People’s livelihood is paramount, Chinese-style modernization

Release time:May 16, 2024 08:59 AM

The essence of modernization is people's modernization, and Chinese-style modernization is the cause of hundreds of millions of people themselves. The Communist Party of China serves the people, and the people’s yearning for a better life is the goal of our party.

“All the work of the party and the government is for the people to live a happier life”;

“Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy and steadily improve the level of people’s livelihood security during development”;

“Let the results of modernization benefit more and more equitably all the people”;

General Secretary Xi Jinping is full of deep feelings for the people and always adheres to the supremacy of the people. He has anchored the right direction and pointed out scientific methods for promoting Chinese-style modernization through high-quality development.

The current and future period is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization. No matter whether the road ahead is rough or turbulent, if we remain confident in winning, insist on making the people live a good life the starting point and goal of all work, and improve people's livelihood and well-being in high-quality development, we will have the most solid support and the most Strong confidence and the deepest strength.

It only makes sense for the modernization of the people. Only by relying on the modernization of the people can we have motivation.

Since the new era, the reason why we have been able to write a new chapter in the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability is to provide a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and more proactive spiritual power for Chinese-style modernization. "People's livelihood is the most important" is the important password.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Improving people's livelihood and well-being is the fundamental purpose of development." From winning the largest battle against poverty in human history and realizing a moderately prosperous society, the Chinese nation's millennium dream, to building the world's largest high-speed railway and highway networks , and then to the establishment of the world's largest education system, social security system, and medical and health system... The magnificent development picture is also a magnificent answer to people's livelihood.

To do a good job in economic and social development, people's livelihood is the "compass" and the most important ruler.

In the "national account book", there are people's livelihood needs. More than 70% of the national fiscal expenditures are used for people's livelihood. In 2024, the central government will arrange a budget of 66.7 billion yuan in employment subsidies, 408.5 billion yuan in joint financial power transfer payments in the education field, and 76.5 billion yuan in subsidies for basic public health services...

In the "development plan", people's livelihood is the most important thing. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Developing new productive forces does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries." Traditional industries are related to employment and people's livelihood. "You can't throw away the food you have to eat first", which reflects the consideration of people's livelihood.

On the "safety base" are the needs of people's livelihood. Our country is the world's largest energy consumer, and the energy job must be firmly in our own hands. It is estimated that by 2030, the number of electric vehicles in the country is expected to reach 80 million, saving more than 120 million tons of oil every year, which is three times the current annual oil and gas production of Daqing Oilfield. When it comes to the development of the energy industry, General Secretary Xi Jinping compared "wowotou" and "fine noodles": "Eat a full stomach first and then eat well. We must be realistic and seek truth from facts. We must neither slow down the pace of green and low-carbon development nor slow down the pace of green and low-carbon development." It’s too idealistic. We must first ensure energy supply.”

"Modernization depends not only on the indicator data on paper, but also on the happiness and well-being of the people." To test the effectiveness of promoting high-quality development, it is very important to see whether there is a new improvement in the quality of people's lives.

The development of the Yangtze River Delta is closely linked to the two keys of integration and high quality. For the 237 million "Yangtze River Delta residents", the most intuitive feeling is the "urbanization" and "quality" of life: the "one card" for people's livelihood, and the certificate , taking buses and visiting scenic spots, basic public services are more convenient; medical treatment is "one network", the integration of "medical circles" is accelerated, and direct settlement of outpatient medical expenses in different places is accelerated; elderly care is "integrated", and regional elderly care integration pilot cooperation is comprehensively carried out , establishing the country's first cross-provincial and county-level happy senior care demonstration benchmark area...

The morning glow in the sky at the Chengdu International Railway Port in Sichuan, the beautiful scenery of the new immigration village in Jishui, Jiangxi, the blue sky and white clouds at the Shandan Racecourse in Gansu... Many people "bask in my 'hometown blue'" and freeze every daily and beautiful moment. From 2013 to 2022, while the total economic output has doubled, the average concentration of PM2.5 in key cities has dropped by 57%, and the number of heavily polluted days has dropped by 93%. With carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, people truly realize: "The environment is people's livelihood, green mountains are beauty, and blue skies are happiness."

