PetroChina Official Announcement: Acquiring This New Energy Central Enterprise!

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:35 PM

Recently, China Petroleum announced its acquisition of Putian New Energy, which has attracted widespread attention in the industry.

It is understood that Putian New Energy is one of the earlier state-owned enterprises in China to carry out charging business. China Petroleum regards this acquisition as an important layout of the company in the charging field, and stated that it will seize the window period of new energy industry development in the next three years, complete the strategic layout of charging pile business nationwide, and strive to enter the ranks of leading charging and swapping enterprises.

With the continuous layout of national teams such as China Petroleum, the current domestic charging and swapping market pattern may undergo changes.

Official announcement of acquisition of Putian New Energy

On September 8th, the official website of China Petroleum announced that China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) had successfully acquired 100% equity of Putian New Energy Co., Ltd. on September 7th at the Beijing Property Rights Exchange. And it is stated that this acquisition is an important layout of China Petroleum in the charging field, which is conducive to further improving the new energy network of gas stations, creating a "charging+" industrial ecosystem, and helping sales companies transform and develop into comprehensive energy service providers for oil, gas, hydrogen, electricity, and non electricity.

PetroChina did not disclose the specific acquisition amount this time, but according to previous announcements from the Beijing Property Rights Exchange, as early as 2019, 55% equity of Putian New Energy was listed for transfer, with a total planned transfer price of 1.65 billion yuan at that time. But no one took over the transfer, and in early 2020, the transferor applied to terminate the equity transfer.

It is understood that Putian New Energy is one of the earlier state-owned enterprises in China to carry out charging business. The company was established in October 2010 with a registered capital of 2.897 billion yuan. The company has a layout in the fields of vehicle technology, power batteries, charging equipment, carbon trading, and value-added services, and can provide overall solutions for the promotion and operation of urban new energy vehicle applications. According to data from the China Charging Alliance, Putian New Energy has over 20000 public charging stations.

It is worth noting that in addition to the latest acquisition of Putian New Energy, in June this year, China Petroleum also publicly tendered for the purchase of charging equipment, with a procurement amount of 500 million yuan. The purchased charging equipment includes charging piles, key components of charging equipment, etc. Meanwhile, in August of this year, China National Petroleum Corporation and Wuliangye Group jointly established Sichuan Zhongxin Green Energy Company, with shareholding ratios of 49% and 51% respectively. According to Tianyancha, the newly established company's business scope includes sales of charging piles, sales of motor vehicle charging, centralized fast charging stations, operation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, battery sales, and sales of new energy vehicle battery swapping facilities.

PetroChina Official Announcement: Acquiring This New Energy Central Enterprise!

In the latest acquisition news, PetroChina also stated that in the next three years, it will seize the window of development for the new energy industry, complete the strategic layout of its charging pile business nationwide, and strive to enter the ranks of leading charging and swapping enterprises.

The charging and swapping market pattern may change

In fact, in addition to PetroChina, the other two companies in the "three barrels of oil", Sinopec and CNOOC, have been accelerating their layout of charging and swapping business in recent years.

In terms of Sinopec, 351 charging and swapping power stations were built in the first half of this year, bringing the total to 2650. Meanwhile, Sinopec stated at its recent semi annual performance briefing that the company will further accelerate the development of its charging and swapping business in the future. By rapidly expanding the charging market and expanding market share; Continuously exploring new modes of charging and swapping operations, providing fast charging and swapping services while enriching service formats to meet diverse customer needs.

CNOOC is also actively laying out and constructing comprehensive energy stations. In June of this year, it also reached a cooperation agreement with NIO Energy to jointly build charging and swapping infrastructure. China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has stated that it will actively layout its new energy business and accelerate the development of offshore wind power by fully leveraging its advantages in marine resource development. Focusing on shore power projects and intelligent oilfield construction, we will promote the construction of a green and low-carbon control system.

Since the beginning of this year, the domestic new energy vehicle market has continued to develop rapidly. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China reached 798000 units in August this year, a year-on-year increase of 25.6%; The retail sales of new energy vehicles reached 716000 units, a year-on-year increase of 34.5%. The cumulative wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 5.078 million units within the year, a year-on-year increase of 38.5%; Accumulated retail sales of 4.441 million vehicles within the year, a year-on-year increase of 36.0%.

With the rapid growth in sales of new energy vehicles, the demand for charging is also surging. According to data from the China Charging Alliance, the total amount of electricity charged nationwide in July was approximately 3.25 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 48.4%. As of July, member units within the alliance have reported a total of 2.211 million public charging stations. From August 2022 to July 2023, there were approximately 53000 new public charging stations added per month.

At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and eight other departments jointly issued a notice on organizing the pilot work of comprehensive electrification of public sector vehicles, which pointed out that "by 2025, the proportion of newly added public charging stations and the promotion of new energy vehicles in the public sector in China will strive to reach 1:1." However, data from the China Charging Alliance shows that as of July this year, the increment ratio of charging stations to vehicles is 1:2.6, and there is still a lot of growth space from "1:1".

PetroChina Official Announcement: Acquiring This New Energy Central Enterprise!

From the perspective of market share, data shows that as of July this year, the cumulative number of charging infrastructure in China was 6.928 million units, an increase of 74.1% year-on-year. Among them, the number of charging stations of the top 15 charging operation enterprises accounts for 93.9% of the total, and the gap between the top 15 is also relatively obvious.

Specifically, the top three charging infrastructure in the end of the period were 439000 units, 399000 units, and 361000 units, respectively. State Grid ranked fourth with 196000 units, while SAIC Anyue and China Putian ranked 14th and 15th with 25000 and 24000 units respectively.

However, the current new energy vehicle market is still rapidly developing, and the demand for charging is also surging. With the continuous layout of national teams such as China Petroleum, it is still unknown whether the current market pattern can be maintained in the future.

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