What kind of historical view was declared, and the "Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War" became a social consensus. The Anti Japanese War | China | Historical View

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:38 AM

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the research and study of the history of the party and the history of the War of Resistance against Japan, and passed legislation to determine the anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan, the National Memorial Day for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, etc. A series of commemorative activities were carried out.

There is much debate about the starting point of the Anti Japanese War. But currently, the September 18 Incident is the starting point of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan and has opened the prelude to the world's anti fascist war; The July 7th Incident became the beginning of the Chinese national resistance war and opened up the main battlefield of the world's anti fascist war in the East, which gradually became a social consensus. The Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War is of great significance.

Firstly, the proposal of the "Fourteen Years of Anti Japanese War" further enriched and developed the Marxist materialist view of history, bringing our party's understanding of the history of resistance to war to a new height.

In dealing with the historical issues of the Anti Japanese War, our party adheres to the dialectical unity of the key point theory and the two point theory. From the perspective of the main contradiction, the most prominent contradiction in modern China is the contradiction between imperialism and the Chinese nation. The "Fourteen Year War of Resistance Against Japan" made this most prominent and focused contradiction.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has placed greater emphasis on examining historical issues from a continuous and holistic perspective. In academic research, people are increasingly paying attention to the relationship between the "Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War" and the Second Domestic Revolutionary War, the relationship between the September 18th Incident and the July 7th Incident, and the relationship between the Red Army's Long March and the War of Resistance Against Japan. The principle of seeking truth from facts is used to comprehensively sort out historical events and issues, revealing their inherent logical relationships.

Based on the above perspective, the proposal of the "Fourteen Year War of Resistance Against Japan" indicates that the practice of struggle and historical stages of the War of Resistance Against Japan are an organic whole that has both differences and connections.

Second, the proposal of the "Fourteen Year War of Resistance" further highlights the mainstay role played by the CPC, which objectively and comprehensively reflects the historical facts.

After the September 18 Incident, our party firmly stood on the side of the people and the forces of justice, and resolutely fought against the Kuomintang's "no resistance" policy. On the one hand, in response to the Kuomintang's five "encirclement and suppression" campaigns; On the other hand, starting the armed struggle in enemy occupied areas, directly leading the anti Japanese armed forces and fighting alongside other anti Japanese armed forces.

Among them, the Northeast Anti Japanese United Army led by our party had 11 armies, totaling more than 30000 people, engaged in guerrilla warfare in a vast area starting from Changbai Mountain in the south, Xiaoxing'an Mountains in the north, Wusuli River in the east, and the east bank of Liaohe River in the west. The Japanese puppet army engaged in several thousand battles of various sizes. Their heroic struggle effectively dealt a blow to Japan's rule in Northeast China, restrained a large number of Japanese troops, and supported and encouraged the national anti Japanese salvation movement.

It can be seen that from 1931 to 1945, China's War of Resistance Against Japan was continuous and long-lasting, with the Communist Party rather than the Kuomintang playing a pivotal role throughout the entire process of the war.

During the Long March, our party always held high the banner of resistance against Japan. Through arduous practical exploration, we have successfully linked the resolution of survival crises with the salvation of national crises, and linked the overall direction of the Long March with the establishment of anti Japanese advance positions. This has achieved a transformation from domestic revolutionary war to anti Japanese national war, laying a solid foundation for winning the victory of the Chinese people's resistance against Japan and the new democratic revolution.

After the July 7th Incident, our party quickly formulated the correct line, principles, policies, and strategic tactics for guiding the Anti Japanese War, leading the overall direction of the war and withstanding the test of practice. This is in stark contrast to the Kuomintang's wavering attitude and erroneous anti Japanese line.

Thirdly, the proposal of the "Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War" further highlights the important contribution made by the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the world's anti fascist war.

In some countries, the beginning of World War II is generally believed to be in 1939. This cognition greatly reduced the anti fascist nature and global significance of the Northeast Anti Japanese War after the September 18 Incident and the July 7 Incident, which is obviously unfair.

From the perspective of the "Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War", the September 18 Incident was the starting point of the World Anti Fascist War, and the end point of China's Anti Japanese War was the end point of the World Anti Fascist War. From this, it can be concluded that China was the country with the earliest and longest duration in the world's anti fascist war.

The Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japan opened up the main battlefield in the East, which has been of great significance in saving human civilization and defending world peace from the beginning. It is an important component of the world's anti fascist war. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out in 1939, "Our enemy is a global enemy, and China's resistance is a global resistance."

Marked by the September 18 Incident, Japan became the world's first birthplace of fascist warfare. On the contrary, China's partial resistance war opened the prelude to the world's anti fascist war, and China's comprehensive resistance war opened up the world's first large-scale anti fascist battlefield. Strategically, it responded to and supported Allied operations, coordinated with strategic actions on the European and Pacific battlefields, constrained and disrupted the attempts of Japanese and German Italian fascist strategic cooperation, thus defending the cause of human peace and creating wonders in the history of war.

Looking at the starting point of the World Anti Fascist War and China's Anti Japanese War from such a historical dimension, we can have a clearer understanding that the Chinese nation not only defended its 5000 year long civilization and national dignity with its blood, but also made tremendous contributions to the World Anti Fascist War.

Fourthly, the inclusion of the "Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War" in textbooks is an important measure to cultivate and practice socialist core values.

The core socialist values are not empty preaching, cannot be raised or lightly put down, but should be presented with vivid facts and clear history. In the process of cultivating and practicing the core socialist values, a series of heroic figures, events, and venues that can speak during the Anti Japanese War are valuable educational resources and effective carriers.

Especially, the implementation of the "Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War" throughout all stages of primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as all related disciplines and textbooks, highlights the pivotal role of our party in the anti Japanese war, emphasizes that the Chinese battlefield is the main battlefield of the world's anti fascist war in the East, and highlights the great national spirit of the Chinese nation not fearing violence and bravely resisting aggression. This will effectively promote the teaching reform of relevant courses and enhance the effectiveness and level of moral education.

The systematic interpretation of the concept of "Fourteen Years of Resistance War" also helps to grasp the significant relationships between local and national resistance wars, frontal and enemy rear battlefields, the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the World Anti Fascist War from an overall perspective, recognize the historical process, mainstream, and essence of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and effectively respond to the nihilistic trend in domestic history and the act of glorifying and invading foreign history.

In summary, different political stances, methodologies, and value orientations will form different views on the history of the Anti Japanese War. The Fourteen Year Anti Japanese War is an inevitable requirement for adhering to the correct historical view and strengthening ideological and public opinion work, and an objective manifestation of respecting history and facts. Based on the broad vision of the world's anti fascist war and in response to the rampant proliferation of historical nihilism, it will further awaken the spirit of unity and struggle among the Chinese people at home and abroad, and work together to build the Chinese Dream.

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