How to continue to make good use of this "golden business card"? , after the Industrial Fair ended

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 19:57 PM

On September 23, the 23rd Industrial Expo came to an end. Exhibitor Zheng Yanpeng, who has been "soaking" at the exhibition venue for 5 days, posted a message on Moments: From the flow of people at the exhibition, you can truly feel the economic climate. The several exhibitions I attended in the first half of the year were deserted and deserted, which really made people feel powerless. In the second half of the year, the number of visitors to the exhibition increased significantly. Although various indicators remained grim, there was always hope for recovery.

In recent years, the domestic manufacturing industry has overcome many difficulties, achieved growth against the trend, and constantly sought new opportunities. This year's CIIF is the largest in history with its large scale, high level of energy and numerous new products. Its exhibition area reaches 300,000 square meters, with 2,800 companies from 30 countries and regions around the world participating. As Wu Jincheng, director of the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, said: "The CIIF has become Shanghai's golden business card as a city and an important window and platform to showcase the city's image, promote the development of the real economy, and promote the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry."

The CIIF has reached its 23rd edition. How should Shanghai make good use of this “golden business card”?

The CIIF is an important stage for China's modern industry to display, communicate and cooperate with the outside world. There is a saying in the industry, "If you are a mule or a horse, come to the CIIF for a walk."

Shanghai robotics company Jibot says newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. This is the first time I participated in the Industrial Expo this year, and I placed my booth next to the "four major international robot families" - ABB, Fanuc, Yaskawa, and KUKA. The founder of the company, Jiang Yao, said: "I hope that in a few years, we will also You can stand with them."

Not only Jiebot, but also local robot brands such as Xinstar, Jieka, and Xinsong not only dared to compete with the best in the industry at the CIIF, but also achieved "corner overtaking" in segmented fields. Shanghai proposed that it should solidly promote the development of the intelligent robot industry, make every effort to build the "Shanghai brand" of intelligent robots, accelerate core technology research, and develop more iconic and leading cutting-edge products.

As an exhibition, the CIIF also needs to further promote the "turning the show into a market", improve the ability to transform industrial results into implementation, and create new momentum and vitality.

This year is the year of deepening and promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. The development requirements of "high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing" proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have pointed out the direction for accelerating the transformation of Made in China to Created in China and "Made in China Intelligently".

Also at this CIIF, Shanghai focused on the innovative initiative of "Industry Going Upstairs" and held an investment promotion meeting to show how Shanghai can create an "intelligent manufacturing space" through "Industry Going Upstairs" and promote the upward extension of industrial space. The energy level jumps upward.

Against the background of the deep integration of manufacturing and service industries, manufacturing companies have strong demand for land expansion and capacity expansion. Promoting industrial upgrading and creating "intelligent manufacturing space" are major measures to expand the development space of the manufacturing industry and release productivity. They provide strong support for optimizing the layout of the industrial chain and promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

Shanghai is focusing on strengthening its leading role in high-end industries and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system. The CIIF has allowed people to see this determination and the prospects for continued upgrading.

How to continue to make good use of this "golden business card"? , after the Industrial Fair ended
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