Take the "new" approach and enter the "heart", and take good ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses

Release time:Jun 04, 2024 09:34 AM

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, emphasizing that the guiding position of Marxism must always be adhered to, supported by the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and based on China’s excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialism. Culture is the foundation of strength, the truth is taught deeply, thoroughly and vividly, and integrity and innovation promote the connotative development of ideological and political course construction, and continuously improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses.

Promoting the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era will effectively guide young people to lay a good spiritual background and consolidate a solid foundation for life. At present, a series of ideological and political courses with novel forms and that are thoughtful to the brain and heart are being carried out in full swing in various regions and schools. What exactly does a good ideological and political class look like? What are some tips for making teenagers fall in love with ideological and political courses? In this issue, we invite frontline educators to share their practices and thoughts in ideological and political education.

Narrator: Long Bing, teacher at the School of Marxism, Hunan University

On September 17, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with teachers and students who were conducting on-site teaching of ideological and political courses at Yuelu College of Hunan University. Since then, I have always kept in mind the General Secretary’s earnest instructions, solidly promoted the construction of “big ideological and political courses”, and made every effort to run the “mobile” ideological and political courses.

Dig red resources and keep in mind the original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China. Hunan Province is very rich in red resources. "Within ten steps, there must be grass." We adhere to the unity of theory and practice, and carry out ideological and political education in the "Warmth of a Half Quilt" exhibition hall, the former site of the Xinmin Society, the former site of the Hunan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, etc., to consolidate the foundation of revolutionary culture and let students remember the Communist Party of China. The original intention and mission is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

Make use of historical and cultural resources to enhance the "four self-confidences." Yuelu Academy is an important base for nurturing ideas and innovating academics in the history of Chinese culture. We moved the classroom to Yuelu Academy, combining the humanistic spirit of emphasizing people, benevolence, harmony, and seeking greatness in the excellent traditional Chinese culture to gain an on-site understanding of the excellent Chinese traditions. The charm and tension of culture, using Huxiang culture to teach ideological and political courses, and turning Yuelu Academy into a "living" academy. Here, we lead students to study "Yuelu Academy Records" together. In the heated discussion on "cultivating talents and benefiting the people through preaching", we jointly feel the spirit of caring for the country, caring for the people, and benefiting the world. Social responsibility.

Go to the fields and clarify the mission of the new generation. Every summer, ideological and political teachers will lead students to carry out summer social practice and move ideological and political courses to the fields. Our students came to Shibadong Village, where a farmer uncle served as a teaching assistant, and local farmers who had emerged from poverty and become rich were hired to speak out and explain on the spot the great changes that rural revitalization has brought to the local area. In addition, we have also established a red propaganda organization with doctoral students as the main body - the Hunan University Doctoral Theory Promotion Group, which has attracted a large number of fans through mobile propaganda and online live broadcasts.

Narrator: David Yi, ideological and political teacher at No. 2 Middle School in Guyuan City, Ningxia

When it comes to Guyuan No. 2 Middle School in Ningxia, many people know that we have an ideological and political class that hit the Internet - the "Hike a Hundred Miles to Honor the Heroes" activity.

Take the "new" approach and enter the "heart", and take good ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses

In 1994, Han Hong, then the principal of Guyuan No. 2 Middle School, was inspired by a summer camp activity and began to think about exploring a unique path of moral education. After research and investigation, the school decided to organize students to walk to the Renshanhe Martyrs Cemetery on the eve of Qingming Festival to visit the tombs of the martyrs, and use red cultural resources to educate and guide students. This "walk" lasted for 29 years.

During the hundreds of miles round trip, we faced rain, snow, and mud, stood up again when we fell, and supported each other when we were injured. The students changed one after another, and many teenagers who once participated in the hike now accompany their students on the same road as teachers. Unconsciously, the significance of this activity has been sublimated from strengthening the body and tempering the will to understanding the power of faith and inheriting the red spirit, prompting students to continue to grow and become talents through physical tests and spiritual baptism.

What exactly is the charm of “walking ideological and political courses”? I believe that it integrates red resources with ideological and political education to create a general context for social education. A difficult journey, tombstones standing one by one, touching stories, and conversations with revolutionary martyrs across time and space. , ideological and political principles gradually moved from a "literal view" to a "ground view."

