China Economic Review: Opening up the last mile of computing power network

Release time:May 10, 2024 07:29 AM

Recently, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Comprehensive Department of the National Data Administration issued the "Key Points of Work in the Digital Economy in 2024", proposing a moderately advanced layout of digital infrastructure, in-depth advancement of the construction of information and communication networks, accelerating the construction of a national integrated computing network, and comprehensive development. Data infrastructure. This year’s “Government Work Report” also emphasizes accelerating the formation of a national integrated computing power system. Obviously, this is to strengthen the efficient dispatch of computing resources, promote cross-regional and cross-institutional interconnection, and open up the "last mile" of the computing network.

Computing power is a key element in cultivating new productivity. In short, computing power is computing power. The level of computing power indicates the strength of data processing capabilities and determines the speed and depth of artificial intelligence development. At present, artificial intelligence continues to set off a wave, and computing power has become the focus of major developed countries in the world, and has even become a trump card for some countries to curb the development of artificial intelligence in other countries. Computing power also has an obvious empowering effect. According to estimates, when a country’s computing power index increases, the digital economy and GDP will also grow accordingly. It can be said that computing power is the foundation of the digital economy and an important starting point for the development of new productive forces.

The national integrated computing power network should first be an integrated and coordinated computing power network in the east, middle and west. Like the "South-to-North Water Diversion" and "West-to-East Power Transmission", my country's implementation of the "East to West" project aims to make good use of computing power to generate a resource-rich and lower-cost west, achieve a balanced layout of east-west computing power, and optimize computing power costs. Promote the green and low-carbon development of data centers. However, in practice, it faces problems such as high transmission costs, difficulty in resource docking and coordination, and difficulty in interoperating equipment across manufacturers. Only when computing power flows smoothly can an integrated computing power network be formed. This requires strengthening key technology research, developing a computing network cloud scheduling system, establishing a computing power identification system, and improving computing power interconnection standards and specifications. It is also necessary to build a national integrated computing power dispatching platform system, connect regional, provincial, and municipal computing power dispatching platforms, promote efficient dispatching of computing power resources across regions and industries, and play a good game of "one game of chess" across the country.

The national integrated computing power network should be a computing power network with an integrated layout of multiple computing powers. Computing power can be simply divided into general computing power, intelligent computing power, and super computing power, which respectively support basic general computing, artificial intelligence computing, and scientific engineering computing. The total scale of my country's computing power ranks second in the world, but from a structural perspective, general computing power accounts for the majority. And with the rapid development of artificial intelligence and social digital transformation, the gap in intelligent computing power is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, building a national integrated computing power network must not only integrate and optimize the country's computing resources to meet the computing needs of various fields, but also optimize the computing power structure, continuously increase the proportion of intelligent computing power, and improve the "IQ" of artificial intelligence.

The national integrated computing power network should also be a computing power network with coordinated development of computing, network and storage. The development of computing power cannot be separated from the collaborative support of storage capacity and transportation capacity. If you want to improve computing power, data storage capacity and network transportation capacity are both indispensable. Our country has shown the problem of imbalance in the development of computing power, storage capacity, and transportation capacity. For example, an important reason why it is difficult to calculate data from the East to the West is that data transmission is difficult. In addition, the amount of data in our country is growing at an alarming rate, but the storage capacity is far from keeping up. To achieve efficient and coordinated development of computing power, storage capacity, and transportation capacity, it is necessary to strengthen top-level design, optimize the ratio of the three, and improve the comprehensive supply capacity of computing power; it is also necessary to strengthen technological innovation and promote the realization of high efficiency, low cost, and high intelligence in all aspects of data processing. .

The fundamental purpose of building a national integrated computing power network is to reduce the cost and threshold of using computing power, empower thousands of industries to transform and upgrade, and stimulate new productivity. Integration can efficiently dispatch computing resources across the country on demand, improve resource utilization efficiency, avoid duplication of construction, and achieve scale and intensification; integration can also promote the flow of data, computing power, algorithms and other related industries from the east to the west , allowing data flow to drive technology flow, capital flow, and talent flow, opening up the main artery of the digital industry in the east and west; integration will also break the data barriers between different industries, regions, and institutions, achieve interconnection, activate the value of data elements, and empower all walks of life All walks of life.

Building a national integrated computing power network is a key step and the general trend, which will open up a broader space for new productivity.

China Economic Review: Opening up the last mile of computing power network
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