The Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China did this important thing, and after the formal proposal of the united front ideology at the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of the Chinese nation was upheld

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:54 PM

The achievement of great unity is the unwavering pursuit of the Chinese nation.This is a great encouragement and important guidance for doing a good job in the united front work of the new era and new journey.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Third National Congress of the CPC and the official establishment of the CPC's national revolutionary united front policy. Although this united front finally broke down due to subjective and objective reasons, and the magnificent revolution also failed, the establishment of this policy fully demonstrates that the Chinese people are people with a great spirit of unity, the Chinese nation is a nation with a great spirit of unity, and the CPC is the leading force and mainstay to carry forward the great spirit of unity and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The CPC first proposed to establish a revolutionary united front

Reviewing the history of the party for a hundred years, among the various political forces in modern China, the CPC was the first to call for the establishment of a national revolutionary united front and resistance to imperialist aggression.

In November 1921, Mao Zedong published an article titled "What We Hope for in the Labor Union" in the Labor Weekly, shouting the slogan "Let the workers of the world unite!". In May 1922, the First National Labor Congress Declaration proposed that "workers and oppressed people all over the world unite and move forward towards the bourgeoisie and oppressive class!" This was the first representative conference of the Party leading the working people of the whole country to propose a united front ideological document. The first National Congress of the Chinese Socialist Youth League, held in Guangzhou in the same month, clearly stated: "The Chinese Socialist Youth League recognizes that the issue of liberating the proletariat and oppressed ethnic groups is a world problem, and to achieve the goal of socialism, it is necessary for the proletariat and oppressed ethnic groups all over the world to join forces in revolution." This is the earliest party and youth organization to shout the slogan of united front ideology.

Under the promotion of the above organizations and individuals, and under the inspiration of Lenin's national revolutionary thought, in June 1922, the Central Executive Committee of the CPC issued the CPC's Position on the Current Situation, which clearly stated for the first time in the name of the Central Executive Committee of the CPC: "The CPC's method is to invite the Kuomintang and other revolutionary democrats and revolutionary socialist groups to hold a joint meeting, and on the basis of the above principles, jointly establish a democratic joint front to continue the war against feudal warlords." The central leadership initially considered "jointly establishing a democratic joint front" with other political parties. This ideology went through an expansion process from the central leadership to the entire party at the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the same time, the establishment of the united front was clearly directed towards Sun Yat sen's Kuomintang, which can be regarded as the embryonic thought of the united front.

In July 1922, the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China was secretly held in Shanghai, officially proposing the idea of a united front. This is not only reflected in the Declaration issued by the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, but also in the Resolution on the United Front of Democracy. In the Declaration, not only was the first proposal made to establish a national revolutionary united front, but the slogan of "overthrowing international imperialism" was also prominently shouted. The declaration pointed out that the CPC "should enable workers and poor peasants to establish a democratic united front with the petty bourgeoisie", and called on "workers and poor peasants must encircle the banner of the CPC and then work together with the petty bourgeoisie". The Resolution on "Democratic United Front" not only explicitly proposes the concept of "democratic united front", but also proposes corresponding three-point plans. Once the resolution was passed by the congress, it became the will of the entire party, thus achieving a significant transformation in the party's strategic policy.

Regarding the important transformation of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chen Duxiu, Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Second National Congress, pointed out in the report of the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "Previously, our party's policies were idealistic and unrealistic. Later, we began to pay more attention to the current situation of Chinese society and participate in practical movements." "Since then, our party's political views have undergone significant changes.". Regarding this, Cai Hesen, Executive Member of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Propaganda, also pointed out: "At the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party did not decide on any policies... This proves that it can only be said to be a propaganda agency, not a political party, because there are no policy resolutions on political issues. By the Second National Congress, the party had already implemented policies and began to carry out political propaganda. Previously, it was completely propaganda, but now it is a political proposition."

It is worth noting that the above personal comments and party literature have been published in Shanghai. In particular, the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, where both the declaration and the resolution were issued. Undoubtedly, CPC is the place where the Communist Party of China put forward the idea of the united front.

