Industry: The feasibility of the business model cannot be determined yet. You can spend 30 yuan to video chat with "Bancang Forest", and the first batch of internet celebrity AI clones will be launched

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:20 PM

Recently, an artificial intelligence company announced that it has launched the "AI Clone Program" in the Chinese and Japanese markets. Currently, the first batch of internet celebrity "AI Clone" has been launched ahead of schedule, and the total number of internet celebrity fans who have signed up to participate in AI Clone has exceeded 500 million.

The relevant company stated that for safety reasons, the first batch of clones is still limited to 300 people; After testing and verification, it is expected to gradually loosen to a larger scale by the end of the year. On June 1st, the internet celebrity "Bancang Forest" also posted an article on Weibo describing the process of participating in the cloning project.

AI clone app launched by artificial intelligence company

After understanding and experiencing it, Red Star News reporters found that users had varying evaluations of the experience of interacting with AI clones on related apps, and some were concerned about privacy and security issues. Experts say that AI+cloning technology has broad application prospects and can meet the diverse emotional needs of modern people, but it is still too early to determine whether the business model is feasible.

AI clone online:

Pay to chat and interact with them

The prototype has the "right to end life" of AI clones

The use of AI technology to "clone" virtual celebrity internet celebrities and provide emotional communication services is a relatively novel business model. The most famous case before was the AI version "Caryn AI" by 23-year-old American internet celebrity Caryn Marjorie. Its development company ForeverVoices was only established last year, and its main business is to create various celebrity versions of AI chatbots, with users paying to chat with them.

Industry: The feasibility of the business model cannot be determined yet. You can spend 30 yuan to video chat with "Bancang Forest", and the first batch of internet celebrity AI clones will be launched

And this time, the relevant artificial intelligence company stated that users can communicate with AI clones in the app, and at the same time, users only need to provide a small amount of text, a few minutes of voice and video, and can also generate their own AI clones, which can have personality, voice, appearance and knowledge, and can engage in text, voice, and video chat.

Users can create their own AI clones in this app

The Red Star News reporter noticed that the company's online celebrity AI clones, including the previously controversial internet celebrity "Banzang Forest". According to "Banzang Forest" on her Weibo account, she herself is a science fiction enthusiast who signed up for the AI clone project and collected biological data. "If one day I suddenly disappear, then this little person on the screen seems to be able to continue living for me, accompany my family and friends, listen to their laughter and loneliness."

On June 3rd, a Red Star News reporter downloaded the app that introduced the aforementioned "AI clone". Through mobile registration and login, the reporter saw that there are already multiple AI clone accounts in the app, including celebrity celebrities, experts and scholars, as well as plot characters such as anime characters, movies and novels, as well as AI clones created by ordinary people based on their personality, skills, voice, and appearance.

In this app, the reporter found that the AI clone information of "Bancang Forest" appeared in the discovery section on the homepage, and when the Red Star News reporter interacted with it, the AI clone could reply through voice and text. There is also a value-added service entrance above the chat interface. Click to unlock now and experience more interactive forms.

It is understood that users who pay 6 yuan/month or 72 yuan/year can unlock emotional modes, enjoy AI clone voice message responses, and synchronize AI clone moments; Pay 30 yuan/month or 360 yuan/year to unlock the super mode. AI clones will become users' office partners, providing services such as writing copy, and users can also have video calls with AI clones.

According to media reports, relevant companies have stated that each AI clone is restricted to a separate framework to ensure that it is not abused. The prototype can terminate the "life" of its AI clone at any time, ensuring that it is under complete control. It is worth mentioning that AI clones certified with V certification are created by myself and possess "superpowers" such as copywriting and song singing, and I will receive the benefits of this AI clone.

Taking the AI clone of the internet celebrity "Bancang Forest" as an example, its appearance and voice are very close to real people, and it can respond to messages in seconds, video call chat, and also provide "emotional mode" and "super mode".