As the activity unfolds, we are based on the new requirements for education in the new era, and from the perspective of "big ideological and political education", we have made the "Walking a Hundred Miles to Commemorate the Heroes" activity a curriculum. Each discipline participates in it based on its own characteristics, so that ideological and political education " "Meaningful" is more "interesting", and passion also increases effectiveness. The school has also established a cooperation mechanism with the Guyuan City Museum and the Liupanshan Red Army Long March Memorial Hall to create "ideological and political courses in the venue", forming a collaborative education pattern between the school's small classroom and the large social classroom.

"One person can travel quickly, but many people can travel far." I remember walking through the villages, and there were always enthusiastic villagers standing by the roadside handing us hot water, and young children taking out their favorite food to share with us; walking through the city streets, there were passionate banners and slogans, and welcoming crowds. They are all encouraging young students. Over the past 29 years, the "Walk a Hundred Miles to Honor the Heroes" activity has spread from the original two schools in Guyuan to many schools in the region, and the connotation and influence of ideological and political education have continued to extend.

Narrator: Fu Huifang, Dean of the School of Marxism, Fujian Normal University

Comrade Xi Jinping has worked in Fujian for more than 17 years, pioneering a series of important concepts and promoting a series of major practices. Making good use of the vivid stories of the General Secretary’s work in Fujian and explaining Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has always been the focus of our college’s work.

We transformed the mountains and rivers that the General Secretary traveled through during his time in Fujian and the thousands of households he visited into the educational field and fresh teaching materials of the "big ideological and political courses", and moved the ideological and political courses into the "first scene" .

We once organized students to go to Sanming City for social practice, and I was deeply impressed by this. The students strolled along the neat village roads, blew the breeze along the Jinxi River, admired the green mountain scenery, and learned first-hand how Changkou Village picked up the "green rice bowl" and ate "ecological rice" to achieve a gorgeous transformation; in the summer of Shaxian District In Yubang Village, Mao Town, students communicated with local villagers and learned about the story of Shaxian snacks becoming a characteristic industry that enriches the people... Theoretical learning was conducted at the "first site" of the ideological and political course, and the students' learning method changed from passive listening to active thinking and observation , classroom teaching efficiency has been significantly improved.

Take the "new" approach and enter the "heart", and take good ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses

Not only that, we also use new technologies to build a "big ideological and political" digital intelligence laboratory to allow students to take ideological and political courses immersively. In an outline course on modern Chinese history conducted in the laboratory, students put on VR glasses and "transformed" into commandos of the Fourth Red Regiment. They fought fiercely with the enemy in a hail of bullets and occupied the Luding Bridge. After class, the students praised him one after another, saying that this ideological and political class was so exciting.

In October last year, Fujian Province released the first list of key laboratories of philosophy and social sciences. A total of 7 laboratories were selected for the pilot list, and our college's "Big Ideology and Politics" digital intelligence laboratory was selected. In the classroom, students were "immersed in the situation" time and time again, coming to the "first scene" and deeply comprehending the practical power of the Party's innovative theory in their learning, thinking and practice.

Next, we will continue to comprehensively explore and integrate regional historical and cultural resources and ideological and political elements, more closely integrate the "small ideological and political classroom" with the "big social classroom", and strive to cultivate more people who are trustworthy, patriotic and dedicated to the Party. A new man of the era who takes on the important task of national rejuvenation.

Narrator: Hu Haibin, deputy director of the Network Ideological and Political Center of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology

In the new media era, "fingertips" are at risk. College students love to watch short videos, and fragmented time can also become a highlight of "ideological and political moments." How to create a "school-based" short video platform for young students in a targeted manner? Our school's approach is to put "big ideological and political ideas" on the small screen and use small stories to tell big principles.

Using short videos to “speak” can be heard and heard by students, making “interaction” easier and more efficient. There are more than 35,000 daily users, more than 100,000 data interactions per day, and short videos have become a daily habit of users - this is our independently developed smart party building and ideological and political platform; the total number of users is tens of thousands, and the number of short videos posted every day is at least 3, the "external publicity conversion rate" of short videos reaches more than 50%, and the "hit rate" leads the country - this is the "report card" of Hangzhou Dian's official video account.