Solving Difficulties and Establishing the Policy of Cooperation within the Kuomintang and Communist Party

Thought is the precursor of action. From the proposal of united front ideology to the formulation of united front policies, that is, from theory to practice, it is inevitable to go through a difficult process of debate and even struggle. Undoubtedly, the intra party cooperation policy was the only practical policy at that time. It was not only an unprecedented severe test for the CPC people who practiced their original aspiration and took on their mission, but also a phoenix like rebirth opportunity for the Chinese Kuomintang people.

The first intense debate took place at the West Lake Conference in Hangzhou in August 1922. Based on the changes in the international and domestic situation, and under the guidance of the Communist International, our party has decided to establish a united front for cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party through intra party cooperation. The CPC has gone through two stages of gradual acceptance from the central level to the whole party. In August 1922, after intense debate, the West Lake Conference finally accepted Chen Duxiu's policy of conditionally joining the Kuomintang and implementing intra party cooperation, thus achieving a transformation from the democratic united front to the intra party cooperation policy at the central level. After the meeting, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and others were the first to join the Kuomintang.

The second intense debate occurred at the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In June 1923, the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) once again went through fierce debate, and passed the "Resolution on the National Movement and the Kuomintang" and the "Declaration of the Third National Congress of the CPC" by a narrow margin in the voting. It formally decided that the way for Communists to join the Kuomintang in their personal names was to achieve Kuomintang Communist cooperation, thus defining the policy of the Kuomintang Communist cooperation united front within the whole party. The determination of the policy of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is the most important historical achievement of the three major conferences of the Party.

The third debate was a heated debate within the Kuomintang. On the one hand, Sun Yat sen eliminated the resistance and opposition of the old Rightists in the Kuomintang and reinterpreted the Three People's Principles, making the new Three People's Principles basically consistent with the democratic revolutionary program of the CPC and becoming the political basis for cooperation. On the other hand, Communist Party members who joined the Kuomintang also fought against the right-wing Kuomintang, promoting Sun Yat sen's restructuring of the Kuomintang. In January 1924, the First National Congress of the Kuomintang was held in Guangzhou. After intense struggle, the conference ultimately established three major policies: "uniting with Russia, uniting with the Communist Party, and assisting farmers and workers." The decision was passed for Communist Party members and young league members to join the Kuomintang in their personal names, marking the formal formation of the Kuomintang Communist cooperative united front. From then on, the prelude to the national revolutionary united front was opened, and the great practice of a hundred years of united front work officially began.

The united front embodies the great spirit of unity of the Chinese nation

Solidarity and struggle is the most significant spiritual symbol of the CPC and the Chinese people. The spirit of great solidarity formed is an important part of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, a common treasure for Chinese people at home and abroad, and a strong spiritual support for Chinese people at home and abroad to strive for self-improvement and unity from generation to generation. All the achievements made by the Party and the people over the past century have been the result of unity and struggle, as determined by the policy of the united front.

Firstly, the united front promotes the great spirit of unity of the Chinese nation. The united front led by the CPC has united all revolutionary classes in Chinese society unprecedentedly, converged into the historical torrent of promoting national independence and people's liberation, and carried forward the great spirit of unity of the Chinese nation.

Secondly, the united front has become an important tool for China's revolution, construction, and reform. For the past century, the united front has not only become one of the three magic weapons for the victory of the Chinese revolution, but also an important magic weapon for China's construction, reform, and national rejuvenation. The century long struggle history of the Party tells us that unity is strength, and striving creates the future; A nation that can unite and struggle has a future, and a political party that can unite and struggle can stand undefeated. History also tells us that unity formed around clear goals is the strongest unity, and struggle based on close unity is the most powerful struggle. We have created a glorious history through unity and struggle, and we must also open up a better future through unity and struggle.

Once again, the spirit of great unity will surely gather the magnificent power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the new era, the CPC will further consolidate and expand the patriotic united front in order to achieve the second centennial goal and achieve the centennial rejuvenation. In November 2021, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centennial Struggle declared to the world: "As long as we continue to consolidate and develop the great unity of all ethnic groups, the great unity of the people, and the great unity of all Chinese people, and build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, and form a vivid situation where all Chinese people at home and abroad think and work together, we will certainly be able to gather the great power to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." This fully demonstrates the CPC's greatest confidence in history in the new era.

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