Protect the Great Wall like you would protect your home—General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply encourages all sectors of society to protect and inherit historical and cultural heritage

Release time:May 16, 2024 06:44 AM

Beijing, May 15th: Protect the Great Wall like you protect your home - General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply encourages all sectors of society to protect and inherit historical and cultural heritage

"The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization. It embodies the Chinese nation's spirit of continuous struggle for self-improvement and its patriotic sentiments of unity and perseverance." On May 14, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a speech to Stone in Badaling Town, Yanqing District, Beijing. The folks in Xiancun wrote back, profoundly explaining the unique value of the Great Wall and the significance of protecting the Great Wall, and encouraged everyone to "pass on this precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation."

The cadres, masses and cultural relics workers from various places along the Great Wall were deeply inspired and expressed that they would be guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to the letter, comprehensively strengthen the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, and contribute to building a socialist cultural power and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Recently, villagers of Shixia Village at the foot of the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing wrote to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting on their voluntary participation in the protection of the Great Wall and the development and changes in the village, expressing their determination to continue to protect the Great Wall and inherit the Great Wall culture.

General Secretary Xi Jinping responded with a letter of affirmation, which made Liu Hongyan, the protector of the Great Wall of Shixia Village, very excited: "I grew up looking at the majestic Great Wall and listening to the stories of the Great Wall. It is my honor to protect the Great Wall and carry forward the Great Wall culture and the Great Wall spirit. mission. I will continue to work hard and live up to the expectations of the General Secretary.”

"General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply points out the way forward for us to further inherit the Great Wall culture and rely on the resources of the Great Wall to promote rural revitalization." Li Qinghua, secretary of the Party Committee of Badaling Town, Yanqing District, Beijing, said that we will focus on optimizing the ecological environment and displaying the Great Wall culture. Shape the ecological and cultural landscape of the Great Wall, strengthen the in-depth integration of Great Wall culture and tourism experience, and write a new chapter in the coordinated development of cultural heritage protection and inheritance and rural revitalization.

Deng Jie, a tourist from Hunan who just visited the Badaling Great Wall, said after seeing the news report: "General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that 'The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization.' Climbing the Great Wall I deeply felt a kind of struggle Spirit and patriotism. I want to share the power I feel with more people.”

In recent years, the "Great Wall Protection Master Plan" and the "Great Wall Maintenance Engineering Construction Regulations" have been released one after another. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage has continued to increase efforts in the protection and repair of cultural relics on the Great Wall, strengthened inspections and engineering inspections at important points, and continued to promote national and provincial Great Wall monitoring and early warning. Platform construction, planning and construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park and Great Wall cultural relics themed trails based on the protection and utilization of important sections of the Great Wall.

"It is our common responsibility to protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage." These words in General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply made Deng Chao, Director of the Department of Cultural Relics and Monuments of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, feel deeply that he has a mission on his shoulders: "Let the Great Wall be protected More deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the next step, we will promote the organic integration of the protection of the Great Wall and the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas along the route, so that the people who have guarded the Great Wall for generations can truly feel the cultural connotation and charm of the ancient Great Wall. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage will also hold the "Love Me China Renovation". We will organize a series of activities to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Great Wall's inscription, and jointly protect the Great Wall homeland."

The Great Wall is the largest existing cultural heritage in my country. It is distributed in 15 provinces, passing through high mountains and deserts. It stretches for two thousand years and spans tens of thousands of miles. Protecting the towering Great Wall requires the joint efforts of many parties.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping said, 'Protect the Great Wall like we protect our home', which expresses our aspirations." Zhang Peng, a Great Wall protector in Shanhaiguan District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province who grew up at the foot of the Great Wall, said emotionally that through modern Scientific and technological means are used to protect the Great Wall, and three-dimensional photography and recording of the Great Wall are used to contribute to the inspection and protection of the Great Wall itself.

To protect the Great Wall, we must also promote the culture of the Great Wall and tell the stories of the Great Wall.

Guarding the hub of the Hexi Corridor, the Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province has stood quietly for hundreds of years. In the Guancheng Scenic Area, the Great Wall epic drama "The Great Pass" based on the Great Wall culture and the stories of frontier fortress heroes was brilliantly staged.

"In recent years, based on our location advantages and resource conditions, we have deeply explored the Great Wall culture, frontier culture, and Silk Road culture, and continuously enriched the cultural connotation of the Great Wall." said Zhang Xiaoyan, associate research librarian of the Jiayuguan Silk Road Culture Research Institute, "We will continue to explore the Great Wall culture The cultural value and spiritual power contained in it will drive more people to understand and protect the Great Wall through special lectures and a series of research activities.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply not only points out the direction for the protection of the Great Wall, but is also a great encouragement to all cultural relic workers. my country is a country with great cultural heritage, with 767,000 immovable cultural relics and 108 million pieces/sets of state-owned movable cultural relics scattered across the vast land of China and stretching over time.

In Yangzhou, Jiangsu, the three bays of the canal are picturesque. Not far away, the "Carrying Thousand Autumns - Exhibition of Important Archaeological Achievements of the Grand Canal in the New Era" was launched at the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, showing new changes and achievements in the construction of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt and the Grand Canal National Cultural Park.

Yang Jiahua, director of the Publicity and Promotion Department of the Yangzhou World Heritage Protection and Management Office, said: "As a 'flowing culture', the Grand Canal is a water vein that nourishes the people, and it is also a cultural context that inherits history. We must continue to explore the culture of the Grand Canal , research, and protection work, assisting in organizing the World Canal City Forum, and passing on the wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation.”

In Anyang, Henan, in the new Yinxu Museum, which opened in February this year, an "open archaeological class" attracted the attention of the audience - archaeologists gently scraped off the surface soil of the ruins, and then used bamboo sticks to slowly follow the texture of the soil. Clean it up and a clear wheel mark will be revealed.

In October 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Yin Ruins site and emphasized the need to better inherit excellent traditional culture through cultural relic excavation, research and protection.

"The General Secretary's reply on protecting the Great Wall makes us deeply feel the great responsibility of telling the story of Yin Xu and inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture." Zhao Qingrong, executive deputy director of the Yin Xu Museum, said, "We will continue to use diversified communication Through means and vivid audio-visual language, we can tell everyone about the long history of Shang civilization, show the long history of Chinese civilization, continuously enhance national self-confidence and cohesion, and contribute to the better construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation."

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