Unswervingly practice the concept of big food and build a diversified food supply system with distinctive characteristics

Release time:May 16, 2024 08:59 AM

The country is based on the people, and food is the first priority for the people. Our country is a big country with a population of more than 1.4 billion. Solving the problem of food has always been the top priority of our party's governance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized the establishment of a big food concept and profoundly discussed the importance of the big food concept from the strategic perspective of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and ensuring national food security. The scientific connotation and practical requirements point out the way forward and provide fundamental guidance for us to grasp the laws of modern agricultural development and ensure national food security.

Deeply understand the pioneering exploration and practice of big food concept

Fujian has "eight mountains, one water, and one farmland". It has more people and less land, less arable land resources, and a low food self-sufficiency rate. However, it is rich in marine resources and forest resources. Since ancient times, it has a tradition of cultivating the mountains and the sea, and has a love for hard work. The spirit of winning and striving for excellence provides a good foundation and condition for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.

During his work in Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in proposing, vigorously advocating and practicing the big food concept, creating valuable ideological wealth, spiritual wealth and practical results for us. In terms of ideology, he emphasized that in the past, grain was only narrowly understood as rice, wheat, corn and other grass crops. Now, grain is food. The concept of big grain has replaced the old concept of grain as the key link; forests are Reservoirs, money warehouses, and grain depots; it is necessary to rely on the mountains to eat and sing folk songs, to rely on the sea to eat and chant sea scriptures, to grasp the mountains and seas together, and to develop agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production, and fishery in an all-round way; to build "Fuzhou on the Sea" and "Fujian on the Sea" ". In terms of goal direction, he emphasized that it is necessary to increase the total amount of food through multiple channels, increase the supply of agricultural products, vigorously develop the production of fruits, aquatic products, livestock products, edible fungi and vegetables to meet the needs of urban and rural residents for food nutrition; large-scale agriculture is moving towards Multifunctional, open, and comprehensive three-dimensional agriculture is different from traditional, single, flat small-scale agriculture that mainly focuses on cultivated land management. In terms of methods, he emphasized that agriculture should be treated as a systematic project to maximize overall benefits; it should adapt to local conditions, highlight characteristics, and cultivate its own pillar industries; it should conscientiously follow the path of green agriculture and ecological agriculture; it should be in the "two aspects" "High, One and Excellent" will work hard to promote new technologies, promote excellent varieties, and expand high-quality products. General Secretary Xi Jinping also personally cares and guides the development of "native specialties" such as Ningde large yellow croaker and Gutian edible fungi, promotes the establishment of "vegetable basket" bases in suburbs, summarizes and promotes the "Koto Special" system, and takes the lead in the country to carry out "table pollution" control, etc.

This series of important concepts and major practices are highly consistent with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on the big food concept since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in terms of goals and connotations, and are highly unified in practical requirements. The resources provide scientific guidance and lay a solid foundation. We will deeply understand the vivid exploration and practice of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s concept of big food during his work in Fujian, bear in mind the “big man of the country”, consciously understand the significance of the concept of big food from a strategic and overall perspective, and effectively strengthen the idea of ​​practicing the concept of big food. Consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances" with practical actions and results.

Build a diversified food supply system based on local conditions

Over the years, Fujian has always kept in mind the instructions, been grateful and forged ahead, firmly established the concept of big agriculture and big food, adhered to adapting measures to local conditions, adhered to market orientation, adhered to scientific and technological innovation, adhered to policy guidance, accelerated the construction of characteristic modern agriculture, and promoted the rapid development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery With progress, the people's dining tables have become richer, and the farmers' pockets have become wider. In 2023, the province's total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery will be 572.9 billion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents will be 26,722 yuan.

Recite "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" well and develop food resources in all aspects and through multiple channels. Adhere to storing grain on the ground, strictly implement the responsibility system for farmland protection and food security, promote the "1N" grain rotation, and achieve "three increases" in the province's grain sown area, output, and yield for many consecutive years. Excavating forest grain depots, adhering to the comprehensive and three-dimensional development model of "wearing hats on the mountains and developing under the mountains", and accelerating the development of the underforest economy. The province's underforest economic output value reached 83 billion yuan, and the bamboo shoot output was 1.4 million tons, ranking first in the country. Build a "sea granary", attach importance to sea areas as much as cultivated land, and focus on ocean development as much as food production. The per capita possession of aquatic products has exceeded 200 kilograms, ranking first in the country. The production of large yellow croaker, abalone, kelp, oysters and other varieties of culture Ranking first in the country. Develop facility agriculture and explore the construction of facility greenhouses on non-cultivated land. The area of ​​facility agriculture exceeds 2.4 million acres. The large-scale breeding rate of major livestock and poultry species such as pigs, broilers, and laying hens ranks among the top in the country.

