Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

Release time:Jun 14, 2024 06:05 AM

News: The Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue an orange high temperature warning today. The temperature in some areas such as central and southern Hebei, northwestern Shandong, and central and northern Henan can reach 40-42°C. In recent days, some areas in northern my country have experienced continuous high temperatures, making people feel that the heat is unbearable. Various sun protection equipment and water spray cooling equipment are all in place. The rolling heat wave not only affects people's lives, but also tests the response capabilities of industries such as agriculture, electricity, and medical care. So, is this round of high temperatures abnormal compared to previous years? How long will it last? What are the "cool" ways to relieve the heat in various places?

Speaking of the weather in the north these days, the main word is hot. Starting from June 8, northern my country ushered in the first round of large-scale high temperature weather this year. The highest daily temperature in North China, Huanghuai, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, Shaanxi and other places reached 35-39℃, among which the central and southern Hebei, northwestern Henan, southern Tianjin and central and western Shandong experienced high temperatures of 40-42℃.

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

Fu Jiaolan, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said: "From June 12 to 13, the high temperature stage is the strongest period overall. From June 14 to 15, due to precipitation and weak cold air, the high temperature in North China will take a break, but the high temperature in Huanghuai and other places will continue. From June 16 to 18, the high temperature in North China, Huanghuai and other places will develop again, and the above-mentioned areas may see a high temperature of 35-39℃, and local 40℃."

The current round of high temperatures in the north is strong, wide-ranging and long-lasting. On June 7 and 8, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued yellow high temperature warnings. Starting from June 9, the Central Meteorological Observatory upgraded and continued to issue orange high temperature warnings. As of June 13, orange high temperature warnings have been issued for 7 consecutive days. So what is the cause of this high temperature weather?

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

Fu Jiaolan: "It is mainly affected by the eastward development of the continental high-pressure ridge and the warm air mass, and the sinking and warming of the northwest airflow in front of the warm air mass and the high-pressure ridge. At the same time, most areas of North China and the Huanghuai region are still mainly sunny to cloudy during this period, and there will be obvious radiation warming. Under the combined influence of sinking warming and radiation warming, a large area of ​​high temperature weather has appeared in North China, the Huanghuai region and other places."

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the high temperatures in northern China will continue to develop. From June 8 to June 19, there will be 6 to 8 days with temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius in central and southern North China and most of the Huanghuai region, and 10 days or more in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other places.

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

Although this round of high temperatures in the north is very strong, meteorological experts say that there is not much difference in duration or intensity compared with the same period last year.

Fu Jiaolan: "Around the end of May last year, high temperatures occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other places. There were a total of five high temperature processes, among which the high temperature intensity in late June was also relatively strong. Compared with last year, this time is generally normal in terms of the time of occurrence, including the scope and intensity. Some local areas may still break through or reach the extreme values ​​of the same period in history, but overall the extremeness is not very significant."

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

The forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory who just introduced the situation is mainly responsible for the weather forecast within 15 days, and the forecast beyond 15 days is completed by the National Climate Center. Regarding this round of high temperature weather in the north, some people have doubts about whether such high temperature weather will become the norm? Does it represent a trend that high temperature will occur frequently this summer to some extent? The chief forecaster of the National Climate Center introduced the relevant situation.

Zheng Zhihai, chief forecaster of the National Climate Center, said: "Against the backdrop of global warming, high temperatures in my country are generally characterized by an earlier first date, more high-temperature days and stronger intensity. We predict that this summer, temperatures in most parts of my country will be higher than in previous years, and there will be more high-temperature days, especially in North China, East China, Central China, South China and Xinjiang."

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

According to forecasts, although high temperatures will be relatively frequent in my country this summer, they will not be concentrated in the northern region. As time goes by, such high temperatures will show phased and regional characteristics.

Zheng Zhihai: "This year is a year of El Niño decay. The subtropical high pressure in the western Pacific is very strong. The areas under its control are prone to persistent high temperatures. Therefore, the high temperatures this year may be more severe, but the high temperatures will have obvious stage characteristics. In June, the high temperatures will be more obvious in North China and the Huanghuai area. After midsummer, the high temperatures will turn more to the south."