The continuous transformation of development results into quality of life embodies the concept of Chinese-style modernization of "joint participation, joint construction, and joint enjoyment by all people."

We must deeply realize that the people's yearning for a better life has generally shifted from "have it" to "is it good or not". Only by firmly grasping the urgent, difficult and anxious issues of the people and taking more measures to benefit people's livelihood and warm people's hearts can we promote the The common prosperity of the people has achieved more obvious substantive progress.

Democratic Village Community, Xiejiawan Street, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. This place was once known far and wide as an "old and broken-down house" with poor housing, old pipe networks, large amounts of sewage, and lack of supporting facilities. Today, with bluestone slabs, red brick houses, and yellow jujube trees, there is a bright community living room, a fully functional party and mass service center, and a community canteen with fragrant food.

On April 22 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Chongqing, walked into the community and chatted with everyone about daily life with a smile. The general secretary pointed out, "One of the things that the Party Central Committee is very concerned about is to renovate old communities. Replace old ones with new ones and improve service facilities. It is hoped that party committees and governments at all levels can invest more financial and material resources in solving people's livelihood problems. Do some practical things for people's livelihood every year."

Seeking more benefits for people's livelihood, resolving more concerns about people's livelihood, and properly handling the "temperature difference" problem between macro data and micro feelings, the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security will be more substantial, more secure, and more sustainable.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. Over the past 75 years, we have always insisted on doing everything for the people and relied on the hard work of all the people. Our country has developed from poverty to the world's second largest economy, creating a miracle in the history of human development. On the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, with people's livelihood as the top priority and the people's hearts at heart, we are fully confident and capable of creating new and greater miracles that will impress the world.

High-quality development is the last word in the new era. Promoting Chinese-style modernization and achieving common prosperity for all people ultimately rely on high-quality development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Coordinated regional development is an inevitable requirement to achieve common prosperity." After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the General Secretary hosted successive symposiums around the theme of coordinated regional development. From the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to the Yangtze River Delta, from the revitalization of the Northeast to the rise of the central region, from the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt to the development of the western region, regional development strategies have been steadily implemented, with strong potential for coordinated development, and systematic and targeted solutions to the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development have continued. Enhance.

People's livelihood is connected with development, and focusing on people's livelihood is also focusing on development. Actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as smart homes, entertainment and tourism, sports events, and "trendy" domestic products, strengthen the construction of barrier-free environments and age-appropriate facilities, and promote the development of the waste recycling industry... In this year's "Government Work Report", A list of people’s livelihood items is also a list of development.

Shanghai, by the Huangpu River. There used to be high-rise buildings on one side and simple houses on the other. Between dormer windows and pavilions, "looking at the Oriental Pearl Tower with a toilet in hand" reflected the embarrassment and helplessness of some people in the old city.

"The People's City is built by the people, and the People's City is for the people." In July 2022, Huangpu District won the last "hard nut" - the old reconstruction and expropriation plan for the east block of Jianguo East Road 68 and 67 Street came into effect. This marks the completion of the many-year renovation of houses below Grade II in central Shanghai.

The implementation of urban renewal action is an important decision-making arrangement made by the Party Central Committee. It is both a people's livelihood project and a development project. Data show that my country's urban GDP and fixed asset investment account for nearly 90% of the country's total, and total retail sales of consumer goods account for more than 85% of the country's total. Cities have become important areas for expanding domestic demand to make up for shortcomings, stabilizing investment, promoting consumption, and building a strong domestic market.

In March this year, four major actions were implemented: equipment updating, consumer product trade-in, recycling, and standard improvement. The replacement of automobiles and home appliances alone will create a trillion-yuan market space.