How to describe the ideological and political work of college students is the key. Teacher Fan Jiangtao is my favorite ideological and political teacher in the third "'Ideological and Political Star Class'" in Zhejiang Province. His class has the style of a talk show, and various short videos are also an important means for him to tell Chinese stories well. The School of Marxism of our school stipulates that short videos can be used as the first choice for practical assignments in ideological and political courses throughout the school. The important weapons of a great country in my eyes, the backbone of the nation in my heart, and the hot spots of positive energy around me are all good topics for students to compete for their creations.

There is a concept in creation, and the truth must be explained thoroughly. Positive content that young students like must be provided in a timely manner and in large quantities. To use short videos as a medium to talk to young people and get into their hearts, we must have a youth perspective and be zero distance from them. Based on our experience in disseminating a large number of popular short videos, we have refined and summarized an ideological and political work narrative expression system with the core concept of "telling clearly, explaining clearly, and making people interesting", so that short video works are "meaningful, It’s interesting and there’s traffic.” "Everyone can narrate and explain the truth clearly" is helping the school enter the new journey of "three-round education".

Narrator: Liu Daoli, deputy secretary of the Party branch and ideological and political teacher of Dong'e County Experimental Middle School in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province

Take the "new" approach and enter the "heart", and take good ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses

"The wind is roaring, the horses are braying, the Yellow River is roaring..." Listen! On the bank of the Yellow River, with green grass and willows, members of our school's Yellow River Guardians Club rehearsed the "Yellow River Cantata" with full energy and loud voices under the command of the music teacher. This is a microcosm of how we use Yellow River culture to cultivate people's moral integrity and create the "golden lesson" of Yellow River ideological and political education.

Dong'e County is 57 kilometers along the Yellow River and has rich educational resources. As the deputy secretary of the school’s party branch and a front-line ideological and political course teacher, I have been thinking about how to make good use of the “living” ideological and political course textbook Yellow River. Since 2020, with the help of school education reform, I have united and led teachers in various subject groups to develop and train 146 "Little Guardians of the Yellow River". Over the years, we have organized party members and teachers, ideological and political teachers, and "Little Guardians of the Yellow River" to come to the banks of the Yellow River to read out the initiative "Strive to Become Little Guardians of the Yellow River" and sing the "Yellow River Cantata." The extensive and profound Yellow River culture has deeply nourished the hearts of children.

In September 2022, the "Yellow River Ideological and Political Studio" chaired by me was established. Lu Wenqiang, a national model of teaching and educating people, and Zhang Daoqiang, one of the top ten legal figures in the country, were hired as consultants to radiate and drive the high-quality development of ideological and political teachers in primary and secondary schools in the county. In the classroom, I use language that young students can listen to and understand, and integrate and apply modern information technology to let the Yellow River culture bring heat, aura, and earthly energy into the teaching materials, classrooms, and minds.

In order to help maintain the cultural context of the Yellow River, I worked hard to promote the digital construction of Yellow River ideological and political education. I used the WeChat public account to edit and organize 86 lessons of "Yellow River Micro-Ideological and Political Education", including strategic outline, legal protection of the river, Yellow River knowledge, Yellow River heroes and Yellow River Promote stories and other aspects to provide students with a silent education.

Guard a section of canal and plant a responsible field. In the future, I will adhere to my original intention of cultivating people with moral integrity, continue to promote the Yellow River culture, tell the story of the Yellow River well, and strive to cultivate more new people of the era who can trust the party, be patriotic and dedicated, and shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation.

Students from No. 24 Middle School in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province operate a simulated driving machine at the "Big Ideological and Political Course" practical teaching base. Photo by Kuai Chuang/Guangming Pictures

A mathematics teacher from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Renmin University is teaching students an ideological and political integration course. hair

In Yantai City, Shandong Province, students visit the Yantai Ship. hair

Primary school students visit the Aerospace Museum of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Take the "new" approach and enter the "heart", and take good ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses | Ideological and political courses
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States is leading the way in causing trouble and provocation. The US military claims that Chinese warships are "unsafe" to approach American ships and cause trouble. Response | US | warships | Wang Wenbin | provocation | China | China
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"Let the National Flag Fly in Every Corner of the Border Line" Team Member | Shijiao | National Flag
"Let the National Flag Fly in Every Corner of the Border Line" Team Member | Shijiao | National Flag

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Accurate classification+policy support for the purchase of summer grain. Henan is prepared to support the purchase of summer grain
Accurate classification+policy support for the purchase of summer grain. Henan is prepared to support the purchase of summer grain

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