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

The continued high temperature will inevitably affect people's production and life, and various places have taken measures to actively respond. When it comes to the impact of high temperatures on people, it can be said that the test for outdoor workers is the most severe. In the afternoons of the past few days, the temperature in many places in Baoding, Hebei Province exceeded 40℃. The sanitation department of Jingxiu District, Baoding City, adjusted the manual working hours to avoid the high temperature period at noon and minimize the sanitation workers working in high temperatures.

In Junan County of Linyi City, some communities not only provide outdoor workers with a place to cool off and rest, but also provide "cool and thoughtful" services and carefully prepare cooling items for them.

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

In addition to outdoor workers, places like schools and nursing homes have also taken measures to prevent and deal with high temperatures. With the arrival of high temperatures, how to conduct physical education classes has also become a topic of concern. After receiving a high temperature warning, the Guangping County No. 4 Experimental Primary School in Handan, Hebei Province, arranged courses suitable for indoor sports for students.

In a nursing home in Luohe, Henan, considering that people lose their appetite during hot weather, the nursing home has arranged low-fat, low-salt, low-oil, high-protein meals for the elderly in recent days, as well as refreshing drinks. At the same time, the staff cleans and disinfects the rooms and ventilates them every day to keep the environment of the elderly's rooms clean and tidy, so that the elderly can spend the summer comfortably.

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

The temperature is cool and comfortable indoors, while the heat waves are rolling outside. In recent days, the temperature in some areas has continued to rise, and the risk of heat stroke has also increased. Some provinces have continuously issued forecasts of the meteorological risk level of heat stroke, reminding people to take precautions.

In order to cope with the heat stroke, heat stroke and drowning that may be caused by high temperature weather, some hospitals have set up multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment teams for critical illnesses such as heat stroke and drowning, opened green channels, and ensured the safety of patients' rescue and treatment. Although the rescue work is well prepared, for diseases like heat stroke and heat stroke, prevention is better than treatment. Shortening the working time in high temperature environment and preparing enough anti-heat medicine are the key. Doctors remind that if you experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, blurred vision or even no sweating after working continuously in a high temperature environment, you should take measures as soon as possible.

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

Recently, the decrease in rainfall and high temperatures have caused droughts in Henan, Shandong, Anhui and other places. The latest meteorological drought monitoring shows that 72 national meteorological stations in 16 cities in Henan Province have monitored meteorological droughts that have reached the severe drought level or above. Now is the critical period for summer harvest, summer planting and summer management. Some areas are facing the dual pressures of high temperatures and drought.

Right now, for Zhangli Township in Huaibin County, Xinyang, Henan Province, drought resistance and seedling protection are the key. Zhangli Township is located in the plain area on the north bank of the Huaihe River. The terrain slopes from west to east, with a low average altitude, poor soil structure, strong water mobility and large evaporation. Faced with continued high temperatures, water sources become more urgent. This round of high temperatures is higher than the same period in previous years. Before the high temperatures hit, the township realized that some farmland might have difficulty in getting water, and contacted relevant personnel in advance to dig wells in the village. In the past few days, watching the well water gushing out, the villagers of Zhangli Township are relieved that the crops in the fields have finally been settled.

Focus Interview: Preventing "cooling" measures to cope with high temperatures

In order to cope with the adverse effects of continued high temperatures on agricultural production, local governments have taken precise measures according to local conditions to ensure the orderly implementation of the "three summer" work. Since the beginning of this year, the average precipitation in Shandong has been 27.0% lower than the same period of previous years. These days, Han Qingli is worried about the irrigation of corn. His hometown, Yishui County, Linyi City, is taking countermeasures to strengthen water conservation and water supply scheduling, giving priority to ensuring the irrigation of crops.

In addition to using the water conservancy stations in various towns, Linyi is also strengthening the unified dispatching and management of reservoir water sources. At present, 5 large, 15 medium-sized reservoirs and some small reservoirs have opened their gates to release water. High temperatures pose a challenge to orderly production and life. At present, the high temperature is still continuing, and all regions are still doing their best to cope with this big test.

In hot weather, a seemingly insignificant measure can make people more comfortable and cool. A strong deployment guarantee can solve the problem efficiently and pragmatically. According to forecasts, the hot weather in the north will continue, and there is still some time before the official start of the dog days. We must make material reserves and psychological preparations to deal with possible extreme weather and protracted operations. In the face of the "baking" test, we must have a "cool" strategy. We not only need to understand the trend and impact of high temperature weather, but also need to prepare countermeasures at different levels and play a "combination punch" to minimize the damage caused by this high temperature weather.

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