By firmly grasping the protection and improvement of people's livelihood and better meeting the people's diversified and high-quality consumption needs, we can better unleash the potential of domestic market demand and inject strong impetus into economic development, transformation and upgrading.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "When people's livelihood is stable, people's hearts are stable, and society is stable." Ensuring and improving people's livelihood and building a strong social security network can effectively boost development confidence and increase social consumption expectations.

Employment is the greatest concern for people's livelihood, and stabilizing employment means stabilizing people's livelihood and development. In the first quarter of this year, my country's employment situation was generally stable, with a total of 3.03 million new urban jobs created, and the number of people working out of poverty stable at more than 30 million. Implementing the employment priority strategy, strengthening employment priority policies, enhancing the vitality of micro entities, and cultivating new and powerful employment drivers will form a virtuous cycle of economic growth and employment expansion.

By the end of 2023, the number of people insured by my country's basic medical insurance will reach 1.334 billion, and nearly 80 million low-income people will enjoy insurance subsidies. The total number of drugs in the new version of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalog has increased to 3,088. The world's largest medical security network protects the health of the people.

"We have been together through thick and thin, and have become lifelong partners." In March this year, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xicheng District, Beijing, for the first time in China, visually impaired people in my country were able to register their marriage without any barriers by reading the Braille and large-print versions of the marriage registration notice and wedding vows. formalities.

Intelligent voice prompts, handrails, and Braille signs have been added to protect the educational rights and interests of disabled people and improve the quality of employment for disabled people... This vividly proves from one aspect: No one can be left behind in Chinese-style modernization.

Protecting and improving people's livelihood can better gain advantages, initiative and future for development.

Xicheng Village, Lujiang County, Hefei, Anhui Province. Villager Tao Youbao calls his household photovoltaic equipment a "sunshine bank": "If you install photovoltaic equipment on the roof, in addition to your own home use, the excess electricity can also be sold to the power grid, and you can earn thousands of dollars a year. You can make money by basking in the sun. "

As of 2023, the cumulative installed capacity of household distributed photovoltaics nationwide will exceed 115 million kilowatts, equivalent to the total installed capacity of approximately five Three Gorges Power Stations. It is predicted that the area of ​​photovoltaic roofs that can be installed in rural areas in my country is about 27.3 billion square meters, covering more than 80 million households. Household photovoltaics will not only contribute to the overall revitalization of rural areas, but also effectively promote the development of green energy transformation.

The upbringing and education of children and the medical care and elderly care of the elderly are “both family affairs and national affairs.”

A daycare center in Tongren, Guizhou has established a care team focusing on medical treatment, childcare, childcare, and nursing to enrich the activities of infants and young children in the kindergarten, so that children can grow up healthily and parents can rest assured.

A nursing home in Beijing provides a variety of aging-friendly and refined services in addition to electrocardiograms, blood draws and other examinations. Smart mattresses not only have a bed exit alarm function, but can also monitor heart rate, breathing and sleep quality, and provide early warning for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases through data analysis.

Strengthening the "one old and one young" service will benefit thousands of households and will further unleash development potential. At present, the scale of my country's silver economy is about 7 trillion yuan, and it is expected to reach about 30 trillion yuan by 2035.

In a good life, there is a concept of people's livelihood, as well as a concept of development and modernization.

Development and people's livelihood affect each other, condition each other, and are dialectically unified. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Strengthen the material foundation for ensuring and improving people’s livelihood through sustained development, and create more effective demands through continuously ensuring and improving people’s livelihood.” Comprehensively grasping the dialectical relationship between development and people’s livelihood, and effectively ensuring and improving people’s livelihood are essential for consolidating and enhancing The economy is recovering and improving, and it is of great significance to promote Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must make a choice. What do we want? Starting from the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people and whether they agree or not, the ecological environment is very important; from the perspective of improving people's livelihood, this is also the most important point." It not only reflects feelings and patterns, but also demonstrates wisdom and methods.