Play a good role in the "characteristics card" and improve the industrial level in all factors and dimensions. Cultivate characteristic and advantageous industries, adjust and optimize the agricultural structure based on resource endowments, and the total output value of the entire industry chain of the ten rural characteristic industries such as tea, fruits, and vegetables has reached 2.3 trillion yuan. It has the most cultivated types of edible fungi in the country, and the output of 9 of them ranks first in the country; the output of citrus, olives, longans and other fruits ranks among the top in the country; it is one of the national "Southern Vegetables to the North" bases and one of the major vegetable export provinces. We have increased scientific and technological innovation, focused on the development of modern agriculture, and strengthened research on key core agricultural technologies. Hybrid rice seed production area and output have continued to rank first in the country. We have successfully overcome the problem of artificial incubation and breeding of large yellow croaker. The "Shengze 901" white-feathered broiler chicken has surpassed foreign breeds. source monopoly; vigorously develop smart agriculture, achieve breakthroughs in digital agricultural applications such as the agricultural Internet of Things, and build a number of smart pastures, smart tea gardens, smart greenhouses, and smart mushroom houses. We have focused our efforts to create "Excellent Products for Farmers" and have been approved for the use of more than 3,000 special signs of geographical indications, ranking first in the country. 30 products such as Anxi Tieguanyin and Pinghe Honey Pomelo have been included in the geographical indication agricultural product protection project.

We will focus on "production, supply and marketing" and diversify the entire chain to ensure high-quality supply. Focus on green ecology at the front end, focus on the organic unity of ecological benefits and economic benefits, develop and produce marketable high-quality agricultural products, and there are 2,038 green organic agricultural products in the province. Focus on storage, transportation and processing at the mid-end, develop primary processing, intensive processing and cold chain logistics of agricultural products in origin, and build 1,278 primary processing centers in origin. The back end focuses on trade sales and implements the "Internet" project of agricultural products moving from villages to cities. In 2023, the online retail sales of agricultural products will be 38.35 billion yuan, an increase of 18.9% year-on-year, and the total export volume will be 11.34 billion US dollars, ranking among the top in the country for 14 consecutive years. Focusing on food safety at the end, we continue to carry out "table pollution" control, build a "food safety project", take the lead in establishing a "one product, one code" full-process traceability system, and maintain the qualification rate of major agricultural products above 98%.

Practice has fully proved that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s creative concept of big food is conducive to maintaining national food security, improving people’s quality of life, increasing farmers’ income and promoting common prosperity. It is a major project that benefits the country and the people and achieves multiple goals with one stone. A good thing, it has important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

To practice the big food concept, we must manage "fullness" more than "goodness". We will thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on national food security, vigorously inherit and carry forward the important concepts and major practices pioneered by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his work in Fujian, actively practice the big food concept, and continue to promote agricultural production from cultivated land resources to mountainous areas. , forests, oceans and other all-area land resources, contributing more Fujian strength to ensuring national food security and improving people's quality of life.

Strengthen scientific and technological innovation. Promote the revitalization of the modern seed industry, leverage the advantages of the agricultural biological germplasm resource bank and the Sanming Rice Seed Base, and actively carry out research on the breeding of advantageous agricultural varieties. Deepen the science and technology commissioner system, vigorously promote good varieties, good methods, good opportunities, and good land, and comprehensively enhance farmers and agricultural science and technology capabilities. Strengthen digital empowerment, vigorously develop smart agriculture, and cultivate new agricultural productivity.

Strengthen industrial agglomeration. Deeply implement the "3212" project for the high-quality development of characteristic modern agriculture, promote the construction of 30 key modern agricultural industrial parks, 20 key advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters, 100 strong agricultural industry towns and 2,000 "one village, one product" demonstration villages, and promote Integrate the secondary and tertiary industries to improve the scale and concentration of industries. Strengthen policy guidance, increase financial, financial, technological, talent, land, service and other support, and promote more "small varieties" to become "big industries" that increase income.

Strengthen green transformation. We should practice the concept that green waters and lush mountains are valuable assets, actively explore effective paths for the transformation of "two mountains", and further promote land-saving, water-saving, fertilizer-saving, pesticide-saving, energy-saving and ecological recycling models, while promoting the green development of agriculture, Firmly guard green waters and green mountains.

Strengthen food safety. Adhere to quality-based agriculture and promote agriculture from increasing production to improving quality, so that food can be produced, supplied, sold well and more assured. Adhere to strict supervision, strengthen the entire process and entire chain of food supervision from the fields to people's dining tables, insist on treating table pollution every year as a practical project for the people by party committees and governments at all levels, implement the "four most stringent" important requirements, and do our best to protect "Safety on the tip of the tongue" for the common people.

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