[CCTV Quick Review] Pass on the precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation

Release time:May 16, 2024 05:18 AM

"I hope that everyone will continue to work hard and make contributions over a long period of time, protect the Great Wall like you protect your home, promote the culture of the Great Wall, tell the stories of the Great Wall well, drive more people to understand the Great Wall, protect the Great Wall, and pass on this precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation. Go ahead and contribute to building a strong socialist cultural country and promoting Chinese-style modernization.” On May 14, General Secretary Xi Jinping responded to the villagers of Shixia Village, Badaling Town, Yanqing District, Beijing, extending his sincere greetings and raising high expectations. .

General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply profoundly elaborated on the important position of the Great Wall in the development of the Chinese nation, expressed his cherishment of this largest existing world cultural heritage in our country, and expressed his sincere support for the villagers who have relied on cultural heritage resources to get rich. It is gratifying and encouraging, pointing out the way forward for further strengthening the protection of the Great Wall in areas along the Great Wall, and providing important guidelines for the protection, inheritance and utilization of historical, cultural and natural heritage in various places.

[CCTV Quick Review] Pass on the precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation

Our country's rich cultural relic resources are precious legacies left by our ancestors, among which the cultural heritage represented by the Great Wall has become the common wealth of human civilization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the discovery of the cultural value of the Great Wall and the inheritance and protection of cultural relics and heritage, and has made important instructions on many occasions to guide and promote the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park. Shixia Village in Beijing makes full use of the resources of the Great Wall to preserve its original features, discover legends and stories, and explore the integration of culture and tourism. It has developed a well-known B&B and rich and colorful Great Wall culture and intangible cultural heritage. It has gained popularity and prospered its industry. The changes in Shixia Village are a vivid epitome of how the villagers have strengthened the protection and utilization of cultural heritage in the direction guided by the General Secretary.

The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization. It embodies the Chinese nation's spirit of continuous struggle for self-improvement and its patriotic sentiments of unity and perseverance. On the new journey, we must fully realize the important role of the protection of the Great Wall in displaying the splendid civilization of the Chinese nation, highlighting the spirit of the times, and gathering the power of China, and give full play to the role of the Great Wall in promoting the development of the local cultural tourism industry and promoting the people to increase their income and become rich. They play an important role in passing down the precious wealth left by their ancestors from generation to generation.

[CCTV Quick Review] Pass on the precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation

We must keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions and protect the Great Wall like we protect our homeland. We must insist on putting protection first, be responsible for history and the people, adhere to the principle of minimal intervention, effectively improve policies and measures, increase work intensity, and strictly protect in accordance with the law. It is necessary to further implement the rigid requirements for the protection responsibility of the Great Wall and establish and improve the accountability mechanism for illegal cases and safety accidents on the Great Wall. We should pay attention to rational utilization so that the results of Great Wall protection can benefit more people. It is necessary to carry forward the culture of the Great Wall, tell the story of the Great Wall well, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

The Great Wall is widely distributed in 15 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in my country, and its construction lasted for more than 2,000 years. The Great Wall's cultural relics and cultural resources are generally large-scale and widely distributed. All places along the route should adapt to local conditions, systematically sort out the age, type, distribution characteristics, construction methods, etc. of the region's Great Wall resources, work together to manage them together, protect the land and fulfill their responsibilities, so as to form a joint effort to protect the Great Wall.

[CCTV Quick Review] Pass on the precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation

It is our common responsibility to protect and inherit the historical and cultural heritage of the Great Wall. All regions and departments must thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions and important instructions on strengthening the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage. Guided by Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, we must strengthen cultural confidence, shoulder new cultural missions, and carefully protect the Great Wall brick by brick. Discover and interpret the history and culture of the Great Wall, inherit the spirit of the Great Wall from generation to generation, and gather strong fighting force to build a socialist cultural power and promote Chinese-style modernization.

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