics. China CRRC's industry is dedicated to the country, daring to innovate, and more CRRC people are carrying the banner of national industrial progress, using craftsmanship to create national treasures, and helping to accelerate the Chinese Dream.

Chen Xiao, a member of the China Association of Literary and Art Volunteers and a young actor, and employees of CRRC Songyuan Base jointly performed a narration and choir called "Walking with You, Hello Future". Songyuan based performing artist Sha Jingchang and performing artist Wen Yujuan, as well as directors Xu Tao and Zhang Kaili of the China Association of Literary and Art Volunteers, jointly recited "New Era - China's Speed", praising CRRC's "China's Speed" that connects the world and benefits humanity with passionate recitation, full enthusiasm, and unique perspectives.

Specially designed program "Salute to the Builder", touching and inspiring. Zhang Wen, the national model worker and the 20th generation "fish head" of Chagan Lake, Min Haibo, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Yadahong Industrial Concentration Zone, Ningjiang District, Songyuan City, and Gao Hegang, the project commander of CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industrial Base, shared their experiences as "builders". They are rooted in Jilin, serving the country, fearless of difficulties, brave in fighting, and their passionate narration moved the whole audience, with thunderous applause. Artists Pang Maokun, Wang Tieniu, and Wei Jie painted portraits of them on site and presented them as gifts.

The second part of the performance focuses on the beautiful scenery of Jilin, showcasing the new leap that Jilin has made in this hopeful field and promising land.

Built into a wind power "aircraft carrier" in over a hundred days, 400 cultural and artistic volunteers entered CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Base Volunteers | CRRC | New Energy

In recent years, Jilin Province has continuously improved its energy industry planning and layout, vigorously promoted the construction of major energy projects such as the Western Land Scenery Three Gorges and the Eastern Mountain and Water Energy Storage Three Gorges. The completion of the CRRC Songyuan New Energy Base, a wind power "carrier" in the western region, has created a magnificent poem that the central and local governments have worked together to paint.

The original song "Millions of You and Me" sung by Gong Shuang from the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles expresses the direction of struggle, the origin, purpose, and belonging of the people, and the deep affection of putting the people first. The passionate and surging voice pays tribute to all the fighters! The Miracle of the Nine Months - Wang Xiaowei's beautiful and auspicious song "Chinese Beauty" sings about the local multi-ethnic community working together to build the Chinese Dream.

Huang Doudou, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Literary and Art Volunteer Association, and Dilinazi Dilimulati brought dances such as "Harvest in China Year" and "Happiness Red", which were adapted from the original song of the same name by the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles. They expressed the sincerity of literary and artistic workers in focusing on the theme of rural revitalization, deeply rooted in life and the people, and dedicating high-quality literary and artistic works to the people with high enthusiasm and moving dance moves.

"The World" is beautiful because of Jilin, and Jilin is popular because of "The World". A film called "In the World" has also made audiences across the country feel the profound Jilin culture in the historical changes, witnessing the rapid development and achievements of Jilin. Many filming locations in the drama have become popular check-in spots for this summer's tourism peak season. The song and dance "The World" brought by singer Lv Wei and dancers Wang Enbo and Li Jiatong started, and the audience couldn't help but sing along.

The song "Happy New Era" brought by Liu Yuanyuan, a director of the China Artistic Volunteer Association, is passionate and inspiring, showcasing the heroic spirit of Jilin people, who braved the wind and rain, traversed mountains and rivers, and built a beautiful home amidst the white mountains and pine water.

The song "We" sung by singer Guo Feng has a beautiful melody, a gentle and affectionate tone, and a powerful voice that showcases the spirit of Jilin people working together and striving upwards. Artistic volunteer and Hong Kong singer Miriam Yeung brought the song "Night of Full Moon and Flowers", and the cheerful melody sounded, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax once again.

"My country and I cannot be separated for a moment. Wherever I go, a hymn flows out..." At the end of the performance, Li Yugang, Miriam Yeung, and representatives of CRRC employees sang the song "Me and My Country". In the classic melody, the entire audience applauds and sings in unison. The singing, shouting, and music are intertwined, creating a lively atmosphere and intense passion.

"This performance has made me feel proud and proud as a Jilin person!" Audience Wang Bo excitedly said after the performance, "I feel that I was born in the best era, a new era of national prosperity, technological development, and happy life. It has made me full of motivation to strive for it every day." Local singer Li Yugang from Jilin Province returned to his hometown to perform, feeling very excited. He said, "Performing in my hometown is a very happy and enjoyable process. Jilin's today is proud, and Jilin's tomorrow will be even better!"

It is understood that this performance program will be launched and broadcasted in the near future.

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