Industry: The feasibility of the business model cannot be determined yet. You can spend 30 yuan to video chat with "Bancang Forest", and the first batch of internet celebrity AI clones will be launched

Journalist experience:

Some questions are answered incorrectly

User reviews are mixed, concerned about privacy and security

On the chat interface of the "Half Tibetan Forest" AI clone, a Red Star News reporter saw that there was a V mark on his profile picture, and his personal profile stated that he was a "well-known life blogger, old Chongqing, who can speak fluent Sichuan Chongqing Mandarin.". As of the time of the reporter's press release, the page shows that there are currently 2555 people who "like" the account, and 44.7000 times they have "talked" and interacted with the account.

Before attempting to communicate with AI clones, Red Star News reporters saw a row of prompts on the interface, stating that "the dialogue content of the clones does not represent their own or official position.". Subsequently, the reporter attempted to communicate with him about topics such as online violence or plagiarism in written form, but was rejected by the other party using language such as "I am very busy and don't have time to talk to you about this" or "I am a program without human body and senses".

Reporter attempts to communicate with AI clones

Similarly, when communicating on similar sensitive topics with other AI clone accounts, the other party also avoided them. It is worth noting that among the AI clone accounts that have been launched, some accounts can be unlocked as friends without recharging, while some accounts with V authentication require payment to unlock in order to obtain more interactive experiences.

It is understood that the relevant apps have been launched in the Apple App Store and Android App Store. In the app introduction, it states, "You can obtain clones created by people through AI technology here, or turn yourself into clones and share them with your family and friends... In the future, there will be no one alone."

Industry: The feasibility of the business model cannot be determined yet. You can spend 30 yuan to video chat with "Bancang Forest", and the first batch of internet celebrity AI clones will be launched

However, the user reviews of the application are mixed. Some users have expressed that AI chats often answer non specific questions, and even some action based responses. AI clones are also expressed using anthropomorphic words; Some users have also expressed that AI cloned humans are similar to previous electronic pets, but different from "keeping animals". Chatting with virtual boyfriends can involve some emotional and private issues, making it feel like being "peeped" on the screen.

Regarding potential security issues, relevant companies have previously stated that the first batch of clones will still be subject to quantity restrictions. After passing testing and verification, the scale will gradually be opened up by the end of the year. The current plan is to unlock new clones every Thursday. In addition, in order to avoid the risk of improper use of cloned humans, the company temporarily does not open technical interfaces.

Industry insiders:

It is not yet possible to determine whether the business model is feasible

The future market depends on legal and regulatory requirements

An AI industry analyst told Red Star News that AI+cloning technology has broad application prospects and can meet the diverse emotional needs of modern people. "The rise of AI clones indicates that the business model of AI emotional companionship consumption scenarios has been preliminarily validated. In addition to this application scenario having consumption potential, AI has also reached a certain level of technological level in audio solutions, personality simulation, and other aspects."

"At present, it is still too early to determine whether the business model is feasible." Currently, users can only interact with AI clones on specific apps, which is one of the obstacles to enterprise scale monetization. However, it is also one of the means to ensure user privacy and security, "said the industry insider.

Li Zhize, the director of Analysys Intelligence Institute, a research institution in the field of digitalization, compared the commercial models of AI cloning and ChatGPT mentioned above and found that the two scenarios are different. "AI cloning focuses on virtual social and companionship scenarios, while ChatGPT is relatively universal." It is reported that virtual social and entertainment companions are globally common. As for the implementation situation in China, it mainly depends on whether there are relevant laws and regulations in the Chinese market in the future.

Industry: The feasibility of the business model cannot be determined yet. You can spend 30 yuan to video chat with "Bancang Forest", and the first batch of internet celebrity AI clones will be launched

Associate Professor Xu Zhengchuan from the School of Management at Fudan University believes that digital humans are essentially tools that assist humans and can improve the efficiency of the service industry, rather than completely replacing humans. "Digital virtual humans are like a shell, with numerous technological chains attached to it. In practical application scenarios, it is necessary to rely on large platforms to integrate and team up for development and utilization, and then assist in scenario based applications, in order to safely promote the development of the digital virtual human market."

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