At one time, the "Yangtze River was sick." The river was surrounded by chemical industries, illegal sand mining, and ecological was riddled with holes everywhere. Now, the "smiling elf" finless porpoise is back, the "rust belt along the river" has been transformed into the "green belt along the river", and the beautiful scenery of "clear water, green shores, fish and birds flying" has reappeared.

"Work together to protect the environment and not engage in large-scale development" and "take the path of ecological priority and green development."

The "relocation" of relevant enterprises has forced the industry to "vacate the cage and change the bird" to transform and upgrade; multiple measures have been taken to promote relocation and re-employment, and "fishermen" have become "fish protectors"... The transformation of old and new driving forces has accelerated, along the Yangtze River Provincial and municipal “comprehensive green transformation”. Choosing and discarding will conform to the general trend of green development and create new momentum and new advantages for development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “we must not only pay close attention to the present, but also take a long-term view.” Being based on the present and focusing on the long term is an important methodology for starting a business.

The "East and West" project is highly strategic, leading and innovative. Guizhou is deeply involved in the super project of “digitizing the east and counting in the west”, opening up the arteries of “digitization” and “counting” to create new opportunities, and entering the fast lane of digital economic development.

Back in 2014, Guizhou, located in the southwest corner, was still one of the main battlegrounds in the country's fight against poverty. It had a large poor population, a weak industrial base, and a shortage of scientific and technological talents. It could also join hands with "big data" that stood at the forefront of the times.

"We should not only do practical things that the people can see, touch, and benefit from, but also pave the way for future generations, lay the foundation, and do good things that will benefit the long-term." Based on the present, solve specific problems step by step, and accumulate small wins into big wins; take a long-term view, calculate big accounts, long-term accounts, overall accounts, and comprehensive accounts, and develop with more vitality and potential.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "while promoting high-quality development and making the 'cake' bigger, we should further divide the 'cake' well." This requires us to adhere to the unity of efficiency and fairness, do our best and within our capabilities, and do what can be done under realistic conditions so that the people can get tangible benefits.

To do our best, we must persist in making contributions over a long period of time, make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, secure the bottom line of people's livelihood, and keep the work of benefiting people's livelihood, warming people's hearts, and satisfying public opinion in the hearts of the people.

We must act within our capabilities, proceed step by step, consider needs and possibilities, and base the protection and improvement of people's livelihood on the basis of sustainable economic development and financial resources.

Promoting common prosperity for all people is a long-term task, and some regions need to be selected for pilot trials and demonstrations.

Zhejiang has achieved remarkable results in exploring and solving the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development. It has the foundation and advantages to carry out the construction of common prosperity demonstration zones, but it also has some shortcomings and weaknesses. In May 2021, the Party Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting Zhejiang's High-Quality Development and Building a Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone". Zhejiang is pioneering the path for the country to achieve common prosperity. In the past three years, "Zhejiang" has continued to make new progress in common prosperity.

Action is the best declaration, and hard work is the simplest methodology. To grasp the dialectical relationship between development and people's livelihood, the key is to firmly establish the concept of political performance that benefits the people and "be a staunch activist and doer of Chinese-style modernization."

"To achieve the broad and subtle" is the way to achieve success. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when elaborating on the important role of the Northeast region in ensuring my country's food security: "It is equally glorious and equally important to continue to be China's Beidacang, and the Yangtze River Delta region is the center of China's cutting-edge science and technology." This is profound. It enlightens us that we should not only plan a region from the overall situation and find its strategic position in the overall situation of the country, but also use one region to serve the overall situation, strengthen precise thinking, identify its own characteristics and advantages, and form a strong driving force and synergy to promote Chinese-style modernization.

People's livelihood is related to people's hearts, and people's hearts are the greatest politics. Adhering to the value concept of people first, highlighting the people's character in the direction of modernization, working hard when we are right, mobilizing the energy of all aspects, and realizing a virtuous cycle of developing the economy and improving people's livelihood, we will surely win in the united struggle of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. Gather the majestic force to promote Chinese-style modernization and compose a magnificent chapter of Chinese-style modernization.

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