[Wenxin Art Review] Why classic TV series have the charm that spans time and space to a broad audience | Resonance | Wenxin

Release time:Jun 04, 2024 09:34 AM

Classics become classics because they become a mirror of social culture, carrying the emotions and memories of countless audiences. "The Happy Life of Zhang Damin" is based in a small courtyard, integrating trivial matters of life into a plain and detailed plot, and warmly measuring the shortcomings of the family and everything in the world. "Desire" depicts the world of fireworks with real and delicate brushwork, tells the complicated love experiences of several young people, and reveals people's desire for a better life. The audience's resonance with these works exactly reflects the social, era and emotional cultural value excavated by the works.

How to "moisten things silently" to make the audience immersed in the scene and immersed in the story is a question that every creator cannot escape. Classic TV series, with their unique artistic charm, convey spiritual values ​​to audiences of different eras through profound depictions of human nature and emotions, so that every audience can find spiritual resonance in them. For example, you and I can still understand the ups and downs of life experience and the perseverance and enterprising spirit from "Journey to the West", feel the rich texture of historical events and the heroic spirit of heroes from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and understand from "Parents' Love" A sincere love and a long-lasting life attitude.

Of course, classics are not static, only constant innovation can show new vitality. In the late 1980s, the rural-themed drama "Fence, Woman and Dog" used characters with distinctive personalities such as Zaohua and Maoyuan Old Man to create a group of flesh-and-blood portraits of Chinese farmers. Entering the new century, the military drama "Soldier Assault" goes in the opposite direction. There are no so-called star selling points or love story gimmicks in the play. It only relies on the spirit of ordinary soldiers to "never abandon, never give up" and has gained great popularity and rave reviews.

Today we review and interpret classics not only to educate people and serve the people and better meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the audience, but also to fully demonstrate the practical significance and value of the classics. We also look forward to having more classics of the new era presented to the audience.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is leading the way in causing trouble and provocation. The US military claims that Chinese warships are "unsafe" to approach American ships and cause trouble. Response | US | warships | Wang Wenbin | provocation | China | China
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is leading the way in causing trouble and provocation. The US military claims that Chinese warships are "unsafe" to approach American ships and cause trouble. Response | US | warships | Wang Wenbin | provocation | China | China

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference on June 5th. A reporter asked: US military officials claimed that a Chinese warship approached a US warship in an "unsafe manner" in the Taiwan Strait last Saturday. What is China's response to this? Wang Wenbin: The spokesperson for the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army of China has responded to this. You can refer to it. What I want to emphasize is that the truth is that the United States is the first to cause trouble and provoke, while China is the second to handle it in accordance with the law and regulations. China has always respected the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by countries under international law. The actions taken by the Chinese military are necessary measures to respond to provocations from relevant countries, which are completely reasonable, legal, safe and professional. China firmly opposes any country causing trouble in the Taiwan Strait region and resolutely defends national sovereignty, security, and regional peace and stability.

"Let the National Flag Fly in Every Corner of the Border Line" Team Member | Shijiao | National Flag
"Let the National Flag Fly in Every Corner of the Border Line" Team Member | Shijiao | National Flag

Editor's note: This is the longest highway in China. It starts from Kanas in Xinjiang in the north and ends at Dongxing in Guangxi in the south. It passes through Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan and Guangxi, and will be 10065 kilometers long after completion. This is the highest altitude road in the world, crossing the world-renowned Kunlun Mountains, Gangdise Mountains, and Himalayas... It is the most distinctive road with ethnic characteristics, inhabited by dozens of ethnic groups such as Uyghur, Kazakh, Mongolian, Hui, Russian, Tibetan, Dulong, Dai, Jingpo, Zhuang, and Jing along the way. This is a road full of excitement. She rushes down from Mount Mount Taishan, through snow mountains, grasslands, deserts, glaciers, tropical rainforests, and finally arrives at the blue sea. This is National Highway 219! Starting from March 29th, we will run along National Highway 219 from the snow capped mountains towards the Great Wall

Accurate classification+policy support for the purchase of summer grain. Henan is prepared to support the purchase of summer grain
Accurate classification+policy support for the purchase of summer grain. Henan is prepared to support the purchase of summer grain

The continuous rainy weather has put the summer grain procurement work to the test. The reporter learned from the Henan Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau that according to the deployment of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Government, for wheat that can only be used as feed and industrial grain exceeding the standard, the local government will classify and purchase it, strictly prevent unqualified grain from entering the grain market, and maximize the protection of the interests of grain farmers. At present, the grain and material reserve departments in Henan Province are organizing market-oriented procurement, strengthening wheat market monitoring, early warning, and information dissemination, guiding local state-owned grain enterprises, government reserve rotation enterprises at all levels, and other market entities that have signed collection and storage agreements to enter the market for procurement, ensuring smooth and orderly procurement activities. Build a purchasing and sales docking platform to connect with large grain consuming enterprises both inside and outside the province, and achieve stable channels for production and sales cooperation. At the same time, strengthen wheat quality testing and timely organize

Typical case announcement! The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination: Be cautious of being deceived in the integrity exam | candidates | warning
Typical case announcement! The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination: Be cautious of being deceived in the integrity exam | candidates | warning

As the 2023 college entrance examination approaches, a large number of candidates are actively adjusting their state, calmly and orderly preparing for the exam. However, some illegal elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information related to the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even carry out fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, seriously disrupting the order of exam enrollment. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments and based on some typical cases that have emerged in recent years, solemnly reminds candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and achieve integrity in exams. Organizing Cheating in the College Entrance Examination, Unable to Escape the Recovery of the French Open [Case] Before the 2020 college entrance examination, candidate Zhu and Wen discussed organizing cheating in the exam. Zhu provided the test questions, and Wen was responsible for finding the "gunman" and jointly funded the cost of the "gunman" doing the test questions. During the exam, Zhu brought his mobile phone into the examination room to take photos of the exam papers and pass them on

The latter is not allowed to fill the market in China yet, the calculation is too loud! US lawmakers want the US government to pull Japan and South Korea to retaliate against China for US glory. US | China | US government
The latter is not allowed to fill the market in China yet, the calculation is too loud! US lawmakers want the US government to pull Japan and South Korea to retaliate against China for US glory. US | China | US government

Last month, Chinese authorities announced that Micron's products sold in China had not passed cybersecurity inspections, and operators of critical information infrastructure in China should stop purchasing Micron's products. According to reports from Reuters, Bloomberg, and others on June 2nd, Michael McCall, Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Gallagher, Chairman of the U.S. China Strategic Competition Committee, urged the Biden administration to unite with U.S. allies, including Japan and South Korea, to retaliate against China's ban on Micron Corporation. It is ridiculous that while seeking help from allies, these two lawmakers also claimed that the United States must ensure that Japanese and South Korean companies cannot fill the gap left by Micron in the Chinese market. According to Bloomberg, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives, Michael McCall, these two Republican lawmakers are communicating with the United States